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8) Read the texts, do eхеrсises to the texts.


I often get presents, but there is one present that I always like to get, and that is a book. It doesn't matter what kind of book it is. It can be a story book, a book of poems or a book of plays; I enjoy them all.

I get some of my books from the Public Library. There is a very good one in the town where I live and the librarian knows a lot about literature. He gives me advice about lite­rature and helps me to get the book that I want. But I buy quite a lot of books too, particularly those that I have read before and enjoyed. I like to have them in my home so that I can read them not оnly once, but time and again. I like to sit in the room where my books are, and, even if I am not reading. I like to look at the books on my shelves and to feel that I have my friends around me.


8.1. Answer the following questions on the text:

  1. What presents do I always like to get?

  1. Does it matter what kind of book it is?

  2. Where do I get some of my books?

  1. Who gives me advice about literature?

  1. What books do I like to buy?

8.2. Answer the questions:

  1. Do you like to read?

  2. Do you go to the Public Library?

  3. How often do you go there?

  4. What books do you usually buy?

  5. Who is your favourite writer?

  6. What is your favourite book?

  7. Do you think that books are your friends?

  1. Why do you think so?

8.3. Tell the class about the books you like to read.


Ally turned on the light and opened her diary. She wrote:” "Hallo, New Year. Aren't you cold? We all live here in the flat, Mum, Dad and Auntie Glad, me, Val, Doreen and Len.

Auntie Glad came to live here when Dad's mum died. I wished for a lot of things this morning, but won't get them. Ма went out to work at five. She is still cleaning offices, but will be back for breakfast. Dad works on the railway. I must make tea ...”

(E.Stuckley. Magnolia Buildings)

8.4. Answer the following questions on the texts

  1. Do you think that Ally's family is rich?

  2. Why do you think it is poor?

  1. How many of them live in the flat?

  1. Those sister lives with them?

  2. Since what time has Auntie Glad lived with them?

  3. Has Ally's mother returned from work?

  4. What is she still doing?

  5. When does Ally expect her back?

  6. Where does her father work?

  7. Why doesn't Ally hope to get New Year presents?

8.5. Reproduce the text.

3.3. Действия и состояния в прошлом.

Для передачи действий и состояний, имевших место в прошлом, употребляются 6 видо-временных форм: Past Indefinite, Past Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Present Per­fect Continuous, Past Perfect Continuous. Выбор конкретной формы определяется выражаемым значением и характером указания на время совершения действия.

Для передачи непрерывного действия или состояния ис­пользуются 4 формы: Past Indefinite, Past Continuous, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous.


  1. She stood watching him.

  2. She was still standing in the doorway.

  1. He has been on the job since morning.

  2. It had been raining since morning.

В первом предложении форма Past Indefinite указывает на состояние без ограничения предела его протяженности. Во вто­ром примере форма Past Continuous передает временное состоя­ние, что подчеркивается наречием still. Когда содержится указание на период протяженности действия или состояния, то употребляются формы Past Perfect u Past Perfect Continuous. В данном случае Past Perfect употребляется с глаголами, вы­ражающими умственное или физическое состояние (be, like, wish, know, understand, see, hear, feel и др.) Past Perfect Continuous функционирует, как правило, с глаголами, передаю­щими физически наблюдаемые процессы (rain, clean, wash).

Для передачи часто повторяющегося действия использу­ются 5 форм: Past Indefinite, Past Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous.


1. I got up early in those days.

I used to get up early in those days.

I would get up early in those days.

2. He was always telling me I was a kid.

  1. After that she had been always looking after him.

  2. He had always chosen books himself.

5. He has called several times.

Форма Past Indefinite, а также сочетания с used to и would передают действие или состояние без его эмоциональной оценки, причем used to характерно для разговорной речи. В данном случае обычно не содержится указания на частоту повторяемости. Тогда как формы Past Perfect и Present Perfect функционируют в тех случаях, когда есть указание на частоту повторяемости действия, что передается такими обстоятельствами как twice, from time to time, always, all his life и т.п. Временная форма Past Perfect употребляется в косвенной речи, а Present Perfect - в прямой речи, т.е. в диалогах; имеет место констатация факта без его эмоциональной оценки (см.примеры 4,5).

Формы Past Continuous и Past Perfect Continuous привно­сят оттенок неодобрительной оценки событию (см. примеры 2 и 3). Past Perfect Continuous употребляется в тех случаях, ког­да есть указание на период протекания действия, что передается предлогами since, for и др.

Для выражения законченного неповторяющегося действия или состояния употребляются 5 форм: Past Indefinite, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Per­fect Continuous.


  1. The letter arrived on April, 15;

  2. The letter had already arrived;

3. When the teacher had left the room, the children started talking.

4. I've been worrying and worrying about that lad all day. Well, that's one load off my mind;

5. It had been raining all day and the streets were still it,

Форма Past Indefinite (пример 1) относит событие к прошлому при наличии таких обстоятельств времени, как yesterday, last, Monday, a week ago, in 1987; тогда как Present Perfect употребляется для передачи завершенного действия или состоя­ния без указания на время завершения.


As he wrote three chapters last month, he is now taking a holiday.

As he has written three chapters, he is taking a holiday.

Если необходимо передать действие или состояние, завершенное перед другим действием или состоянием в прошлом, то используется форма Past Perfect (пример 3).

Видовременные формы Present Perfect Continuous и Past Perfect Continuous передают завершенное действие или состоя­ние, когда указаны временные рамки, которые могут быть выра­жены при помощи since, for, all day и др. Present Perfect Continuous употребляется в прямой речи (см. пример 4), а Past Perfect Continuous - в косвенной речи (пример 5).

Для передачи ряда последовательных законченных действий обычно употребляется форма Past Indefinite, лишь в том случае, когда необходимо особо выделить завершенность одного из действий, употребляется форма Past Perfect.


  1. Suddenly she got up and hurried indoors.

  2. Old Jolyon had risen and, cigar in mouth, went to inspect the group.

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