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БИП_0168_Решетняк С.В. Пивень Е.И. Учебно-метод...doc
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3 . My Institute.

Words and expressions.

1. a commercial Institution of Higher Education

2. to train

3. main building

4. three departments

5. in the sphere of foreign economic activity

6. merchant law

7. advocating and notary regulations

8. tax and banking.

9. skilled lectures

10. is headed by

11. to be at the disposal of...

12. the curriculum for full-time (part-time) students

13. correspondence department

14. field department offices

15. to give a solid background in all spheres of knowledge

Every year a lot of young men and women enter Universities and Institutes of Higher Education in Belarus. I’m very glad to tell you that now I’m a first year student at the Belorussian Law Institute. I should like to tell you some words about my Institute.

Our Institute was opened in 1991. It is a commercial Institution of Higher Education. The Institute is headed by Rector Stephen Sokol, Professor and Doctor of Law. Our Institute trains lawyers in economy, finance, international relations, accounting, analysis and auditing.

The main building of our Institute is modern and nice. It is situated in Korolya Street. There are three departments at our Institute. The department of International Economic Relations and International Law trains lawyer in the sphere of foreign economic activities and international merchant law. The law department trains specialists in economics law, in the sphere of advocating and notary regulations. The Economic department trains managers in the sphere of banking and tax. Many skilled lectures and professors teach at our Institute.

Modern computer classes, a lot of lecture and classrooms, a cafe and a library are at the disposal of our students. So we have good opportunities to master the subjects.

The first two years of study are generally the most difficult. The students usually have a lot of seminars, lectures and classes. We study Philosophy and Economy, crime Psychology and Criminalistics, special courses of Detective Activities, tax and banking.

Student’s life is a very full one, both academically and culturally.

We have holidays at the end of each set of examinations.

The curriculum for full-time students is differ from part-time students. As for me I study at a correspondence department.

Our Institute has field department offices in Mogilev, Baranovichi and Grodno. The graduates work at different business firms as legal advisers, at industrial enterprises and judicial offices.

I am happy that I study here. It is one of the finest higher educational institutions. Many famous people of Belarus have graduated from our Institute. Studying at our Institute gives a solid background in all spheres of knowledge and prepares for practical work.

4. My Future Profession.

Words and expressions.

  1. to choose a career

2. a first-year student

3. a future lawyer

4. interesting and socially important

5. while crime exists in our country

6. to fight (to prevent) crime

7. quick and accurate solution of a crime

8. the professional skills of a lawyer

11. to protect the rights and legal interests

12. to master the subjects

13. you will have to face...

14. a highly qualified specialist

15. noble

16. rate

17. the prestige and salary

18. average

19. court

9. training

10. legal service of national economy

It’s rather difficult sometimes to choose a career and to speak about future occupation, because a lot may change in our life in a moment. Now I am a first-year student of the Belorussian Law Institute.

I am a future lawyer. My dream has always been to become a lawyer. I’ve chosen this profession as my future occupation a long time ago. From my childhood, little by little I got interested in this profession and began thinking of Law as my future occupation.

In my opinion job should be interesting and socially important. That is why I have chosen the profession of a lawyer.

I consider that this profession is necessary and important while crime exists in our country. The principal tasks of our profession are to fight crime and to prevent crime. We know that quick and accurate solution of a crime depends on the professional skills of a lawyer, on his training. Besides lawyers should know how to protect the rights and legal interests of citizens, organizations and institutions. That is why we try to master all the special subjects. Nobody knows what crime you will have to face tomorrow, so you should be a highly qualified specialist. It’s very noble and necessary to protect life and property of our people. Some lawyers choose job in the financial world, or run their own companies. To become a lawyer in business you need to have original ideas; be well organized and practical, understand the business world.

The rate at which the legal profession is growing will probably continue. Why is the career in law so popular? Of course because of the prestige and salary. The average salary of an experienced lawyer is still substantially greater than that of many other professionals. But this work isn’t so interesting as it may seem.

So, that’s what I know about my profession now. And it makes me think that in some years I’ll be able to find the job in accordance with the knowledge I get, because our Institute trains specialists for working in court, Office of Public Prosecutor, Notary, other juridical bodies and also in legal service of national economy.