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2.3. Listen to the second recording and mark the sentences as true or false.

  1. Sleep can refresh us mentally and physically only when we devote enough time to it.

  2. Scientists have identified the exact time that a person should sleep.

  3. The quality of the bed a person sleeps on is important for sound sleep.

  4. Active exercises help people to fall asleep.

  5. If you sleep well you are sure to look well.

2.4. Restore the missing information after listening to the text again.

  1. The correct amount of sleep…. .

  2. 60% of population sleeps…. . The other 40% … .

  3. The factors that determine your sleep need are… .

  4. It makes sense to buy… .

  5. There is some evidence that … .

  6. When you sleep your best you … .

  7. Sleep is too important… .

2.5. Now listen to another recording in which people tell about the time they usually get up. Be ready to fix this time in the table.


The time people get up

Additional Information

Marion, Ireland

Naomi, Australia

Jeff, Canada

Barbara, Australia

Al, England

Akane, Canada

Section 3. Follow up activity

3.1. Translate the following text into English. Enlarge upon each paragraph of the text to get a scientific report entitled “Benefits of Sleep”.

Сон – чрезвычайно важная функция нашего организма. Это состояние бессознательности (unconsciousness), при котором мы не имеем информации об окружающем мире (to be unaware of the world). Говорят, что в среднем человек спит треть своей жизни. Но мы не можем обойтись без сна, так как он обеспечивает восстановительный период от усталости (a recovery period from fatigue), восстанавливает энергетический баланс, улучшает способности нашего мозга и заставлять нервную систему функционировать должным образом. Среднестатистический человек спит от 6 до 8 часов в сутки. Потребность во сне индивидуальна, она зависит от образа жизни, работы, состояния здоровья, возраста и многих других факторов. Единственный показатель, что вы спите достаточно, это то, так вы себя чувствуете утром. Если вы полны жизненной силы, бодры (alert) и свежи, то все в порядке.

Нехватка сна может иметь серьезные последствия. Она может негативно сказаться на настроении, суждениях (judgments), способности усваивать и сохранять информацию (to learn and retain information), а также повышать риск несчастного случая или травмы. В долгосрочной перспективе (in the long term) недосыпание (sleep deprivation) может привести к серьезным проблемам со здоровьем, включая диабет, сердечно-сосудистые заболевания, ожирение и даже раннюю смерть (early mortality).

Unit 3 Sleep Disorders

Section 1. Warming-up

1.1. Read the poem and say what situation it describes? Have you ever had a night of the kind? What did you do to induce youself to sleep? Did you finally manage to beat insomnia?

Do you know any other people who suffer from sleep disorders? What disorders do they have? How do these people try to cope with their sleep problems?

Night Without Sleep

by Ellen Bailey


Have you ever had a night when you just couldn't sleep? Even when you're so tired you could fall off your feet? You get up for awhile, and then you lay back down And just lie there, watching the clock go round. Have you ever had a night when you just couldn't sleep? And you remember that old adage, "Try counting sheep". After some time has passed by You decide you'll give it a try. Have you ever had a night when you just couldn't sleep? And you start counting sheep, even their feet. Since sleep won't come, you get out of bed And decide to have some roast mutton instead.

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