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Letter No. 12. Claim made in connection with inferior quality of the goods

2nd June, 19..

Dear Sirs

It is with great regret that we have to inform you that the material, delivered under Contract No., does not conform to the specification on the basis of which the contract was signed.

By separate mail we have sent you a cutting from this material and one piece from the material of the previous consignment, so that you can compare the two and see the difference.

As a result of this situation we sustain heavy losses because we cannot fulfil our contractual obligations1 to our clients. In this situation we are prepared to retain the goods2 if you reduce the price, say, by 40 %.

Awaiting your early reply

We remain faithfully yours



1to fulfil contractual obligations - выполнить контрактные обязательства; 2 to 2retain the goods - оставить у себя товар.

Letter No. 13. Claim made in connection with the substandard goods delivered to the Buyers

Messrs. Brown & Carter, 27th August, 19..


Dear Sirs

We have received serious complaints from our customers in ... with regard to the bales of Cotton Wastes1 supplied by you under Contract 19/14. They find that the bulk of the goods2 (i.e. 12 bales) does not conform to the samples submitted, therefore they were forced to suspend production3 and are now sustaining heavy losses.

You will understand that you have infringed the Contract by delivering the goods of inferior quality and consequently you are to compensate our Customers for their losses by granting them a 7 % allowance off the contract value. Otherwise we may have to cancel the Contract4 and refer the matter to Arbitration. We are sending you by separate mail a sample of the Cotton Wastes with, the Quality Certificate issued by our laboratory.

Our Mr. Panin in London is authorized to discuss all the particulars of the matter.

Yours faithfully



1 a bale of Cotton Wastes - кипа хлопковых отходов;

2 the bulk of the goods - большая часть товаров;

3to suspend production - приостановить (временно) производство;

4 to cancel the Contract - аннулировать контракт.

Letter No. 14. Complaint of damage

F. Lynch & Co. Ltd.

(Head Office), Nesson House, Newell Street, Binningham B3 3EL

Telephone No: 021 236 6571 Fax: 021 236 8592 Telex: 341641

SatexS.p.A. 15 August, 19..

Via di Pietra Papa

00146 Roma


Attn. Mr. D. Causio

Dear Mr. Causio

Our Order No. 14478

I am writing to complain about the shipment of sweaters we received yesterday against the above order.

The boxes with sweaters were damaged, and looked as if they had been broken open in transit. From your invoice No. 18871 we estimate1 that thirty garments2 have been stolen to the value of £150.00. Because of the rummaging3 in the boxes, quite a few other garments were crushed or stained4 and cannot be sold as new articles in our shops.

As the sale was on a c.i.f; basis and the forwarding company your agents, we suggest you contact them with regard to compensation.

You will find a list of the damaged and missing articles attached, and the consignment will be put to one side until we receive your instructions.

Yours sincerely


Chief Buyer


1 to estimate v - оценивать; подсчитывать приблизительно;

2 garment n - предмет одежды;

3 rummage n - поиски; обыск;

4 to be stained - испачкаться, быть в пятнах.