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only plural




man – men

datum – data


woman – women

errarum – errata


child – children

phenomenon – phenomena


foot – feet

basis – bases


tooth – teeth

crisis – crises


goose – geese




mouse – mice




ox – oxen











people (люди)










an office-block – office-blocks



a boy-friend – boy-friends






a mother-in-law – mothers-in-law a passer-by – passers-by

Ex. 1. Form plural of the following nouns:

play, language, dress, eye, leaf, mouse, sea, armchair, tree, speed, hour, umbrella, journey, milk, friendship, tobacco, ship, university, fisherman, cow, paper, editor-in-chief, music, glass, company, chalk, month, fox, life, hero.

Ex. 2. A. Form plural nouns doing all necessary changes

1.This is a thrilling film.

2.In the story a policeman helps a child.

3.A student must enjoy life.

4.My son keeps a white mouse in a box.

5.A cat is a cute animal.

6.What a good chance we have!

7.It's a new business center.

8.The last leaf fell from the tree.

9.The wife of the sailor came to the shore.

10.The cargo of the steamer consists of different raw materials.

B. Form singular nouns doing all necessary changes

1.Men who drink and drive are criminals.

2.House keepers must be economical.

3.Secretaries should know computers and languages.


4.Politicians must be good leaders and speakers.

5.Horror films are not for small children.

6.Partners should be honest people.

7.Hours passed before the police came.

8.Accountants must be good at figures.

9.I can see sheep in the field.

10.There are geese in the pond.

Ex. 3. Choose the correct form of the verb, singular or plural. In some sentences either the singular or plural verb is possible

1.Mathematics was/were my favorite subject at school.

2.The police suspect/suspects him of robbery.

3.The government want/wants to reduce taxes.

4.Did you see my scissors? – No, but mine is/are on the table.

5.England is/are playing with France in a football match next week.

6.The staff is not/are not happy with salaries.

7.Were does/do your family live?

8.Fruit is/are cheap in summer.

9.The trousers does not/don't fit me.

10.The car is/are a very comfortable means of transport.

11.Money isn't/aren't the most important thing in life.

12.There is/are a pair of scissors in the kitchen.

13.The news is/are depressing.

14.There is/are some milk in the fridge.

15.A number of my friends is/are planning a holiday together.

16.My hair is/are quite greasy. It needs/they need washing.

17.Rabies isn't/aren't a very common disease in Britain.

18.Our team is/are wearing their new jerseys.

19.Politics has/have never interested me.

20.Knowledge is/are power.

Ex. 4. Translate from Russian into English

1.Его волосы совсем темные.

2.Я купил эти часы в Санкт-Петербурге. Они очень хорошие.

3.Я не мог войти в сад, так как ворота были закрыты.

4.Эти новости очень интересные.

5.Ваши советы мне очень помогли сегодня.

6.Кому принадлежат эти деньги?

7.Он сделал большие успехи в английском языке.

8.В этом году фрукты очень дешевые.

9.Его заработная плата очень высокая.


10.Экспорт этого товара значительно увеличился.

11.Содержание этого письма было совсем неожиданным.

12.Мы получили важные сведения о положении рынка шерсти.

13.Он перепробовал много разных работ и в конце концов стал актером.

14.У них на ферме гуси, утки, овцы, а еще есть пруд, где много рыбы.

15.На улице было мало прохожих.

II. Possessive Case

Притяжательный падеж











the girl


the girl's


The girl's book is on the table.





It's a Thomas's book.


















the girls

the girls'







The girls' books are on the table.

their wives

their wives'



the men

the men's


The men's books are on the






my children

my children's








Ex. 5. Put the nouns in the Possessive Case

1.The new club of the workers.

2.The walls of the room.

3.The voice of his sister.

4.The pages of the book.

5.The orders of the Commander-in-Chief.

6.The watch of my friend Peter.

7.The birthday of my daughter Helen.

8.The boats of the fishermen.

9.The opinion of the lawyer.

10.The signature of Mr. Brown.

11.The offer of the seller.

12.The conclusions of the expert.


Ex. 6. Translate from Russian into English

1.Есть ли у вас карта Европы?

2.Знаете ли Вы адрес Иванова?

3.Рабочий день моего брата начинается в 9 часов утра.

4.Вы спросили мнение врача?

5.Муж моей сестры Елены уехал в Москву.

6.Мы еще не получили ответа покупателей.

7.Они сообщили нам о прибытии парохода.

8.Матросы немедленно выполнили приказание капитана.

9.Я не знаю еще решения директора.

10.После лекции профессор ответил на вопросы студентов.



Demonstrative Pronouns

Указательные местоимения

Грамматическая функция




1.This is a large house.



That was a sad story.

прямое дополнение


Have you read this?



"Which books will you take?"



"I'll take these."



This house is too large.



Those bags are too large.

Ex. 1. Make the following sentences plural

1. This is a new dictionary. 2. That is my file. 3. Is this your disk? 4. That was not my idea. 5. That man is a busker. 6. Give me that letter, please. 7. That was a good time. 8. We'll never forget that year. 9. This computer is mine, and that one is my co-worker's. 10. They lived in that place for many years. 11. This incident is rather strange. 12. Can you see that man? 13. Who is that woman? 14. This child is being difficult today. 15. Was that an old or a new edition? 16. This information is top secret.

Ex. 2. Use the right form of the pronouns this or that

I. ... gloves are of the best quality. 2. I'll sign all the papers ... morning. 3. — We can meet at 10.30. — ... will be fine. 4. ... was a really terrible air crash last

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