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Vocabulary work

1. Find in the text English equivalents for the following Russian words and word combinations.

Иметь тенденцию жить дольше, гарантировать долгую жизнь, иметь широкий круг общения, добавить два года к продолжительности жизни, завоевать признание, иметь высокое мнение о ком-либо, экономический спад, снижение уровня смертности, бросить вредные привычки, требующие больших денежных затрат, производственные травмы, заболевания, связанные с обменом веществ, поглощать, предотвращать старческие заболевания.

2. Explain the meaning of the underlined part of the sentence.

  1. People with poor social networks (with few friends) are 50 percent more likely to die sooner than those with "robust social ties."

  2. Having a large social circle can make as much difference to your life expectancy as a life without smoking cigarettes.

  3. Active lifestyle and healthy Mediterranean diets helped the Greek island maintain the highest percentage of nonagenarians on the planet.

  4. Women with large rear ends are less likely to suffer heart and metabolic diseases than non-curvy ladies.

  5. But just the act of learning something new is like "running different software through the brain."

3. Work with a good dictionary and a) clarify the meaning of the terms “life-span”, “life expectancy”, “longevity”; b) find words (euphemisms) used to denote old people.

Section 3. Listening

3.1.The tiny European principality of Andorra seems to have discovered the secret of longevity. Life expectancy there, according to the World Health Organisation, is top of the global league. Listen to the correspondent of BBC reporting from Andorra. But first study the list of unknown words.

pristine – чистый

lean meat – постное мясо

to put smth partly down to history – зд. объяснятьчто-либо историческими событиями

peace of mind – душевное спокойствие

world-beating longevity – зд. первенство в мире по долгожительству

3.2. Listen to the report for the fist time and choose the correct alternative.

  1. There are lots of people here in their late nineties / eighties / seventies.

  2. Perhaps the secret ingredient is excellent medical service / low stress levels / fresh mountainous air.

  3. The people in Andorra live in a country that hasn't had a conflict for eight / seven / ten centuries.

3.3. Listen to the report for the second time and make up a list of factors influencing people’s longevity there.

Section 4. Follow up activity

4.1. Do your own research and find information about life-expectancy in Russia and major factors determining it.

4.2. Would you like to live to 100, why yes / no?

4.3. Do the quiz given below to find out what you should do to prolong your life.

Are You Going To Live To 100?

  1. How often do you eat fruit and vegetables?

a) every day

b) never

c) 2 or 3 times a week

2. Look at this list of food and drink. How many of the thins mentioned below do you eat a day?

-ice-cream; fizzy drinks; extra salt on your food; extra sugar on your food or in a drink; fast food

a) more than two

b) one or two

c) none

3. When you have a problem do you

a) forget about it?

b) talk to a parent, teacher or a friend about it?

c) wait and then talk to a friend later?

4. Do you play sport or go to a dancing class?

a) once a week or more

b) two or three times a month

c) once a month

5. When you have free time you

a) watch TV?

b) go to a swimming pool with your friends?

c) take serious exercises?

6. Do you live

a) in town b) in the country?

7. Do you sleep

a) more than 10 hours a night? b) less than 10 hours a night?

8. Your friends live on the third floor of a block of flats. Do you

a) walk up the stairs when you visit them?

b) take the lift when you visit them?

9. When you are in a hurry do you

a) still remember to eat good meals?

b) miss a meal but eat a packet of crisps or chocolate?

10. Are you going to start smoking?

a) yes b) no

Now Add up Your Points

1. a.3 b.0 c.1

2. a.0 b.1 c.3

3. a.1 b.3 c.2

4. a.3 b.2 c.1

5. a.0 b.2 c.3

6. a.1 b.3

7. a.1 b.3

8. a.3 b.1

9. a.3 b.0

10. a.0 b.3

Answers: 5-12 points: You are not going to live to 100 without good food or exercise. You must eat more fruit and vegetables. You must take more exercise too. It’s fun to be fit.

13-24 points: Not bad…do the same things but more often. Try to eat more fruit and swim once a week.

25-30 points: You do all the right things. You are going to live to 100.

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