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Functions of us navy

Principal functions of the US Navy are: to organize, train and equip Navy and Marine forces for the conduct of prompt and sustained combat operations at sea.


  1. to gain and maintain general sea supremacy;

  2. to control vital sea areas and to protect vital sea lines of communication;

  3. to establish and maintain local superiority (including air) in an area of naval operations;

  4. to seize and defend advanced naval bases and to conduct such land operations as may be essential to the prosecution of a naval campaign;

  5. to provide naval forces for the conduct of joint amphibious operations;

  6. to furnish adequate, timely, and reliable intelligence for The Navy and USMC;

  7. to be responsible for naval recon, ASW, the protection of shipping and for mine laying;

  8. to provide sea-based AD of the United States;

  9. to interdict inland and air power and communications through operation at sea.


Answer the questions.

  1. What is the organization of the US Naval Establishment?

  2. What is the composition of the US Navy Operating Forces?

  3. What are the principal Type Commands of the US Navy?

  4. What is the Fleet organization of the US Navy?

  5. What is the organization of a combatant vessel?


Translate words and word combinations into English

Військово-морські сили США, міністерство ВМС, берегова охорона США, флот, морський штаб, оперативна організація, флотилія, ескадра, дивізія.


Recruiting and training

Recruiting in the US Armed Forces in peacetime is based on voluntary enlistment, whereas in time of WWII recruiting was compulsory. The Selective Service Act of 1948 initiated a peaceti­me draft program which ended soon after the shameful war in Vietnam. Nowadays, to become a serviceman, an individual may enlist or reenlist in the branch selected by him.

The preliminary training of officers is conducted at the United States Military Academy at West Point (USMA), the US Naval Academy (USNA), the US Air Force Academy (USAFA) and at other educational institutions of the Armed Forces and at civilian colleges which maintain Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) units, as well as at Officer Candidate Schools.

Upon graduation, cadets of the USMA and USAFA are commissioned second lieutenants in the Regular Army (RA) and the Air Force (AF), and midshipmen of the USNA are commissioned ensigns in the Navy.

The ROTC consists of a Junior Division (secondary schools) and a Senior Division (colleges). Eligible graduates of the Senior Division are commissioned 2LTs in the Army Reserve (Ares), and certain distinguished graduates may be commissioned in the RA.

Commissioned officers (ComOs) are required to continue development by attending various military educational establishments. Following appointment they receive their school training at the Basic Course, and then at The Advanced Course prior to completing 8 years' service. Thereafter, if selected as best qualified, they may attend one or more of the courses conducted at The Command and Staff College, The Armed Forces Staff College, and some Senior Service Colleges, i.e. The Army War College, The Naval War College, The Air War College, The Inter-American Defense College, and The National Defense University (NDU), the latter created by the DOD in 1975 with The Natio­nal War College and The Industrial College of the Armed Forces as subordinate elements of the NDU. Selected officers pursue courses of instruction at schools of foreign nations: The British Royal College of Defence Studies, The Canadian National Defense College, and The French Ecole Superieure de Guerre. Extensive use is also made of civilian colleges and universities. The DOD provides very extensive (language study courses at the Defense Language Institute, Presidio of Monterey, California. This instruction may be obtained by extension courses, on-duty courses, and other means. Each branch of the Army conducts its own branch service school to prepare officers for branch assignments.


Answer the questions.

  1. When was recruiting in the US Armed Forces compulsory?

  2. When was the peacetime draft program initiated?

  3. What may an individual do to become a serviceman?

  4. Where is preliminary training of officers conducted?

  5. What does the ROTC consist of?


Translate words and word combinations into English

Комплектування, призов, військовослужбовець, поступати на військову службу, учбовий заклад, офіцер, військове авіаційне училище США, військово-морське училище США.