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БИП_0168_Решетняк С.В. Пивень Е.И. Учебно-метод...doc
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  1. Answer the questions in the written form.

Ответьте на вопросы письменно.

  1. What did people do in order to hand in petition in the previous centuries?

  2. Who tries to influence law-making process now?

  3. What is a job of a lobbyist?

  4. In what case can the passing of the bill be prevented?

  5. Who is a successful lobbyist today?

  6. What is the lobbyists’ role in government?

  7. Do all lobbyists give annual reports of the money used for this or that bill?

9. Put all types of questions to the sentences.

Поставьте все типы вопросов к следующим предложениям. Обозначьте тип вопроса.

  1. They only exercise their Constitutional right of petition.

  2. Lobbyists are hired to sell their clients special interests.

3 Курс 5 семестр.

Контрольная работа №5.

Вариант 2.

  1. Underline the infinitive and translate the sentences into Russian.

Подчеркните инфинитив и переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. I would like to see this witness again.

  2. At the College we are also taught to find evidence.

  3. I entered Law Institute to become a lawyer.

  4. The girl was quite young when both her parents died and she remained alone with younger brothers to take care of.

  5. Here are some tablets to relieve your headache.

  6. I would like to speak to you.

  1. Translate the following sentences into English using Complex object.

Переведите следующие предложения, используя сложное дополнение.

  1. Они заставили его выплатить выкуп.

  2. Мы часто видели, как они работают в читальном зале.

  3. Полицейский видел, как убегал преступник.

  4. Я хочу, чтобы письма написали сегодня.

  5. Я не считаю его честным человеком.

  6. Я видел, как они вместе шли по улице.

3. Encircle the Participles, mark the Present Participle with “Pres.” and Past Participle with “Past” and translate the sentences into Russian.

Отметьте предложения, содержащие причастие настоящего времени словом “Pres.”, а предложения, содержащие причастие прошедшего времени словом “Past”.

  1. They promised to compensate for all the expenses incurred.

  2. The article being interesting and important I used in my report.

  3. The coat bought last year is too small for me now.

  4. Freedom of speech and demonstration was reported being violated.

  5. Taking the dictionary, he began to translate the text.

  6. This is a church built many years ago.

  1. Choose the correct form of the Participle.

Выберите правильную форму причастия.

  1. Translate the words (writing, written) on the blackboard.

  2. We could not see the sun (covering, covered) by dark clouds.

  3. (Going, gone) alone the street, I met Mary and Ann.

  4. Yesterday we were at a conference (organizing, organized) by the students of our group.

  5. It was not easy to find the (losing, lost) stamp.

  6. “How do you like the film?” he asked (turning, turned) towards me.

  1. Underline the Gerund and translate the sentences into Russian.

Подчеркните герундий и переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. The criminal should have no hope of getting away with his crime and consequently of going unpunished.

  2. The problem may be summarized by saying, that a criminal offence against any private right is punishable by the state.

  3. A person arrested at a crime scene for having committed an offence must be brought before a magistrate within a limited period of time.

  4. The principal responsibility of the central government for preserving law and order throughout GB is reflected in the police powers vested by Parliament in the Home secretary.

  5. Instead of being placed in jail the accused was released on bail.

  6. The witness insisted on having seen the criminal quite clearly.