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Value n.

(see U. 12)

Verisimilar a.


график, расписание услуга


реклама (объявление или плакат) на всю газетную / журнальную полосу / рекламное пространство

этап, ступень заявлять, утверждать торговый класс

отстаивать отстаивать идею

вакантное место

Мы располагаем следующими

вакантными должностями,

стоимость, цена, ценность правдоподобный

2. Read the text paying special attention to new words and set phrases:

A dvertising is the act of making a product, a service, a job vacancy, an •**event etc publicly known. It is a non-personal form of communication through paid means of information distribution with a clearly stated source of financing.

Publicity money go to various means of information distribution: mass media, radio and television, outside exposition (posters, signs, aerial


advertising); direct mail, souveniers (match boxes, notebooks, calenders); in transport; catalogues; directories (telephone directories, guides) etc..

The advertising has many applications. A corporate/image advertising is used to form a lasting image. A product advertising is used to distinguish a certain brand of products compared to other brands of the same trade class. Rubric advertising is used to distribute information about services, events or some sale. Clearance advertising is used to announce of some clearance sale. Explanatory advertising is used to uphold some idea. The advertising can also be national, regional, local, it can be meant for a wide range of consumers, for a certain industry, for a retail trade etc..

/Companies with strong advertisment departments often resort to the V-x services of advertising agencies. The agencies normally have four main departments: production department which elaborates and produces advertisments; advertising media department responsible for a choice of means and placement of advertisments; research department studying die demand; commercial department dealing with commercial aspects.

The agencies get a commision, usually a 15% discount of the value of the purchased advertising space. For instance, the agency buys an advertising space for 60 thousand dollars. The magazine draws up an invoice for 51 thousand dollars on die agency (60 thousand minus 15%), the agency in its turn charges the client the full amount of 60 thousand dollars keeping back 9 thousand dollars.


eking advertisment is a five-stage process which includes such stages as:

1) setting the objectives,

2) drawing up a budget,

3) the appeal,

4) the choice of means of information distribution,

5) assessment of the results.


I. setting the objectives [informing, persuading, reminding]

П. drawing up the budget

Ш. the appeal

[he forming of the idea, the choice of forms of appeal, implementation]

IV. The choice of means of

Informations distribution [me choice of the range, frequency,

specific advertising means, the shcedule]

V. the assessment of the results

(1) The Objectives should be clearly stated no matter whether if s informing, persuading or reminding.

Informing prevails on the stage of introducing a new product on the market Persuading forms a special demand for a certain brand of products. Some persuading adverts tend to be comparative, i.e. they tend to show advantages of one brand cc the other one of the same trade class. Comparative adverts are used to promote such categories of goods as deodorants, tooth paste, tires, cars. Reminding is important to make the consumer remember the product but not to persuade or inform. If s a kind of advert that approves of the right choice, e.g. happy buyers adoring their newly bouht car.

  1. The Budget can be drawn up according to such principles as 'on the level of competitors', 'out of certain objectives and goals' etc..

  2. The Appeal presupposes the forming of the idea, choice of forms of appeal and implementation. Any advertiser should keep in mind the four АГОА points: = attention, interest, desire, action, - consequent stages of the consumer's response before buying. ( for more information! on AIDA see U7).


Forming of the idea: the idea can be formed by way of combining types of satisfaction that a customer anticipates - rational, aesthetic, social or a satisfaction of pride of ownership - with types of emotional experience. The choice of forms of appeal: the appeal is supposed to inform the receiver of something interesting and desirable. Also, it should convey an idea of the exeptional nature of die product compared to the other brands of the same trade category. The appeal should be verisimilar and demonstrable. The implementation of the appeal is very important when advertising such similar goods as cigarettes, coffee and beer. The impact depends not on what has been said but the way it has been said. Usually the advertiser elaborates die text stressing die contents, goles, integrity and die right tone.

(4) The Choice of Means of Information Distribution depends on settling die following questions: stating die range of frequency and die impact of die advert; choosing a specific advertising means and die right schedule. Most companies prefer a pulsing schedule.

(5) Assessment of the Results presupposes die evaluation of die communicative and commercial effectivity before, during and after me publicity campaign.


early, American firms spend over 61 billion dollars in average for publicity campaigns, e.g. to promote die goods in 1995 die three leading american advertisers 'Procter and Gamble' and 'Philip Morris' and 'General Motors' spent 2,7 - 2,4 - 1,9 billion dollars respectively. In 1995 same companies 'Procter and Gamble' and 'Philip Moms' were the leading advertisers on die Russian market after die leaders of 1994 die companies 'МММ' and 'Russkaya nedvizhimost'. The ASAs - Advertising Standards Authoriries - monitor hundreds of advertisements weekly as these are die organisations to protect die public from advertisements diat may contain misleading or false information.

There are two major types of advertisements: classified and commercial. Classified advertisements are short advertisements in a newspaper or magazine placed by people offering or asking for a product or service, or who are offering or looking for employment. Commercial advertisements are advertisements on television, radio or in a cinema.

Besides diere are keyed advertisements. Many advertisers resort to keyed adverts as they have a code printed on die reply coupon identifying die magazine or newspaper where it appeared. The advertiser can dien check which magazines are me most useful source of advertising. The companies place keyed advertisements to help witii market research.


By their location in mass media or other advertising means the advertisements can be divided into solas and semi-solus. Solus is an advertisment or a poster that is separated from any competeing advertisments or posters, e,g. the only one on a page or in a solus position on the front page, i.e. a full-page advert. Semi-solus (semi) is an advertisment which appears on the same page as another advertisment but is not placed next to it N.B. Do not confuse semis as semi-solus advertisements and semis as semi-finished goods.

3. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is advertising?

  2. Where does the publicity money go?

  3. What are the applications of the advertisement?

  4. Give a couple of examples of some kinds of advertisement

  5. What is the structure of the advertising agency?

  6. What are the functions of various departments of the advertising agency?

  7. How does the advertising agency work?

  8. What are the stages of making an advertisement?

  9. What are the kinds of objectives that can be set up on the first stage?

  10. When is informing the objective?

  11. Why can persuading be the objective?

  12. Why is reminding important as an objective?

  13. What are the principles of drawing up a budget?

  14. What does die appeal presuppose?

  15. What does the forming of the idea imply?

  16. What does die choke of of forms of appeal inply?

  17. When is the implementation important?

  18. What does the stage of die choice of means of information distribution involve?

  19. How do you understand a pulsing schedule? Give an exmaple of a pulsing schedule.

  20. Give an example of expenditures for a publicity campaign by some company.

  21. What is an ASA?

  22. What are die two major types of advertisements?

  23. Why do you think it's useful to place keyed advertisements?

  24. What is the difference between die solus and die semi-solus advert?


4. Give English equivalents to words and word-combinations. Make up you own sentences using them.

  1. Творческий отдел.

  2. Средства рекламы.

  3. Размещение рекламы.

  4. Коммерческий отдел.

  5. Иметь дело с коммерческими аспектами.

  6. Изучать спрос.

  7. Получать коммиссионное вознаграждение.

  8. Стоимость закупленных средств рекламы.

  9. Взять с клиента опредленную сумму денег.

  10. Удержать один миллион рублей.

  11. Четко обозначенный источник финансирования.

  12. Средства массовой информации.

  13. Средства распространения рекламы.

  14. Рекламировать в каталогах и справочниках.

  15. Объявление о распродаже.

  16. Отстаивать какую-либо идею.

  17. Запонимающийся образ.

  18. Зависеть не от того, что сказано, а от того, как сказано.

  19. Степень воздействия рекламы.

  20. Рекламодатель разрабатывает текст рекламы.

  21. Обуславливая содержание, задачи, аргументацию.

  22. Эффективность рекламы.

  23. Выбрать основные средства рекламы.

  24. Пульсурующий график.

  25. Управление рекламных стандартов.

  26. Основные виды рекламы.

  27. Классифицированные объявления.

  28. Коммерческая реклама.

  29. Показ коммерческой рекламы.

  30. Предлагать работу.

  31. Реклама по телевидению, радио или в кино.

  32. Содержать лживую информацию.

  33. Помнить о продукте.

  34. ybezhdenie формирует избирательный вкус.

  35. Особый спрос на определенный сорт продукции.

5. Choose the correct answer. A promotion is...

4 Зак. 37 97

  1. Advertising от other activity intended to increase the sales of a product.

  2. An advertising or publicity campaign for a particular product

  3. The giving or receiving of a higher position or a more a important job.

The budget is...

  1. A plan of income and expenditure for a particular period of time.

  2. An amount of money to be spent on particular business activities or equipment

  3. The annual plan of income and expenditure produced by the government

The persuading is...

  1. Persistent requests to do от not to do something.

  2. An imperavite way of pusuading smn.

  3. A polite request

6. Fill in the blanks where necessary.

. advertising agencies.

1. Resort the help

  1. Study the demand

  2. A 15% discount the value the purchased means


  1. To buy and advertising space $50,000.

  2. To draw an invioce $50,000 the agency.

  3. A form communication.

  4. The Implementation the appeal

  5. Such similar goods coffee, cigarettes, beer.

  6. The extent eflfectivity.

  7. To depend what has been said.

  8. To state the range of frequency.

  9. To choose a schedule.

the public misleading advertisements.

  1. television.

    To protect _

  2. An advertisement


15. То be placed people offering or asking a product


  1. To look _ _ employment

  2. A code printed the reply coupon.

  3. The most useful source _____ advertising.

  4. To contain information.

  5. To stipulate the contents and tasks.

7. Paraphrase the text paragraph by paragraph using synonymous words, word-combinations and terminology.

8. Read the text again and say if these statements are true or false.

  • An adverisement for a sales manager is a kind of message for the attention of the sales manager of the company.

  • The brand image can be created and influenced by advertising and packaging.

  • To promote someone manager of the department means pulling strings to help get that person a higher position in a company.

  • Qualitative market research is the examination of people's attitudes and opinions and how these influences what, where and how much they buy.

9. Give every word combination collectively pertaining to each word listed below.

  • advertising

  • demand

  • publicity

  • promotion

  • deal

10. Here in the box there are 10 words and word-combinations used in the text On me right of mem, mere are 10 alternative ways of saying the same thing, however, these are mixed up. Choose the words and word-


combinations on the right which have the same meaning as the ones on the left.

  • advertising campaign

  • products

  • to distribute

  • capital good

  • application

  • demostrable

  • corporate advertising

  • direct mail advertising

  • a goods van

  • to deal with a client