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деловое письмо, Ефимова 2010.doc
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I. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих русских словосочетаний.

Заявление о морском протесте; заявить морской протест; соблюдать нее к еры предосторожности; оставлять за собой право предъявить про­тест в удобное время и в подходящем для этой цели месте; опасаясь ущерба или повреждений; крупное волнение; сильная зыбь; черпать воду; испытывать килевую и бортовую качку; испытывать сильную качку; опасаться подмочки груза; по пути; спасать груз и судно; крен на левый правый борт; постоянно находиться под водой; столкнуться со штормовой погодой; удариться о борт другого судна; ухудшение погоды; в соответствии с МППСС; сесть па мель; снять судно с мели; рыболовные осей; не обращать внимания; изменить курс; омаровые ловушки; столкновение орудий лова; заниматься рыболовной деятельностью; прокладывать курс; сигнал о потере возможности управляться; дрейфовать под ветер; дать ход; лечь на курс; нарушение правил.

II. Переведите на русский язык.

  1. I hereby declare this sea protest fearing damages to the cargo by the reason of bad weather conditions. 2. During the voyage the vessel met with stormy weather and rough sea. 3. The ship suffered pitching and rol­ling and was shipping water fore and aft. 4. All precuations were taken to save the cargo and the ship. 5. I apprehend possible wetting of the cargo, C. I reserve the right to extend this protest. 7. The vessel was labouring heavily shipping water fore and aft, hatches being continually awash 8. In consequence of the above weather conditions I anticipate pos­sible damage to the cargo owing to intensive sweating on the metallic sur­faces. 9. The Master and the crew have applied all means of safeguarding the vessel and the cargo. 10. I give notice of my intention of protesting against all losses and damages, reserving the right to extend my Protest at time and place convenient. 11, Owing to incompetent pilotage (lie ship got stranded on the edge of a bank. 12. In consequence of the above-men­tioned occurrence I fear possible hull deformation and rapture of joints of water-healing systems resulting in water contamination and damage to the cargo. 13. The foreign trawler was crossing our nets paying no attention to our sound and light signals. 14. When fishing in Canadian Fishery Conservation Zone under licence 2082 we hauled up lobster traps in our bottom trawl on October 20. 15. The said gear conflict was due to the absence of; my signals showing the location of traps. 16. I hereby declare this sea pro­test in the event of any claims against me or my shipowners for the above gear conflict. 17. We started repairing the engine having hoisted the not under-command signals prescribed by the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea. 18. I hereby declare this Sea protest in the event of any claims against me or my shipowners for infringement of Fo­reign Fishing Regulations in Canadian fishing zone.

Part II


cargo operations, claims


1 Port Hartourt, 29th August, 2000

The Area Administrator,

Board of Customs and Excise,

Customs House,

Port Harcourt

Application for permission to transload M/V «Vasily Surikov»

to M/V «Bayron» at Dawes Island,

Dear Sir,

We kindly ask you for permission to allow our vessel «Vasily Surikov» to transload her balance cargo of frozen fish to one of our vessels M/V «Bayron» at Dawes Island.

We would appreciate your kind approval.

Yours faithfully,

for Alraine (Nigeria) Limited


2 Aalesund, 23 Aug., 2000

To-whom it may concern.