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As the plasma membrane of the glial cell is converted into myelin, the lipid composition of the brain

changes (Table 46.2). The lipid-to-protein ratio is greatly increased, as is the content of sphingolipids.

The myelin is a tightly packed structure, and there are significant hydrophobic interactions between the

lipids and proteins to allow this to occur. Cerebrosides constitute approximately 16% of total myelin

lipid and are almost completely absent from other cell-type membrane lipids. The predominant

cerebroside, galactosylcerebroside, has a single sugar attached to the hydroxyl group of the sphingosine.

In contrast, sphingomyelin, which one might guess is the predominant lipid of myelin, is present in roughly

the same low concentration in all membranes. Galactocerebrosides pack more tightly together than

phosphatidylcholine; the sugar, although polar, carries no positively charged amino group or negatively

charged phosphate. The brain synthesizes very-long-chain fatty acids (>20 carbons long); these long

uncharged side chains develop strong hydrophobic associations, allowing close packing of the myelin

sheath. The high cholesterol content of the membrane also contributes to the tight packing, although the

myelin proteins are also required to complete the tightness of the packing process. 2. Myelin Structural Proteins

The layers of myelin are held together by protein–lipid and protein–protein interactions, and any

disruption can lead to demyelination of the membrane (see “Biochemical Comments”). Although

numerous proteins are found in both the CNS and PNS, only the major proteins are discussed here. The

major proteins in the CNS and PNS are different. In the CNS, two proteins constitute between 60% and

80% of the total proteins—proteolipid protein and myelin basic proteins (MBPs). The proteolipid protein

is a very hydrophobic protein that forms large aggregates in aqueous solution and is relatively resistant to

proteolysis. Its molecular weight, based on sequence analysis, is 30,000 Da. Proteolipid protein is highly

conserved in sequence among species. Its role is thought to be one of promoting the formation and

stabilization of the multilayered myelin structure.

The MBPs are a family of proteins. Unlike proteolipid protein, MBPs are easily extracted from the

membrane and are soluble in aqueous solution. The major MBP has no tertiary structure and has amolecular weight of 15,000 Da. MBP is located on the cytoplasmic face of myelin membranes.

Antibodies directed against MBPs elicit experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE), which has

become a model system for understanding multiple sclerosis, a demyelinating disease. A model of how

proteolipid protein and MBPs aid in stabilizing myelin is shown in Figure 46.13.

In the PNS, the major myelin protein is P0, a glycoprotein that accounts for >50% of the PNS myelin

protein content. The molecular weight of P0 is 30,000 Da, the same as proteolipid protein. P0 is thought

to play a similar structural role in maintaining myelin structure as proteolipid protein does in the CNS.

MBPs are also found in the PNS, with some similarities and differences to the MBPs found in the CNS.

The major PNS-specific MBP has been designated P2. CLINICAL COM M ENTS

Katie C. Catecholamines affect nearly every tissue and organ in the body. Their

integrated release

from nerve endings of the sympathetic (adrenergic) nervous system plays a critical role in the reflex

responses we make to sudden changes in our internal and external environment. For example, under

stress, catecholamines appropriately increase heart rate, blood pressure, myocardial (heart muscle)

contractility, and conduction velocity of the heart.

Episodic, inappropriate secretion of catecholamines in supraphysiologic amounts, such as occurs in

patients with pheochromocytomas, like Katie C., causes an often acute and alarming array of symptoms

and signs of a hyperadrenergic state.

Most of the signs and symptoms related to catecholamine excess can be masked by phenoxybenzamine, a long-acting α1and α2-adrenergic receptor antagonist, combined with a β1and β2-

adrenergic receptor blocker such as propranolol. Pharmacologic therapy alone is reserved for patients

with inoperable pheochromocytomas (e.g., patients with malignant tumors with metastases and patients

with severe heart disease). Because of the sudden, unpredictable, and sometimes life-threatening

discharges of large amounts of catecholamines from these tumors, definitive therapy involves surgical

resection of the neoplasms after appropriate preoperative preparation of the patient with the agents

mentioned above. Katie’s tumor was resected without intraoperative or postoperative complications.

After surgery, she remained free of symptoms and her blood pressure decreased to normal levels.

Evan A. Evan A., after stopping Redux, was placed on Prozac, an antidepressant that acts as an

SSRI but does not lead to increased synthesis or secretion of serotonin, as did the dexfenfluramine

in Redux. Thus, the mechanism of action of these two drugs is different, even if the end result (elevated

levels of serotonin) is the same. Unfortunately, Prozac did not work as well for Mr. A. as did Redux, and

he regained his 50 lb within 1 year after switching medications. Redux was withdrawn from the market by

its manufacturer because of reports of heart valve abnormalities in a small percentage of patients who had

taken either fenfluramine and phentermine (phen/fen) or Redux. Since then, the US Food and Drug

Administration (FDA) has banned the use of Redux for weight loss because of the undesirable side

effects. Mr. A. now has several other options. Other medical treatments include orlistat, a partial inhibitor

of dietary fatty acid absorption from the gastrointestinal tract; phentermine alone (described previously);

and several medications used to treat other conditions, including diabetes, seizures, and depression, that

also lead to weight loss. These latter agents are not FDA-approved for weight loss, and thus, Evan’sphysician did not want to try any more medications with him. Instead, the physician referred Evan for

bariatric surgery. BIOCHEM ICAL COM M ENTS

Demyelinating Diseases of the Central Nervous System. The importance of myelin in nerve

transmission is underscored by the wide variety of demyelinating diseases, all of which lead to

neurologic symptoms. The best-known disease in this class is multiple sclerosis (MS). MS can be a

progressive disease of the CNS in which demyelination of CNS neurons is the key anatomic and

pathologic finding. The cause of MS has yet to be determined, although it is believed that an event occurs

that triggers the formation of autoimmune antibodies directed against components of the nervous system.

This event could be a bacterial or viral infection that stimulates the immune system to fight off the

invaders. Unfortunately, this stimulus may also trigger the autoimmune response that leads to the antibodymediated demyelinating process. The unusual geographic distribution of MS is of interest. Patients are

concentrated in northern and southern latitudes, yet its incidence is almost nil at the Equator. Clinical

presentation of MS varies widely. It can be a mild disease that has few or no obvious clinical

manifestations. At the other end of the spectrum, is a rapidly progressive and fatal disease. The most

well-known presentation is the relapsing–remitting type. In this type, early in the course of the disease, the

natural history is one of exacerbations followed by remission. Eventually, the CNS cannot repair the

damage that has accumulated through the years, and remissions occur less and less frequently. Available

treatments for MS target the relapsing–remitting type of disease.

The primary injury to the CNS in MS is the loss of myelin in the white matter, which interferes with

nerve conduction along the demyelinated area (the insulator is lost). The CNS compensates by stimulating

the oligodendrocyte to remyelinate the damaged axon, and when this occurs, remission is achieved. Often

remyelination leads to a slowing in conduction velocity because of a reduced myelin thickness (speed is

proportional to myelin thickness) or a shortening of the internodal distances (the action potential has to be

propagated more times). Eventually, when it becomes too difficult to remyelinate large areas of the CNS,

the neuron adapts by upregulating and redistributing along its membrane ion pumps to allow nerve

conductance along demyelinated axons. Eventually, this adaptation also fails and the disease progresses.

Treatment of MS is now based on blocking the action of the immune system. Because antibodies

directed against cellular components appear to be responsible for the progression of the disease

(regardless of how the autoantibodies were first generated), agents that interfere with immune responses

have had various levels of success in keeping patients in remission for extended periods.

Other demyelinating diseases also exist, and their cause is much more straightforward. These are

relatively rare disorders. In all of these diseases, there is no fully effective treatment for the patient.

Inherited mutations in P0 (the major PNS myelin protein) leads to a version of Charcot-Marie-Tooth

polyneuropathy syndrome. The inheritance pattern for this disease is autosomal-dominant, indicating that

the expression of one mutated allele leads to expression of the disease. Mutations in proteolipid protein

(the major myelin protein in the CNS) lead to Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease and X-linked spastic

paraplegia type 2 disease. These diseases display a wide range of phenotypes, from a lack of motor

development and early death (most severe) to mild gait disturbances. The phenotype displayed dependson the precise location of the mutation within the protein. An altered function of either P0 or proteolipid

protein leads to demyelination and its subsequent clinical manifestations. KEY CONCEPTS

The nervous system consists of a variety of cell types with different functions. Neurons transmit and receive signals from other neurons at synaptic junctions. Astrocytes, found in the CNS, provide physical and nutritional support for the neurons.

Oligodendrocytes provide the myelin sheath that coats the axon, providing insulation for the

electric signal that is propagated along the axon.

Myelin has a lipid composition that is distinct from that of cellular membranes. A lack of myelin leads to demyelinating diseases as a result of impaired signal transmission

across the axon.

Schwann cells are the supporting cells (and myelin-producing cells) of the PNS. Microglial cells destroy invading microorganisms and phagocytose cellular debris. Ependymal cells line the cavities of the CNS and spinal cord.

The brain is protected against bloodborne toxic agents by the blood–brain barrier. Glucose, amino acids, vitamins, ketone bodies, and essential fatty acids (but not other fatty

acids) can all be transported across the blood–brain barrier.

Proteins, such as insulin, can cross the blood–brain barrier by receptor-mediated transcytosis.

Neurotransmitters are synthesized primarily from amino acids in the nervous system; others are

derived from intermediates of glycolysis and the TCA cycle.

Neurotransmitters are synthesized in the cytoplasm of the presynaptic terminal and then

transported into storage vesicles for release upon receiving the appropriate signal. Neurotransmitter action is terminated by reuptake into the presynaptic terminal, by diffusion

away from the synapse, or by enzymatic inactivation.

MAO is a key enzyme for the inactivation of the catecholamines and serotonin.

An encephalopathy will develop if the nervous system cannot generate sufficient ATP: Hypoglycemic encephalopathy (lack of glucose to the brain)

Hypoxic encephalopathy (lack of oxygen to the brain)

Diseases discussed in this chapter are summarized in Table 46.3.REVIEW QUESTIONS—CHAPTER 46

1.A patient with a tumor of the adrenal medulla experienced palpitations, excessive sweating, and

hypertensive headaches. His urine contained increased amounts of vanillylmandelic acid. His

symptoms are probably caused by an overproduction of which of the following? A. Acetylcholine

B. Norepinephrine and epinephrine C. DOPA and serotonin

D. Histamine E. Melatonin

2.The two lipids found in highest concentration in myelin are which of the following?

A. Cholesterol and cerebrosides such as galactosylceramide B. Cholesterol and phosphatidylcholine

C. Galactosylceramide sulfatide and sphingomyelin D. Plasmalogens and sphingomyelin

E. Triacylglycerols and lecithin

3.MBP can be best described by which one of the following?

A.It is synthesized in Schwann cells but not in oligodendrocytes.

B.It is a transmembrane protein found only in peripheral myelin.

C.It attaches the two extracellular leaflets together in central myelin.

D.It contains basic amino acid residues that bind the negatively charged extracellular sides of themyelin membrane together.

E.It contains lysine and arginine residues that bind the negatively charged intracellular sides of the

myelin membrane together.

4. A patient presented with dysmorphia and cerebellar degeneration. Analysis of his blood indicated

elevated levels of phytanic acid and very-long-chain fatty acids but no elevation of palmitate. His

symptoms are consistent with a defect in an enzyme involved in which of the following?


B.Mitochondrial β-oxidation

C.Transport of enzymes into lysosomes

D.Degradation of mucopolysaccharides

E.Elongation of fatty acids

5.One of the presenting symptoms of vitamin B6 deficiency is dementia. This may result from an

inability to synthesize serotonin, norepinephrine, histamine, and GABA from their respective amino

acid precursors. This is because vitamin B6 is required for which type of reaction? A. Hydroxylation

B. Transamination C. Deamination

D. Decarboxylation E. Oxidation

6.In a patient with a damaged blood–brain barrier, such that the barrier is now leaky, which one of the

following substances would be able to cross this damaged barrier which normally could not cross an

intact blood–brain barrier? A. Ammonia

B. Pyruvate C. LNAAs

D. Nonessential fatty acids E. Ketone bodies

7.A patient is deficient in vitamin B12 and folate. The production of which one of the following would

therefore be expected to be impaired in this patient, as compared to a patient with no vitamin

deficiencies? A. GABA

B. Serotonin C. Dopamine

D. Norepinephrine E. Epinephrine

8.Lack of vitamin B12 leads to neuropathy. Which one of the following neurotransmitters will exhibit

reduced synthesis when this vitamin is deficient? A. Serotonin

B. Glycine C. GABA

D. Nitric oxideE. Norepinephrine

9.A patient presents with headaches, palpitations, nausea and vomiting, and elevated blood pressure.

These symptoms appear after the person has eaten a large meal containing aged cheeses and wine.

The patient’s history indicates that they are on a medication for a different condition. Assuming that

the medication is in some way involved in these symptoms, which enzyme might be the target of this

drug? A. COMT

B. Tyrosine hydroxylase C. Glutamate decarboxylase D. MAO

E. DOPA decarboxylase

10.A 2-year-old patient presents with a history of frequent seizures, developmental delay, and difficulty

in moving her arms and legs. Analysis of the CSF demonstrated a ratio of CSF glucose to blood

glucose of 0.25. A potential treatment for this disorder would be which one of the following?

A. A high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet to produce ketone bodies as a fuel for the


B.A high-carbohydrate diet to increase glucose transport into the brain

C.A high-protein diet to enhance gluconeogenesis and increase blood glucose levels

D.Insulin therapy to increase the number of glucose transporters in the endothelial cells lining the

blood–brain barrier

E.A high-fat, high-carbohydrate diet to increase free fatty acid levels in the blood for use by the

nervous system


1. The answer is B. The symptoms exhibited by the patient are caused by excessive release of

epinephrine or norepinephrine. Vanillylmandelic acid is also the degradation product of

norepinephrine; thus, these hormones are being overproduced. Acetylcholine degradation leads to

the formation of acetic acid and choline, which are not observed (thus, A is incorrect). Although

DOPA degradation could lead to vanillylmandelic acid production, serotonin degradation does not

(it leads to 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid), and the symptoms exhibited by the patient are not

consistent with DOPA or serotonin overproduction (thus, C is incorrect). Histamine and melatonin

also do not produce the symptoms exhibited by the patient (thus, D and E are incorrect).

2. The answer is A. Myelin contains very high levels of cholesterol and cerebrosides, particularly


3. The answer is E. MBP is a basic protein, indicating that it must contain a significant number of

lysine and arginine residues. MBP is found on the intracellular side of the myelin membrane, and

its role is to compact the membrane by binding to negative charges on both sides of it, thereby

reducing the “width” of the membrane. Both Schwann cells and oligodendrocytes synthesize

myelin (thus, A is incorrect). MBP is not a transmembrane protein (proteolipid protein in the CNS

and P0 in the PNS are, so B is incorrect), and because MBP is found intracellularly, answers C

and D cannot be correct.

4. The answer is A. The accumulation of both phytanic acid and very-long-chain fatty acidsindicates a problem in peroxisomal fatty acid oxidation, which is where a-oxidation occurs.

Lysosomal transport is, therefore, not required to metabolize these fatty acids (thus, C is

incorrect). The finding that palmitate levels are low indicates that b-oxidation is occurring;

therefore, answer B is incorrect. The compounds that accumulate are not mucopolysaccharides,

nor is fatty acid elongation required in the metabolism of these compounds (thus, D and E are


5. The answer is D. Vitamin B6 participates in transamination and decarboxylation reactions (and

indirectly in deamination reactions). The one common feature in the synthesis of serotonin,

GABA, norepinephrine, and histamine is decarboxylation of an amino acid, which requires

vitamin B6. The other reactions are not required in the biosynthesis of these neurotransmitters.

6. The answer is D. Normally, only essential fatty acids can be transported across the blood–brain

barrier, whereas nonessential fatty acids do not cross the barrier to any

appreciable extent.

Ammonia, in its uncharged form, can freely diffuse across the blood–brain barrier. Pyruvate can

cross the barrier through the monocarboxylic acid transport protein. LNAAs are transported

through the Lsystem of amino acid transport. Ketone bodies can also cross the blood–brain

barrier when their concentration is increased in the blood, as under fasting conditions.

7.The answer is E. In order to form epinephrine, a methyl group from SAM is transferred to

norepinephrine. SAM production is dependent on adequate levels of both vitamin B12 and folate.

Without B12 and folate (and therefore SAM), epinephrine synthesis is blocked. Inactivation of

catecholamines (and serotonin) is also dependent on SAM, so a lack of vitamin B12 and folate

(and therefore, SAM) would result in a higher level of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine.

GABA synthesis is not affected by a B12 or folate deficiency.

8.The answer is B. A vitamin B12 deficiency leads to tetrahydrofolate (FH4) being trapped as N5-

methyl-FH4, thereby producing a functional folate deficiency. Folate is required for the synthesis

of glycine from serine. Glycine in the circulation cannot pass through the blood–brain barrier, so it

must be synthesized from serine within the brain. In the absence of vitamin B12, this reaction will

not occur. In addition, owing to the lack of vitamin B12 and the functional folate deficiency, levels

of SAM will drop. Thus, although norepinephrine synthesis is normal, epinephrine synthesis

would be reduced. There is no effect on serotonin synthesis (from tryptophan), nor for GABA and

NO synthesis, because none of their biosynthetic steps requires either vitamin B12 or a folate


9.The answer is D. Aged cheese contains a degradation product of tyrosine, tyramine, which

stimulates catecholamine release if not degraded. MAO-B inactivates the tyramine, but if the

patient is taking an MAO inhibitor for another reason, the tyramine would not be degraded and

symptoms of catecholamine excess will be exhibited. None of the other enzymes listed as answers

inactivates or metabolizes tyramine.

10.The answer is A. The patient exhibits hypoglycorrhachia, a deficiency of the GLUT 1 transporters

in the endothelial cells lining the blood–brain barrier. This results in insufficient glucose in the

CSF and a lack of energy for the brain to function properly. Ingesting a high-fat, low-carbohydrate

diet will force ketone body production (a ketogenic diet), a fuel source that the brain can use inplace of glucose. Such a diet will aid in alleviating the symptoms brought about by the lack of the

glucose transporter. Any diet that increases glucose levels (high carbohydrate, or high protein)

will not increase the amount of glucose entering the CSF because the transporter is defective.

Insulin will increase the number of GLUT 4 transporters, but those transporters are not expressed

in the nervous system. The brain also cannot transport most fatty acids across the blood–brain

barrier, so increasing fat content in the diet to increase fatty acid levels will not increase the

levels of fatty acids in the brain.47 The Extracellular Matrix and Connective Tissue

For additional ancillary materials related to this chapter, please visit thePoint. Many of the cells in tissues are embedded in an extracellular matrix (ECM) that fills the spaces between

cells and binds cells and tissue together. In so doing, the ECM aids in determining the shape of tissues as

well as the nature of the partitioning between tissue types. In the skin, loose connective tissue beneath

epithelial cell layers consists of an ECM in which fibroblasts, blood vessels, and other components are

distributed (Fig. 47.1). Other types of connective tissue, such as tendon and cartilage, consist largely of

ECM, which is principally responsible for their structure and function. This matrix also forms the

sheetlike basal laminae, or basement membranes, on which layers of epithelial cells rest and which act as

supportive tissue for muscle cells, adipose cells, and peripheral nerves.

Basic components of the ECM include fibrous structural proteins, such as collagens, proteoglycans

containing long glycosaminoglycan chains attached to a protein backbone, and adhesion proteins linkingcomponents of the matrix to each other and to cells. These fibrous structural proteins are composed of repeating elements that form a linear structure.

Collagens, elastin, and laminin are the principal structural proteins of connective tissue.

Proteoglycans consist of a core protein covalently attached to many long, linear chains of

glycosaminoglycans, which contain repeating disaccharide units. The repeating disaccharides usually

contain a hexosamine and a uronic acid, and these sugars are frequently sulfated. Synthesis of the

proteoglycans starts with the attachment of a sugar to a serine, threonine, or asparagine residue of the

protein. Additional sugars, donated by UDP-sugar precursors, add sequentially to the nonreducing end of

the molecule.

Proteoglycans, such as glycoproteins and glycolipids, are synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum

(ER) and the Golgi complex. The glycosaminoglycan chains of proteoglycans are degraded by

lysosomal enzymes that cleave one sugar at a time from the nonreducing end of the chain. An inability to

degrade proteoglycans leads to a set of diseases known as the mucopolysaccharidoses. Adhesion proteins, such as fibronectin and laminin, are extracellular glycoproteins that contain

separate distinct binding domains for proteoglycans, collagen, and fibrin. These domains allow these

adhesion proteins to bind the various components of the ECM. They also contain specific binding

domains for cell surface receptors known as integrins. These integrins bind to fibronectin on the external

surface, span the plasma membrane of cells, and adhere to proteins, which, in turn, bind to the

intracellular actin filaments of the cytoskeleton. Integrins also provide a mechanism for signaling

between cells via both internal signals and through signals generated via the ECM. Cell movement within the ECM requires remodeling of the various components of the matrix. This is

accomplished by a variety of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and regulators of the MMPs, tissue

inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases (TIMPs). Dysregulation of this delicate balance of the

regulators of cell movement allows cancer cells to travel to other parts of the body

(metastasize) as well

as to spread locally to contiguous tissues. THE WAITING ROOM

Sarah L. (first introduced in Chapter 14) noted a moderate reduction in pain and swelling in the

joints of her fingers while she was taking her immunosuppressant medication. At her next checkup,

her rheumatologist described to Sarah the underlying inflammatory tissue changes that her systemic lupus

erythematosus (SLE) was causing in the joint tissues.

Deborah S. complained of a declining appetite for food as well as severe weakness and fatigue.

The reduction in her kidneys’ ability to maintain normal daily total urinary net acid excretion

contributed to her worsening metabolic acidosis. This, plus her declining ability to excrete nitrogenous

waste products, such as creatinine and urea, into her urine (“azotemia”), was responsible for many of her

symptoms. Her serum creatinine level was rising steadily. As it approached a level of 5 mg/dL, she

developed a litany of complaints caused by the multisystem dysfunction associated with her worsening

metabolic acidosis and retention of nitrogenous waste products (“uremia”). Her physicians discussed

with Deborah the need to consider peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis.I. Composition of the Extracellular Matrix

A. Fibrous Proteins 1. Collagen

Collagen, a family of fibrous proteins, is produced by a variety of cell types but principally by fibroblasts

(cells found in interstitial connective tissue), muscle cells, and epithelial cells. Type I collagen,

collagen(I), the most abundant protein in mammals, is a fibrous protein that is the major component of

connective tissue. It is found in the ECM of loose connective tissue, bone, tendons, skin, blood vessels,

and the cornea of the eye. Collagen(I) contains approximately 33% glycine and 21% proline and

hydroxyproline. Hydroxyproline is an amino acid produced by posttranslational modification of peptidyl

proline residues.

Procollagen(I), the precursor of collagen(I), is a triple helix composed of three polypeptide (pro-α)

chains that are twisted around each other, forming a ropelike structure. Polymerization of collagen(I)

molecules forms collagen fibrils, which provide great tensile strength to connective tissues (see Fig.

7.22). The individual polypeptide chains each contain approximately 1,000 amino acid residues. The

three polypeptide chains of the triple helix are linked by interchain hydrogen bonds. Each turn of the triple

helix contains three amino acid residues, such that every third amino acid is in close contact with the

other two strands in the center of the structure. Only glycine, which lacks a side chain, can fit in this

position, and indeed, every third amino acid residue of collagen is glycine. Thus, collagen is a polymer of

(Gly-X-Y) repeats, where Y is frequently proline or hydroxyproline and X is any other amino acid found

in collagen.

Procollagen(I) is an example of a protein that undergoes extensive posttranslational modifications.

Hydroxylation reactions produce hydroxyproline residues from proline residues and hydroxylysine from

lysine residues. These reactions occur after the protein has been synthesized (Fig.

47.2) and require

vitamin C (ascorbic acid) as a cofactor of the enzymes prolyl hydroxylase and lysyl hydroxylase.

Hydroxyproline residues are involved in hydrogen bond formation that helps to stabilize the triple helix,

whereas hydroxylysine residues are the sites of attachment of disaccharide moieties (galactose–glucose).

The role of carbohydrates in collagen structure is still controversial. In the absence of vitamin C (scurvy),

the melting temperature of collagen drops from 42°C to 24°C because of the loss of interstrand hydrogen

bond formation, which is in turn caused by the lack of hydroxyproline residues.The side chains of lysine residues also may be oxidized to form the aldehyde allysine. These aldehyde

residues produce covalent cross-links between collagen molecules (Fig. 47.3). An allysine residue on

one collagen molecule reacts with the amino group of a lysine residue on another molecule, forming a

covalent Schiff base that is converted to more stable covalent cross-links. Aldol condensation also may

occur between two allysine residues, which forms the structure lysinonorleucine.a. Types of Collagen

At least 28 different types of collagen have been characterized (Table 47.1). Although each type of

collagen is found only in particular locations in the body, more than one type may be present in the ECM

at a given location. The various types of collagen can be classified as fibril-forming (types I, II, III, V, XI,

XXIV, and XXVII), network-forming (types IV, VIII, and X), those that associate with fibril surfaces

(types IX, XII, XIV, XXI, and XXII), those that are transmembrane proteins (types XIII, XVII, XXIII. and

XXV), endostatin-forming (types XV and XVIII), and those that form periodic beaded filaments (type VI).All collagens contain three polypeptide chains with at least one stretch of triple helix. The non–triplehelical domains can be short (as in the fibril-forming collagens), or they can be rather large, such that the

triple helix is actually a minor component of the overall structure (examples are collagen types XII and

XIV). The fibril-associated collagens with interrupted triple helices (FACITs; collagen types IX, XII, and

XIV) collagen types associate with fibrillar collagens, without themselves forming fibers. The endostatinforming collagens are cleaved at their C terminus to form endostatin, an inhibitor of angiogenesis. The

network-forming collagens (type IV) form a meshlike structure because of large (~230 amino acids)

noncollagenous domains at the carboxyl terminus (Fig. 47.4). And finally, several collagen types are

actually transmembrane proteins (XIII, XVII, XXIII, and XXV) found on epithelial or epidermal cell

surfaces, which play a role in several cellular processes, including adhesion of components of the ECM

to cells embedded within it. Type XXV collagen has been associated with the neuronal plaques that

develop during Alzheimer disease.

Endostatins block angiogenesis (new blood vessel formation) by inhibiting endothelial cell

migration. Because endothelial cell migration and proliferation are required to form new

blood vessels, inhibiting this action blocks angiogenesis. Tumor growth is dependent on a blood

supply; inhibiting angiogenesis can reduce tumor-cell proliferation.

Types I, II, and III collagens form fibrils that assemble into large insoluble fibers. The fibrils (see

below) are strengthened through covalent cross-links between lysine residues on adjacent fibrils. The

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