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ББК 81.2 К 88

Автор весьма признателен редактору господину Хью Россу Эдварду Вильямсу и бизнес-консультанту господину , З.Барджадзе за неоценимую помощь в создании книги.

Кумарова М.Г.

К 88 Новый бизнес английский. Курс деловой лексики английского языка. М.: Ассоциация авторов и издателей "ТАНДЕМ". Издательство ЭКМОС, 1998. - 400 с.

ISBN 5-88124-018-9

Курс деловой лексики на английском языке для служащих фирм и коммерческих организаций, банков, рекламных агентств, а также деловых людей, слушателей специальных курсов; для студентов бизнес колледжей и академий бизнеса и менеджмента; для широкого круга лиц, изучающих экономику и предпринимательство на английском языке, а также для самостоятельного изучения.

ББК 81.2

ISBN 5-88124-018-9 © Кумарова М.Г.

©ЭКМОС, 1998


Содержание. Предисловие 3-4

Business Correspondence

Деловая Переписка 5-24

Memoranda. Documents

Меморандумы. Доклады..... 25-36

Forms of Business Activities

Формы деловой активности,. 37-76


Реклама 77-112

Basic Terms of Delivery. Terms of Payment

Основные Условия Поставки. Условия платежа.

113-158 Legal aspects Правовые Аспекты 159-186


Сбыт. 187-210

Wholesalers. Distributors. Brokers. Agents.

Оптовики. Дистрибьюторы. Брокеры. Агенты 211-238

Markets. Exchanges.

Рынки. Биржи. 239-270


Банковское Дело. 271-2%


Бухгалтерский Баланс 297-330

Share Capital Book value of securities.

Акционерный Капитал. Балансовая стоимость ценных бумаг 331-354

Appendix 1 355-387

Appendix П 388-3%


В книге представлен разнообразный материал по следующим темам: как правильно вести деловую переписку, составлять меморандумы и отчеты, формы деловой активности, реклама, базовые условия поставки и условия платежа; освещены правовые аспекты коммерческой деятельности, вопросы работы отдела продаж, работа оптовых фирм, агентов и дистрибьюторов; дает представление о том, что такое рынки и биржи, банки; разъясняет основные статьи бухгалтерского баланса; последняя глава посвящена вопросам акционерного капитала и балансовой стоимости ценных бумаг.

Информация для преподавателей:

В зависимости от интенсивности учебной программы я общего уровня знаний студентов преподавателю рекомендуется самому выбирать главы для занятий со студентами.

Структурно, урок включает в себя следующие задания: словарь к текстам с прослушиванием кассеты и аудированием; смысловые и логические вопросы к тексту; перефразирование текста; перевод словосочетаний и терминологии; упражнения на правильное употребление предлогов и частиц; работа в парах: составление диалогов по ситуативным заданиям с обязательным употреблением определенного набора лексики урока; написание писем по теме урока; ролевые и игровые задания, имеющие целью развитие навыков устной речи, перевод безэквивалентной лексики, освещение текущих экономических событий в стране и за рубежом.

В работе также рекомендуется использовать различные пособия, изданные и Англии и США, видео- и аудио-кассеты.

В Приложениях содержится дополнительный и справочный материал, который преподаватель может использовать на занятиях на свое усмотрение.









1. Read the text paying special attention to new words and word-combinations.

Т aying out letters.1 Letters are perhaps the most important -•-'communication to get right because they officially represent your company or organisation to the outside world. Your company will seem less attractive if your letters are not professional.

Т etterhead. Шапка на фирменном бланке. A letterhead is the name and JLJaddress of a person or an organisation printed at the top of personal or office stationery. Your letterhead gives you more freedom to express'the character of your company than any other part of the letter. There is no one accepted way of displaying letterheads. It is worth thinking over the design of your letterhead carefully. It could be useful to employ a house style, whereby the same logo or style of lettering can be used on all your stationery, vehicles, on your offices, on your advertisements - in fact everywhere that your company name appears. Whatever style you chose, your letterheads should be very distinctive. They should give your correspondents all the information they might need if they want to contact you: your company name, your address, your telephone and fax numbers.

The format of your letter is important It should follow certain order and style.

рТЪе date. Дата. This is used to be shown as 24th October, 1995, but is -•- now almost always shown as 24 October 1995 without the 'th' after the day, and without a comma after the month. In American letters the date is written in the following way: October 24, 1995 (October twenty fourth, nineteen ninety five). If the date is written in figures, it will look as follows: month/date/year, e.g. 05/04/19%, which reads as follows: the fourth of May, nineteen ninety six.

four reference. Ссылка. (В ответе сошлитесь на ...). A reference is not essential, but it can help you retrieve a letter from your filing system. If

1 Letter layout - расположение частей письма


you do have one, it will usually be the initials of the person who dictated the letter and those of the person who typed it, as in KMG/BZG. It can also include a file or account number, for example KMG/BZG/78/5.


e inside address. Внутренний адрес.

Make sure you get the name and job title of your correspondent right If you are replying to a letter, address the person in the form in which he or she has signed. So if someone has signed his letter Hywell Walters, you should address him as Hywell Walters, not H. Walters. There are three ways of addressing a man, and two ways of addressing a woman. Men can be addressed as:

William Sykes Esq.

Mr William Sykes William Sykes

Women can be addressed as:

Miss (or Mrs or Ms) Hilary Briggs Hilary Briggs

Which should you use, and under what circumstances? The use of Esq. (short for Esquire) is now very much rarer than it was. It is a very formal form of address, and although it is still used, it is generally considered a little old fashioned. It is however, still considered polite to use some form of title (Mr, Mrs, Miss, Rev., Dr), although it is becoming more and more me norm to address people simply as Hilary Briggs, William Sykes etc. If you have never previously met a person you should use the title which is more formal. If you have met mem, you should be able to judge for yourself whether bey will be offended if you leave the tide out, or whether they are likely to regard you as a bit too formal if you use it

Addressing a woman can sometimes be tricky. It used to be common for women to indicate their marital status with their signature, as in:

Yours sincerely Philippa Cooper (Mrs)

But many women nowadays, particularly in business, simply sign their names, without indicating their marital status. In that case, you should address them as Ms (Ms Philippa Cooper). This is becoming acceptable as a form of address. Some women are still slightly offended by ttus relatively

vSj&^Si: ' - .и т*1-****^ rv-"* -"-^«^г ^х^*^а*-<!:*5

new term, however, so if your correspondent sign herself Mrs or Miss, then use the same form of address in your reply.

What do you do if you do not even know what sex your correspondent is? If someone signs simply S. Lyon, you have a problem. The best thing to do is to try to guess whether the person is a man or a woman and address your letter accordingly. You should then start your letter 'I hope it is Mr (or Ms) Lyon. Your letter just signed S. Lyon, so I am not sure.'

How should you address your letter if you are writing to a company or organisation, rattier than to a named individual? Wherever possible, address it to a specific person in the company, by job title if you do not know his or her name. So, for instance, if you had export query, you would address your letter to the Export Manager. If it were a complaint about an unpaid invoice, you would write to the Accountant. If you do not know who in the organisation might deal with your letter, here are some tips to help you.

  1. If you are writing to a government department, address it to the Minister or to the Permanent Secretary.

  2. If you are writing to a local authority, address it to the Chief Executive.

  3. If you are writing to a firm with a sole owner, address it to the Proprietor.

  4. If you are writing to a club or a professional institution, address it to the Secretary.

  5. If you are writing to a company, address your letter to the Manager or the Managing Director.

  6. Only if you are writing to a partnership do you not address your letter to a particular person. The correct way to address a partnership is Messrs, as in 'Messrs Black and Green1 or The Senior Partner'.

After the name of the company the number of the house and the name of the street are given, then the name of the town and of the county or state, as in:

Mr. Cormac Loane,