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rate of, 607–608

Fatty acid synthase complex, 631, 634, 636–637, 637f, 638f, 639f, 721–723, 722f, 729t

Fatty acid synthesis, 591, 631, 631f, 634–638 acetyl-CoA carboxylase in, 631, 636, 636f, 721–723

cytosolic acetyl-CoA conversion to malonyl-CoA in, 636, 636f, 721–723 elongation in, 637, 640ffatty acid synthase complex in, 631, 634, 636–637, 637f, 638f, 639f, 721–723, 722f

glucose as carbon source in, 631, 631f, 634–635

glucose conversion to cytosolic acetyl-CoA in, 635, 635f initial step of, 637

NADPH/pentose phosphate pathway, 543, 543f, 548–550 pyruvate generation for, 435, 437, 446 rate-limiting enzyme of, 636, 636f

regulation of, 631

TCA cycle intermediates and, 471, 471f Fatty acylation, 92, 284

Fatty acylcarnitine, 612, 612f

Fatty acyl coenzyme A (fatty acyl-CoA), 610–612 fates of, 611–612, 611f

formation of, 607, 608f, 610–612, 610f

in glycerophospholipid synthesis, 632, 652 in muscle, 938, 938f

in peroxisomal oxidation, 619–620, 619f, 923 release in β-oxidation, 613–614, 613f

in triacylglycerol synthesis, 632 Fatty liver, 185, 603, 649, 702, 708 Fatty streak, 687, 688

Fed state, 3f, 24–33

amino acids in, 24, 24f, 29, 752f carbohydrates in, 24, 24f, 720–724 digestion and absorption in, 24, 25–26, 26f

fats (lipids) in, 24, 24f, 29, 592, 592f, 720–724 glucagon in, 24, 26–27, 380, 380f, 384, 385f

glucose in, 24, 24f, 27–28, 437, 566, 568f, 579–581, 584, 584f, 720–723 glycogen metabolism in, 24, 24f, 532, 532t, 566, 568f

hormones in, 26–27

insulin in, 24, 26–28, 380, 380f, 385f, 566, 720–724 proteins in, 24, 24f

triacylglycerols in, 24, 24f, 592, 592f, 720–724 Feedback amplification, 901–902

Feedback regulation, 150, 151, 162f, 163. See also specific processes coagulation, 901–903

TCA cycle, 458

Feed-forward regulation, 150, 151, 163 Fenestrations, 957

Fenfluramine, 965, 973

Fenton reaction, 504, 506–507, 507f, 515 Ferric ion, 295

Ferritin, 312, 312f, 314, 876–877, 877f Ferrochelatase, 875, 875f

Ferroxidase, 876

Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), 17–18 Fetal aldolase, 441

Fetal hemoglobin (HbF), 80, 90

hereditary persistence of, 870, 885–889, 890t Fetus

bradycardia in, 526 ketone body usage in, 624

neural tube defects in, 791, 800–803 FH4. See Tetrahydrofolate

Fiber, dietary, 17, 415, 418, 424–425 benefits of, 424–425

colonic metabolism of, 422guidelines on, 424 indigestible, 422, 422f

soluble vs. insoluble, 424 types of, 424, 424t Fibrates, 696t, 698, 923

Fibril-associated collagen, 980, 982

Fibril-associated collagens with interrupted triple helices (FACITS), 980 Fibril-forming collagen, 980–982

Fibrillin-1, 983

Fibrillin-2, 983

Fibrin, 843, 893, 898–900 Fibrin clot, 893, 895

Fibrin cross-linking, 900, 900f Fibrinogen, 893, 896, 897, 898f, 900 Fibrinolysis, 893, 895, 903–904 Fibroblast(s), 844, 979

Fibroblast growth factors, as oncogenes, 350t Fibronectin, 844, 978, 989–990

integrins and, 989

proteoglycan interactions with, 987, 988f Fibrosis

definition of, 713

hepatic, 713–714, 713t, 714f, 715t, 926–928 Fibrous cap, in atherosclerosis, 688–689

Fibrous proteins, 101, 102. See also specific types bonding in, 109

collagen family of, 117–118, 979–983 extracellular matrix, 978, 979–984 50S ribosomal subunit, 224, 225

Fight-or-flight hormone, 107, 194. See also Epinephrine Filaments

actin, 169, 183–184, 184f intermediate, 169, 183, 184, 184f thin, 183

First law of thermodynamics, 397t, 398, 403, 408–409 Fish oils, 638, 645

5-Flanking region, 254, 255f

5S rRNA, 224, 262–263, 263f

5.8S rRNA, 224, 261–263, 263f

5-to-3 direction, in transcription, 251, 252 Flap endonuclease 1 (FEN1), 238, 238t

Flavin adenine dinucleotide. See FAD Flavin mononucleotide (FMN), 459, 462f Flavonoids, as antioxidants, 505, 514, 518

Flavoproteins, in electron-transport chain, 484, 485f Fluid balance, 57, 57f

Fluid compartments, 48, 49f distribution of ions in, 49, 50t osmolality in, 50

pH and buffering in, 53–56 Fluid mosaic, 171

Fluorescence-activated cell sorting, 880 Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), 990 Fluorescent polarization immunoassay (FPIA), 641 Fluoride, dietary, 18

Fluorodeoxyuridylate (FdUMP), 796

5-Fluorouracil, 214, 224, 226, 227t, 345, 791, 796, 819Fluoxetine (Prozac), 954, 973 Foam cells, 687


in choline synthesis, 966 deficiency of, 14t, 790–792, 883 in alcoholism, 791, 802, 803t and DNA synthesis, 801

FIGLU accumulation in, 794 functional, 790–791

megaloblastic anemia in, 14t, 790–791, 792, 796, 803t, 883 neural tube defects in, 791, 800–803, 803t

dietary requirement (RDA), 14t, 792 dietary sources of, 15t, 17, 792 hereditary malabsorption of, 793 metabolism of, 792

methyl-trap hypothesis and, 790–791, 799 structure and forms of, 791, 792f synthesis of, 792

tetrahydrofolate from, 790, 792 Folate therapy, 796

Folding, protein, 83, 100–101, 116–121, 274 cis-trans isomerase in, 117

heat-shock proteins in, 117, 117f kinetic barriers in, 117 misfolding in, 119–121

primary structure and, 117

protein disulfide isomerase in, 117 Folds, 100, 106–107

actin, 100, 106–107 globin, 110, 110f

in globular proteins, 106–107 immunoglobulin, 114, 115f, 116f nucleotide binding, 105f, 106, 107 Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), 694

Follicular lymphoma, 295, 313, 315t, 360, 482 Fondaparinux, 905

Forensics, 320, 333, 334, 339

Formaldehyde, as one-carbon-group source, 794, 795t Formate, one-carbon groups from, 794, 795t Formiminoglutamate (FIGLU), 778, 794 Formyl-methionyl-tRNA, 281, 281f

45S rRNA precursor, 262–263, 263f

40S ribosomal subunit, 224, 263, 263f fos transcription factor, 350–351, 351f Fractional occupancy of enzyme, 165 Fragile X syndrome, 304, 315t Frameshift mutations, 278, 278f

in β-thalassemia, 288t Franklin, Rosalind, 216

Free amino acids, 12, 29, 769, 823–828

interorgan flux in postabsorptive state, 825–828, 826f maintenance of pool in blood, 824–828, 825f

membrane attack/lipid peroxidation by, 509–510, 509f, 510f source of, 823, 824, 825f

Free bases, salvage of, 806, 807, 811, 812f, 813–816, 815f Free cholesterol, 669, 675, 678

Free energy. See Gibbs free energy changeFree fatty acids, 594, 597, 597f, 946–947, 946f

Free radicals, 74–75, 504–521

cellular defenses against, 505, 514–519 antioxidant scavenging enzymes in, 515–516 compartmentalization in, 514, 515f

glutathione defense system in, 505, 515–516, 516f, 543, 548–549, 549f nonenzymatic antioxidants in, 516–519

damage from, 504, 504t, 509–511, 510f

disease states associated with, 504, 504t, 509, 522t DNA, 511

ethanol and, 702, 710–712, 711f

membrane attack/lipid peroxidation, 509–510, 509f, 510f protein and peptide, 511

definition of, 506

generation of, 504, 504f, 505–509, 511–513, 920–921 in neurodegenerative diseases, 504, 953

in Parkinson disease, 504, 508, 509, 519, 519f in phagocytosis and inflammation, 513–514, 513f reactions with cellular components, 509–511, 509f

Free-radical scavengers, 505, 514, 516–519 Free ribosomes, 170f

Friedewald formula, 667 Fructokinase, 440–441, 440f Fructokinase deficiency, 435

Fructose, 25, 66f, 418, 435, 435f, 440–442 absorption of, 415, 426–427

conversion to glycolysis intermediates, 435, 435f, 436, 440–441, 440f digestion of, 415

hereditary intolerance of, 435, 436, 442, 451–452, 454t high-fructose corn syrup, 418, 440

intravenous, 452

malabsorption of, 418, 423, 430, 431t metabolism of, 369, 370f, 435, 440–441, 440f structure of, 416f

synthesis in polyol pathway, 435, 435f, 441, 441f transport of, 415

Fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase, 574–575, 577, 577t, 724, 725f, 729t Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate

conversion to fructose 6-phosphate, 574–575, 577 in fasting state, 581

in gluconeogenesis, 569, 570f, 574–575 in glycolysis, 437, 437f, 438, 439f, 441 PEP conversion to, 574, 574f

Fructose 1-phosphate, 435, 440, 923

Fructose 2,6-bisphosphatase, 729t

Fructose 2,6-bisphosphate, 449, 449f, 724, 725f, 726 Fructose 6-phosphate, 438, 439f, 449, 449f

fructose 1,6-bisphosphate conversion to, 574–575, 577 in gluconeogenesis, 569, 570f, 574–575 interconversion of, 543f, 544

ribose 5-phosphate generation from, 548, 548f ribulose 5-phosphate conversion to, 546–547, 547f Fructosuria, essential, 435, 441, 442

Fucose (L-fucose), 544, 556, 558f, 559 Fucosidosis, 559t

Fuel. See also specific substances dietary, 4–7fat storage as, 7, 7t, 24

fatty acids as, 374–375, 566, 591, 607, 609–612, 922–925 macronutrients as, 1, 4

universal, glucose as, 369, 375, 434 Fuel depots, 24

Fuel homeostasis, 623–624, 623f

Fuel metabolism, 3. See also specific substances and processes capacities of various tissues, 38t

fasting state, 34–44 fed state, 24–33

gastrointestinal-derived hormones affecting, 860–863, 861t hormones regulating, 845–866, 846t

Fuel oxidation. See Oxidation, fuel Fuel requirements, 3

Fuel storage, 7–8. See also specific fuels fat, 7, 7t, 24

fed state, 24, 24f glycogen, 7–8, 7t protein, 7t, 8

supplies after overnight fast, 7t Fuel storage pathways, 1, 2f Fumarate, 751, 758f, 759

amino acid degradation to, 771, 771f, 776, 778 in AMP synthesis, 808–809, 809f

aspartate conversion to, 811, 813f succinate oxidation to, 460f, 461

Fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase, 782, 782f, 786t, 787t Functional assay, for clotting factors, 894

Functional deficiency, 134 Functional groups, 62, 63–65 amino acid, 80, 81f, 134, 134t

in catalysis (enzymes), 128, 130, 134–139 charge of, 64, 65f

nomenclature for, 63, 65 oxidized and reduced, 64, 64f partial charges of, 65, 65f polar, 65, 65f, 66f

transfer of, 144, 145f Futile cycling, 527–528 GG0

phase of cell cycle, 236

G1 phase of cell cycle, 235–236, 236, 236f

G2 phase of cell cycle, 236, 236f GABA. See γ-Aminobutyrate G-actin, 105–106, 106f, 183, 184f GADD45 enzyme, 354, 355f

Gain-of-function mutation, 344, 347–349, 348f, 360 Galactitol, 435

Galactocerebrosides, 656, 971–972 Galactosamine, 68

Galactose, 5, 25 absorption of, 415, 426–427

conversion to intermediates of glycolysis, 435, 436, 442, 443f digestion of, 415

glucose conversion to, 553, 554f

interconversion with glucose, 371metabolism of, 369, 370f, 435, 442, 443f structure of, 416f

transport of, 415

Galactose 1-phosphate (galactose 1-P), 435, 553, 554 Galactosemia, 435, 436, 442, 452, 454t Galactosyltransferase, 554

Galactosyl uridylyltransferase, 435 Galanin, 861t

Gallbladder inflammation of, 595

lipid metabolism in, 594, 596 Gallstones, 81, 595, 598, 602, 883 γ-Aminobutyrate (GABA), 953, 958, 967 α-ketoglutarate conversion to, 472, 760 structure of, 73, 73f

synthesis of, 834, 967, 967f γ-Aminobutyrate (GABA) shunt, 967, 967f γ-Carboxyglutamate, 893

γ-Globin gene, 885–889, 886f, 888f γ-Globulins, 114, 116f

γ-Glutamyl cycle, 746–747, 747f

Gangliosides, 72, 72f, 287, 558–559, 558f, 633, 656

Gangliosidoses, 287, 559, 559t, 561, 563t. See also Tay–Sachs disease Gangrene, gas, 172, 187t

Gap phases of cell cycle, 235–236, 236f Gas gangrene, 172, 187t

Gastric acid, 56. See also Hydrochloric acid

Gastric inhibitory polypeptide/glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), 384, 860–863, 861t, 862f, 862t

Gastric lipase, 594, 595, 596f Gastrin, 860

Gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP), 861t Gastrointestinal-derived hormones, 860–863, 861t Gastrointestinal water loss, 57

Gated channels

in action potential, 192–193, 192f ligand-gated, 175–176, 176f phosphorylation-gated, 175

in plasma membrane, 169, 174, 175–176, 175f pressure-gated, 175

voltage-gated, 175, 192–193, 192f Gaucher disease, 559t, 561

Gel, proteoglycan, 986 Gelatin zymography assay, 990

Gel electrophoresis, 319, 323, 324f GenBank, 96

Gender (sex)

and basic metabolic rate, 8 and ethanol metabolism, 707 and fat storage, 30

and iron deficiency, 877 Gene(s), 80, 221–223 alleles of, 88–89, 222–223

copies of, strategies for obtaining, 321–322 eukaryotic vs. prokaryotic, 267t

isolation of, 319

promoter region of, 254–257, 255f

recognition by RNA polymerase, 254–255regions of, 251f sequences of, 254, 255f

structural, 296

transcribed region of, 254, 255f Gene amplification, 301, 303, 319 Gene chip assays, 319, 332–333, 362 Gene editing, CRISPR/Cas for, 340 Gene expression

in cancer, 302 definition of, 294 gene therapy and, 319 silencing of, 319, 335

in transcription, 211, 294–309 in translation, 211, 294

Gene expression regulation, 211, 294–315 adaptation and differentiation in, 295 in eukaryotes, 294, 301–313

availability of genes for transcription in, 301–303 chromatin remodeling in, 294, 301–302

DNA level, 294, 301–303

DNA methylation in, 294, 301, 302 gene amplification in, 301, 303 gene deletions in, 301, 303

gene rearrangements in, 301, 302–303, 303f

gene regulatory sequences in, 294, 303–304, 304f gene-specific regulatory proteins in, 304–305 histone acetylation in, 294, 302, 302f microRNAs in, 312–313, 312f

mRNA transport and stability in, 313 at multiple levels, 301

multiple regulators of promoters in, 308–309, 309f posttranscriptional processing of RNA in, 294, 310–313 RNA editing in, 311, 311f

transcription level, 294, 303–309 translation in, 311–313

in prokaryotes, 294, 296–300

attenuation of transcription in, 294, 300, 300f corepressors in, 297, 298f

inducers in, 297, 297f

operons in, 294, 296–300, 296f–298f repressors in, 294, 296–297, 297f

stimulation of RNA polymerase in, 298–299, 299f General acid–base catalysis, 133, 135 Generalized gangliosidosis, 559t

General (basal) transcription factors, 257, 257f, 303

Gene rearrangements, 211, 230, 243–245. See also specific processes

and availability of genes for transcription, 301 crossing over in, 243

gene expression regulation in, 302–303, 303f general or homologous, 244, 244f translocation in, 243, 244, 244f, 303 transposons in, 243, 245, 245f

Gene regulatory sequences, 294, 303–304, 304f Gene silencing, 319, 335

Gene-specific activation of transcription, 197 Gene-specific regulatory proteins, 304–305

Gene-specific transcription factors, 190, 195–196, 257, 257f, 294, 303–304, 304fGene therapy, 212, 319, 336–337

adenoviral vectors for, 337 CRISPR/Cas technology in, 340 for cystic fibrosis, 337

retroviral vectors for, 336–337, 336f for sickle cell anemia, 869

for thalassemia, 340, 869

for urea-cycle disorders, 763–764 Genetic code, 80, 108, 275–277 codon table of, 276, 276t degenerate but unambiguous, 276–277 nonoverlapping, 277

transcription of (See Transcription) translation of (See Translation) Genetic counseling, 335

Genetic engineering, 211. See also Recombinant DNA technology germ cell, ethics of, 340

plasmids in, 215

transgenic animals in, 335, 337 Genetic exchange, 243 transposons in, 243, 245, 245f Genetic locus, 222

Genetic testing, 211

Gene transcription. See Transcription Genome, 211, 221–223

DNA sequencing of, 323–327 E. coli, 223, 265 eukaryotic, 221–223

eukaryotic vs. prokaryotic, 267t human, 221–223, 321, 339–340 prokaryotic, 223

Genomic imprinting, 302 Genomic library, 327, 328, 331

Geranyl pyrophosphate, 672, 672f

Germ cells, genetic manipulation in, ethics of, 340 Gerstmann-Straüssler-Scheinker disease, 121 Ghrelin, 860, 861t

Gibbs free energy change (ΔG), 374, 394–402 additive values of, 400–401

definitions, laws, constants, and formulas, 397t vs. ΔG0,401–402

exothermic vs. endothermic reactions, 397–398 general expression for, 398, 398t

in oxidative–reduction reactions, 405–406

in phosphoryl transfer reactions, 400–401, 400t substrate/product concentrations and, 401–402 in tricarboxylic acid cycle, 466–467, 466f Gi-complex, 387

Glargine, 81

Gleevec (imatinib), 362 Glial cells, 953–954, 954–956

Glicentin-related peptide, 848 Glipizide, 384

Globin(s), 869

disorders of, 884–886 (See also Thalassemia)

gene loci of, 885–889, 886f, 888fheme stimulation of, 877 Globin fold, 110, 110f

Globosides, 633, 656

Globular proteins, 100, 102, 105 bonding in, 108–109

folds in, 106–107 solubility of, 107 subunits of, 108–109

Glomerular basement membrane (GBM), 991–992, 992f Glomerular filtration rate (GFR), 941, 948, 992 Glomerulonephritis, poststreptococcal, 933, 941, 948 Glossitis, 474

Glucagon, 376–390, 719, 843, 845–848, 846t, 861t action on fatty acids, 376

action on glucose, 369, 372, 373f, 376–377, 377f, 579–581, 580f, 845 in amino acid metabolism, 825

basal (postabsorptive) state, 35, 36f

cAMP activation by, 164, 377, 377f, 386–387

counterregulation by, 376, 377f, 381f, 381t, 843, 845, 846t, 847 in diabetes mellitus, 385

fasting state, 34, 35–37, 385, 566, 825–827 in fatty acid metabolism, 649, 650f

in fatty acid synthesis, 635, 636

fed state, 24, 26–27, 380, 380f, 384, 385f fuel mobilization by, 376, 378

functions of, 380, 381t, 845

in glycogen metabolism, 526, 531, 533–535, 534f, 845, 848 insulin antagonism of, 389

insulin ratio with, 526, 531, 719, 723, 724 mechanisms of action, 385–388

in metabolic homeostasis, 378–380, 378f, 380f phosphorylation cascade activated by, 533–534, 534f physiologic effects of, 847–848

receptor for, 377 regulators of, 384, 384t secretion of, 384–385

signal transduction by, 386–387 sites of action, 380, 380f

synthesis of, 376, 381–382, 384–385, 847–848

Glucagonlike peptide 1 (GLP-1), 384, 660, 848, 860–863, 861t, 862f, 862t Glucagonlike peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists, 863, 863t Glucagonlike peptide 2 (GLP-2), 848, 861t

Glucoamylase, 415, 419–421, 420f, 420t Glucocorticoid(s), 846t, 854–856 counterregulation by, 843, 846t effects of, 855–856, 855f

fasting state, 826–827

and hyperglycemia, 568, 571, 585, 587t

inhaled vs. systemic, for asthma, 633–634, 658, 663t secretion of, 854–855, 854f

synthesis of, 689–693, 690t in trauma and sepsis, 837

Glucocorticoid receptor, 305f, 306

Glucogenic amino acids, 34, 566, 570, 575, 770, 771f Glucokinase, 144, 163, 382, 438, 720, 725f

in anorexia nervosa, 153, 154

glucose binding by, 131–132, 131f, 132fkinetic patterns of, 154 regulation of, 577t, 720, 720f, 729t

specificity of, 130f

substrate concentration for, 153, 154f Glucokinase regulatory protein (GKRP), 449, 922

Gluconeogenesis, 34–38, 372, 372f, 376, 566, 569–578 amino acids in, 34, 566, 570, 575, 770, 771f, 828 capacities of various tissues, 38t, 39

carbon sources for intermediates of, 570–572 definition of, 569

enzymes catalyzing, 570 ethanol and, 573, 702

in fasting, 566, 568f, 581–582, 724–726, 725f in fasting, prolonged, 38, 39, 568f

fatty acids in, 566, 571–572 in fed state, 566, 568f

fructose 1,6-bisphosphate conversion to fructose 6-phosphate in, 574–575, 577 glucose 6-phosphate conversion to glucose in, 437, 575, 577–578

glycerol in, 566, 570, 575 glycogenolysis activation with, 527 key reactions of, 569f


ctate in, 566, 570–571, 571f, 575 metformin action on, 697–698, 698f as misnomer, 586

pathway of, 572–575

PEP conversion to fructose 1,6-bisphosphate in, 574, 574f precursors for, 566, 570–572, 571f

propionate for, 571–572

pyruvate conversion to oxaloacetate in, 572–573, 572f, 573f pyruvate conversion to PEP in, 572–573, 572f, 575–577 pyruvate in, 570–577, 571f

recycling in, 586, 586f

regulation of, 575–578, 581–582, 581f, 724–726, 725f energy requirement in, 578

enzyme activity/amount in, 575–578, 576f, 577t substrate availability in, 575

renal, 569

as reversal of glycolysis, 566, 567f, 569–570, 572 sequence of, 566, 567f, 569–570

TCA cycle intermediates for, 471, 471f, 570, 571–572 Gluconic acid, 68, 69f, 551, 552

Glucosamine, 68, 68f, 554 Glucosamine 6-phosphate, 554, 556f Glucose, 5, 369–375

blood (plasma), 578–584

control, in diabetes mellitus, 585 ethanol and, 568, 584–585, 587t, 710 in exercise, 584

exercise and, 584, 945, 946f

in fasting, prolonged (starvation), 568f, 578, 579t, 583, 583f, 584, 584f

in fasting state, 34, 35–40, 39f, 56, 437, 526, 566, 568f, 570, 578, 579t, 581–582, 584, 584f

in fed state, 24, 24f, 27–28, 437, 566, 568f, 579–581, 584, 584f hepatic regulation of, 35–36, 724, 917–918

high, 27, 30, 31t (See also Diabetes mellitus; Hyperglycemia) in liver disease, 927


w, 372, 378, 382 (See also Hypoglycemia)

maintenance of, 34, 566, 578, 724metabolic syndrome and, 660–662 monitor for, 75

postprandial (after meal), 35, 56, 566, 568f, 578–584, 578f return to fasting levels, 581

sources of, summary of, 584, 584f in cAMP regulation, 298–299, 299f

concentration as substrate, 153–154, 154f conversion of

to amino acids, 371, 371f, 375, 769, 770–771, 772–776 to carbon dioxide, 27, 369, 370f

to cytosolic acetyl-CoA, 635, 635f to galactose, 553, 554f

to glucose 6-P, 369, 382, 407, 407f, 434, 437–438, 437f, 525 to lactate, 369, 370f, 434, 435f

to triacylglycerols, 27, 371, 371f cortisol and, 372

CSF concentration of, 957

enzyme binding of, 131–132, 131f, 132f epinephrine and, 372

fatty acid synthesis from, 631, 631f, 634–635 fructose synthesis from, 435, 435f, 441, 441f

glucagon action on, 369, 372, 373f, 376–377, 377f, 579–581, 580f, 845 (See also Glucagon)

glucose 6-phosphate conversion to, 437, 575, 577–578 glycogen metabolism regulated by, 535

glycogen synthesis from, 27, 371, 372f, 525–529, 528f, 529f (See also Glycogen synthesis)

insulin action on, 27–28, 369, 372, 373f, 376–380, 377f, 579–581, 580f (See also Insulin)

in lac operon transcription, 298–299, 299f la

ctate cycling (Cori cycle), 445, 445f, 586, 586f measurement of, 46, 56, 377

in metabolic homeostasis, 378–379 mutarotation of, 68f

oxidation of, 4–5, 4f, 24, 24f, 27–28, 34 plant production of, 586

as precursor for neurotransmitters, 27–28, 38 as precursor for synthesis, 369

recycling of, 586, 586f

release in glycogenolysis, 34, 35, 36, 37, 372, 372f, 376 storage form of, 525 (See also Glycogen)

structure of, 5f, 66, 416f

synthesis of, 34–38, 372, 372f, 376, 566, 569–578 (See also Gluconeogenesis) transport of (See Glucose transporters)

as universal fuel, 369, 375, 434 Glucose, dietary, 418, 578–584 absorption of, 415, 425–428, 578 caloric value of, 406, 407 digestion of, 25, 415, 578

fate of

in liver, 579

in peripheral tissues, 579 glycemic index of, 425–426, 425t

Glucose 1-phosphate, 442, 443f, 525, 527, 528, 530, 537

Glucose 6-phosphatase, 525, 527, 528f, 537, 725f, 729t deficiency of, 531t, 535

in gluconeogenesis, 575, 577–578 lo

cation and function of, 577f in phosphorylase assay, 530

regulation of, 577–578, 577tGlucose 6-phosphate, 369–371, 525–526 as branch point in carbohydrate metabolism, 437

buffer action of, 55 conversions of

to fructose 6-phosphate, 543f, 544 to glucose, 437, 575, 577–578

to glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate, 543f, 544 to triose phosphates, 438, 439f

to UDP-glucose, 371, 372f deficiency of, 874

in fasting state, 581–582 feedback regulation of, 152, 153 formation of, 369, 382, 434 genetic mutations in, 874

in gluconeogenesis, 437, 569, 570f, 725f

glucose 1-phosphate conversion to and from, 525, 527, 528, 537 glucose conversion to, 369, 382, 407, 407f, 434, 437–438, 437f, 525 in glycogen metabolism, 437, 525, 527, 528, 528f, 537

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