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Letter of Complaint No. 1





Fx4 5WE

The Manager 2 March, 20..

British Road Services

Felixstowe Division


Fx3 3SE

Dear Sir

We regret to inform1 you that we have not yet received all the containers of a

consignment of 30 carrying raw jute to Messrs. John Morton & Co., Dundee,

despite the fact that the first 16 containers arrived on 12 February.

We cannot understand what has happened to the missing containers2 and the

delay is causing a great disorganization at the consignee's factory.

We must ask you to look into the matter3 and arrange for4 the missing containers

to be forwarded at once.

Yours faithfully



1 We regret to inform you that – с сожалением сообщаем Вам, что…

2 the missing containers – недостающие (пропавшие) контейнеры.

3to look into the matter –разобраться с вопросом.

4to arrange for – предпринять меры для организации чего-либо.

Letter No. 2. Complaint of late .Delivery of goods

Messrs. Simpson & Co., 15th March, 20..


Dear Sirs

We regret to inform you that the machines which arrived by s.s. PSKOV in execution1 of Contract 17/123 have come with a two months' delay. You will remember2 that in accordance with the Contract the shipment was to have been effected3 at the end of January. However in spite of our numerous letters you failed to deliver the goods in the stipulated time. Since this is an f.o.b. transaction we had to change our loading programme4 and this alone caused us considerable inconvenience5. Also the delay has exceeded six weeks which is a gross infringement of the contract and we feel entitled to claim from you agreed and liquidated damages6 at the rate stipulated in the Contract which makes $ ... You will certainly understand that we intend to settle the matter7 amicably8.

However, if you refuse to meet our claim9 we shall have to refer the matter to the Arbitration court10 at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Moscow.

We are sure you will give the matter your immediate attention.

Yours faithfully



1 execution of Contract – выполнение контракта

syn. fulfilment


2 You will remember that –Вы, очевидно помните, что… Глагол «will» может употребляться в коммерческой переписке со значением «возможно», «очевидно».

3shipment was to have been effected – отгрузка должна была быть произведена;

4 loading programme – план погрузок;

5 caused us considerable inconvenience – причинило нам значительные неудобства;

6 agreed and liquidated damages – заранее оцененные и согласованные убытки;

7 to settle the matter – урегулировать вопрос;

8 amicably adv. – дружеским путем, мирным путем;

9 to meet our claim – удовлетворить нашу претензию;

syn. to satisfy a claim

10 to refer the matter to the Arbitration court – передать дело на рассмотрение в арбитражный суд;

syn. to submit a matter