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1. АА.Барбарига. Schooling in Great Britain. Москва, 1988.

2. Б.А. Лапидус ва бошқалар. The way to spoken English, Москва, 1963.

3. В.Бурлакова, The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Ленинград, 1977.

4. В. Бурлакова. About Britain. Москва, 1965.

5. В.Р.Куприянова. A book of Britain. Москва, 1977.

6. Е.Г.КОЛЫЛЬ, М.А.Боровик. «English reader». Москва, 1976.

7. Е.Л.Власова, В.С.Грин. A glimpse of English speaking countries. Москва, 1969.

8. ZD.Ageyeva. U.S. reader. Москва, 1976.

9. I.S. Stepnova Time, events, people. Москва, 1987.

10. Л .Е.Картман. География, история и культура Англии. Москва, 1979.

11. Н Н Маркова. This is London. Москва, 1963.

12. С.Эрматов ва бошқалар. English in topics. Тошкент, 1980.

13. Т.Н.Хуминина. Customs. Traditions and Festivals of Great Britain. Москва, 1984.

14. Ф.М.Рожкова. English for enjoyment. Москва, 1968.

15. Э.Я.Баг. Glimpses of the History of England. Москва, 1967.

16. World Book. Всемирная энциклопедия.


Preface 3

I. Great Britain 5

England 37

Wales 45

Scotland 49

Northern Ireland 55

The smaller Islands round Britain 58

Cities in Britain 62

The system of education in England and Wales 67

Sound broadcasting. Hide Park. 76

Public Holidays, Celebrations and Customs 80

Prominent People 87

Some interesting facts about Great Britain 89

English Weights, measures and money. 91

II. Ireland 92

III. The United States of America 96

American States and their capitals 96

The Flag of the U.S.A 97

Government, the Constitution, President 98

President 99

History. 102

The USA today. 112

Places of interest in Washington 119

The educational system 124

The USA - Uzbekistan relations are developing 129

Holidays, Traditions, Sport, Press, Theatre, Cinema 133

Some interesting facts about the USA 139

IV. Canada 142

V.Australia 146

VI. New Zealand 151

VII. Literature 158

VIII. Contents 159


I. Yakubov


Ўзбекистон давлат жаҳон тиллари университети

илмий кенгаши нашр этилишига

тавсия қилган

Босишга рухсат этилди 10.11.2004 й.

Times New Roman гарнитураси, кегль 11.

Босма табоқ 5. Формат 84x108 '/32

Адади 500 нусха. Заказ № 13.


босмахонасида чоп этилди.

700115, Тошкент ш, Муқумий кўчаси, 104.

I s k h a k Y A K U B O V

Iskhak Yakubov was born in 1939 in Tashkent.

After graduating from the Tashkent State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages in 1963, he began working as a teacher, a senior teacher at the Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages Chair of the Tashkent State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages. During 1968-70 he did scientific research in Moscow and continued working as a senior teacher at the Tashkent State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages at the same Chair.

In 2003 he was awarded ther title of an Honoured dotsent of the Uzbek State University of World Languages and now is working at the same University.

He is the author of more than 30 published articles and textbooks.

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