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from me again? 9. What a smell! What have you been smoking? 10. For over three centuries farmers in the Philippines have been growing the finest tobacco leaf in the world.

Ex. 2. This time you have to ask a question for each situation

Example: Your friend's hands are covered in oil. (you/work/on the car?)

Have you been working on the car?

1.You see a little boy. His eyes are red and watery. (you/cry?)

2.You have just arrived to meet your friend who is waiting for you. (you/wait/long?)

3.Your friend comes in. His face and hands are very dirty. (what/you/do?)

Ex. 3. Translate the following sentences using Present Perfect Continuous

1. - Как давно вы уже смотрите этот сериал? - Я смотрю его уже месяц и все еще не могу понять, что там происходит. 2. Переговоры длятся (be on) уже два часа, но президенты пока еще не подписали бумаги. 3. А почему это вы молчите? Вы опять про меня говорили? 4. Сынок, почему у тебя грязные брюки? Ты опять играл в футбол? 5. Целый день идет дождь, а я оставила зонт дома. 6. Пойду в душ, я работал в саду. 7. Джинсы в моде уже больше века. Люди носят их все это время. А вы носите джинсы? 8. Собака ищет бомбу в этом здании уже три часа, но пока еще ничего не нашла. 9. Мы ремонтируем квартиру с весны и очень устали. 10. Он очень беспокоит меня. Он целый день сидит сегодня, ничего не делая и не говоря. 11. Я думаю о тебе с тех пор, как мы впервые встретились. 12. Команда упорно тренируется всю зиму, но пока еще не выиграла ни одной игры. 13. -Ты почему такой сердитый? - Я опять потерял свой проездной билет. Ищу его с утра, но он пропал. 14. Моя мама преподает французский язык с 1990 года. 15. Крыши домов покрыты снегом. Ночью шел снег.

Ex. 4. Translate into Russian using the Past Perfect Progressive

1. We were tired as we had been walking for .more than an hour. It was time to rest a little. 2. The boy had been reading the task in physics for a long time but still he didn't understand it. 3. Mrs. Jackson was one of the best teachers at the school. She had been teaching for twenty years. 4. Dora was writing a letter to her boyfriend. She had been writing it since she got home from class. 5. My eyes were getting tired. I had been reading for two hours. I decided to make a break. 6. Mr. Robbins liked his job. He had been working at the company for fifteen years. 7. She put aside the sweater which she had been knitting. 8. The secretary closed the file which she had just been looking through. 9. They had been driving all night when finally they saw the lights of a big city. 10. When I


entered the flat, I saw that everything was in a mess. Somebody had been searching the rooms. 11. The boys had black eyes and torn trousers. They had been fighting. 12. At last he got the opportunity he had been waiting for so long.

Ex. 5. In this exercise you have to read a situation and then write a sentences

Example: The two boys came into the house. One had a black eye and the other had a сut lip. (they/fight) They had been fighting.

1.Tom was watching television. He was feeling very tired, (he/study/hard all day) He ............................….............................................……………………….

2.When I walked into the room, it was empty. But there was a smell of cigarettes. (somebody/smoke/in the room) Somebody ..................………………

3.When Mary came back from the beach, she looked very red from the sun. (she/lie/in the sun too long).............................................................................……

4.The two boys came into the house. They had a football and they were both very tired. (they/play/football)...............................................................…………..

5.Ann woke up in the middle of the night. She was frightened and she didn't know where she was. (she/dream) ……………………………………………….

Ex. 6. Translate the following sentences into English using Past Perfect Continuous

1.Он сумел понять фильм, потому что много лет занимался французским.

2.Когда я был в Лондоне, то она пришла повидать меня, потому что мы переписывались уже несколько лет. 3. Он мыл машину около часа, когда понял, что это не его машина. 4. Люди прождали час, прежде чем пришел автобус. 5. В доме замечательно пахло. Мама пекла пироги с утра. 6. Хотя Антон весь день клеил обои, он согласился пойти вечером на концерт. 7. Он попросил не дотрагиваться до стены, потому что только что красил ее. 8. Я всего лишь десять минут носила новые туфли, как вдруг сломался каблук. 9. У него на руках было масло. Он менял покрышки (tyres). 10. Когда начальник вошел в комнату, все замолчали, и он понял, что говорили о нем. 11. Наконец наступил день, o котором он так долго мечтал. 12. Виктор закончил доклад, над которым так долго работал.

Ex. 7. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian using Future Perfect Continuous

1. Do you think you'll be tired in the evening? - Yes, I'll have already been working for eight hours. 2. By this time tomorrow, I'll have been traveling for twelve hours. 3. By the time you get here the people will have been waiting for an hour already. 4. By May, he'll have been riding that bike for five years. 5. By Christmas, I'll have been working for this company for twenty years.


Ex. 8. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using Future Perfect Continuous

1. К тому времени как встанет солнце завтра утром, мы уже два часа будем лететь над Атлантическим океаном. 2. К первому сентября этого года я уже десять лет буду изучать английский язык. 3. Ей понадобится отдых. Она весь день будет работать. 4. К концу года мы будем жить в Москве уже двадцать лет. 5. Когда приедет полиция, Эрик уже три часа будет ехать в Техас. 6. К тому времени как дети вернутся из школы, их мама уже несколько часов будет работать в саду. 7. В июле будет год, как я живу в этом городе.

Ex. 9. Open the brackets, using the Perfect Continuous tense forms

1. What you (do) for the past two weeks? 2. Suddenly she understood that she (speak) for a long time and it was time to stop. 3. He paint this picture for two years and I don't know when he is going a finish it. 4. "Do you want to know what (happen) since you went away? "What I want to know is what you (do) while I have been away." He took out his watch and looked at it. It was two o'clock. It meant that he (wait) since 11 o'clock. 6. For the past few minutes I (try) to explain to you that you can't make me go there. 7. You're sure you're well, Jack? I (think) that this work is a bit too hard for your age. 8. The children (fight) for some time when the door opened and the teacher came into the classroom. 9. Peter who (write) something for some time in silence, suddenly joined in the discussion.

Ex. 10. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian using Perfect Continuous tense forms

1. Мы пользовались этой машинкой в течение трех лет. Она действовала безотказно (прекрасно). 2. Я весь день сегодня думаю о том, что я скажу, когда мы придем к ним. 3. — Почему вы так взволнованны? — У нас был спор. 4. Этот человек идет за нами всю дорогу от станции. Он, наверное, не знает дороги. 5. Что здесь происходило? Почему все такие взволнованные? 6. Этот шум беспокоит меня с самого утра, и я не могу понять, откуда он идет. 7. Ты слишком много пьешь кофе последнее время. 8. Он был уверен, что она живет в Москве в 1995 года. 9. Ты опять курил в комнате? 10. Ты плакала? Что случилось? 11. У него было такое чувство, что он живет здесь уже давно.12. Когда она последний раз выходила из школы, где училась десять лет, она не думала, что снова вернется в нее, но уже учительницей. 13. Он носит очки с детства.



I see a ship in the distance

I am seeing the manager today.


(having a meeting)

I think it’s not his fault

What are you going to do?


I don’t know, I am thinking.

I have two sandwiches.

I am having breakfast now.

Would you like one?


He is selfish.

He is being selfish.


(=behaving selfishly at the moment)

Ex. 1. Are the underlined verbs right or wrong? Correct the verbs that are wrong

1.Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.

2.The water boils. Can you turn it off?

3.Look! That man tries to open the door of your car.

4.Can you hear those people? What do they talk about?

5.The moon goes round the earth.

6.I must go now. It gets late.

7.I usually go to work by car.

8.“Hurry up! It’s time to leave”. “Ok, I come”.

9.I hear you’ve got a new job. How do you get on?

Ex. 2. Put the verb to the correct form, Present Continuous or Present Simple

1.Julia is very good at languages. She ………(speak) four languages very well.

2.Hurry up! Everybody ……… (wait) for you.

3. …………… (you/listen) to the radio?'

'No, you can turn it off'.'

4. …………… (you/listen) to the radio every day?'

'No, just occasionally'.

5.The River Nile …………… (flow) into the Mediterranean.

6.Look at the river. It …………… (flow) very fast today - much faster than usual.

7.Ron is in London at the moment. He……………. (stay) at the Park Hotel. He

……………. (always/stay) there when he's in London.

8.Can we stop walking soon? I (start) to feel tired.

9. 'Can you drive?' 'I ……………(learn). My father ……………(teach) me.

10.Normally I …………… (finish) work at 5.00, but this week I ……………

(work) until 6.00 to earn a bit more money.

11.My parents ……………. (live) in Bristol. They were born there and have never lived anywhere else. Where (your parents/live)?

12. 'What ……………(your father/do)?' 'He's an architect but he……………

(not/work) at the moment.'


Ex. 3. Put the verb into the correct form, present continuous or present simple

1.Are you hungry? …………… something to eat? (you/want)

2.Jill is interested m politics but she …………. to a political party. (not/belong)

3.Don't put the dictionary away. I …………… it. (use)

4.Don't put the dictionary away. I ……………it. (need)

5.Who is that man? What ……………? (he/want)

6.Who is that man? Why …………… at us? (he/look)

7.George says he's 80 years old but nobody …………………….. him. (believe)

8.She told me her name but I …………… it now. (not/remember)

9. I ………… of selling my car. (think) Would you be interested in buying it? 10. I ……… you should sell your car. (think) You …… it very often. (not/use)

11.I used to drink a lot of coffee but these days I …………… tea. (prefer)

12.Air …………… mainly of nitrogen and oxygen. (consist)

Ex. 4. Put the verb into the correct form, Present Continuous or Present Simple

1. What you (to do) here now? - We (to listen) to tape-recordings. 2. You (to want) to see my father? -Yes, I … 3. Michael (to know) German rather well. He

(to want) to know English, too, but he (to have) little time for it now. 4. What magazine you (to read)? - It (to be) a French magazine. There (to be) good articles on sports here. You (to be) interested in sports? - Yes, I ... But I (not to know) French. 5. We (to have) an English lesson now. 6. Lena usually (to prepare) her homework at the institute? - No, she .... As a rule, she (to work) at home. - And what she (to write) now? -Oh, she (to write) an article for our wall newspaper. 7. Who that man (to be) who (to stand) in the doorway? - You (not to recognize) him? It (to be) John, my cousin. 8. I (to have) no time now, I (to have) dinner. 9. Your family (to leave) St. Petersburg m summer? - Yes, we always (to go) to the seaside. We all (to like) the sea. Mother (to stay) with us to the end of August, but father (to return) much earlier.

Ex. 5. Put the verbs into Present Continuous or Present Simple

1. It (to take) me forty minutes to get to school. 2. Hello, Pete, where you (to go)? - I (to hurry) to school. 3. When your lessons (to begin) on Monday? -They (to begin) at nine o'clock. 4. Where your sister (to be)? - She (to do) her homework in the next room. 5. It usually (to take) me an hour to do my written exercises. 6. Where Boris (to be)? I (to look) for him. - He (to have) dinner. 7. In the evening I often (to go) to see my friends. 8. On Sunday we sometimes (to go) to the cinema or to a disco club. 9. Andrew (to get) up very early as he (to live) far from school. He (to be) never late. 10. It (to be) six o'clock in the evening 'now. Victor (to do) his homework. His sister (to read) a book. His

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