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Мазкур ўқув адабиёти Олий ва ўрта махсус таълим вазирлиги томонидан ўқув қўлланма сифатида тавсия этилган.

Масъул муҳаррир: филология фанлари

номзоди, доцент 0. Мўминов

Тақризчи: филология фанлари

номзоди, доцент Ғ. Сатимов


Мазкур қўлланмада инглиз тилида сўзлашувчи мамлакатларнинг географияси, давлат тузуми, аҳолиси, урф-одатлари, матбуоти, таълим тизими, таниқли кишилари, диққатга сазовор, қизиқарли жойлари ҳақида маълумотлар берилган.

Ўзбекистон давлат жаҳон тиллари университетн


This text book is intended for the students of the lyceums and the students of higher educational establishments. The aim of the book is to give information about the English speaking countries to the students studying English. The text - book covers Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Ireland, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The texts deal with territories, history, population, state system, cities, places of interest, education system, universities, outstanding (famous) writers, poets, painters, holidays of the above mentioned countries. To avoid repeаtition of the information given in the text-books in English for secondary schools (informations about English speaking countries) has not been included into the book.

Information about Great Britain is given under the following headlines:

I. Lear n the history of Great Britain.

II. Modern Britain.

III. Some interesting facts about Great Britain. Information about the USA is given under the following


IV. Learn the history of the USA.

V. The USA today.

VI. The holidays, traditions and customs in the USA. Information about Ireland, Canada, Australia and New Zealand

is given under 2 headlines.

I. A text consisting of information about these countries.

II. Some interesting facts about these countries which may cause the readers' interest.

As a secondary school and higher school students are familiar with such outstanding people as Shakespeare, Byron, Darwin and others


from their other school courses, it has been found- expedient not to include into the textbook texts about them.

Surely it is difficult to give full information about English speaking countries in this text-book. We have tried to give most indispensable, interesting information about English speaking countries.

Texts in the text-book are intended to give readers a chain to read at home without anybody's help or in the classroom silently and get information. Some short texts can be taken for auding. Here readers attained knowledge of the language in the secondary and higher schools as vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, speech habits are taken into account. We have tried to remove lexical, grammatical, reading and pronunciation difficulties to make the texts easier for readers to read and understand them. Some difficult words or even sentences are given with appropriate translations just under them. These translations are given in the tense forms used in the text. It helps greatly to understand the content. Therefore no glossary is given at the end of the book.

But this, by no means, gives us grounds to think that we have done with all the difficulties. Some are left for the readers to overcome independently with the help of a dictionary.

Some assignments precede the texts. There are also some exercises to make sure whether texts are understood as well as exercises for a teacher to check up.

The text-book ends with the list of the literature used.

I. Great britain (Буюк Британия)


Status — Constitutional Monarchy — тузум – Конституциoн монархия

It has a queen. The queen Elizabeth II reigns (ҳукмронлик қилади) the country. The Parliament rules (бошқаради) the country.

Area 94,277 sq.m- 244,177 sq.km.

Population — 60.000,000(2007).

Capital — London.

Its population —9.000.000

Parliament makes the laws (қонунлар чиқаради).

Some people call the country Britain or Great Britain, others call it England and there is another name, the official one — the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Which name is correct? Well, all of them are correct, but we must use each of them differently because they mean different things. Let's try to explain everything. You know from your geography lessons—a group of islands called the British Isles.This group of isles consists of 5500 islands. The two large islands are Great Britain and Ireland and a lot of smaller islands.

Now we come to the main question. Great Britain is the largest island of the British Isles. It is divided into three parts: England, Scotland and Wales. Here some people make the mistake. When they think about Great Britain, they call it England.

We hope you won't make mistakes now.

Don't forget England is one of the parts of Great Britain. Great Britain consists of three parts: England, Wales, Scotland. And what is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?

Here is the answer. The United Kingdom consists of Scotland,

Wales, England (the whole of Great Britain) and Northern Ireland.

The British Isles lie on the north west coast of Europe (жойлашган). The two largest islands are Great Britain and Ireland. Great Britain and Ireland form the greater part of the British Isles, comprises England, Wales and Scotland. Ireland comprises Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic (ўз ичига қамраб олади).

Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the north­west, north and south-west (ювилади). It is separated from Europe by the North Sea, the Straits of Dover (Довер бўғози) and the English channel or La Monche — a French name which means «a sleeve» (тармоғи).

The North Sea and the English Channel are often called the «Narrow Seas». On the west Great Britain is separated from Ireland by the Irish Sea and the North Channel. The seas around Britain are shallow and provide good fishing grounds (таъминлайди).

The Flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain

and Northern Ireland.

Union Jack or united Flag is the flag of the United Kingdom. "This is the flag of the United Kingdom since Ireland and Britain were united in 1801. It consists of the red cross that can symbolize Saint (авлиё) George. It is on the white ground and the white diagonal cross (крест) (of Saint Andrew) on a blue ground. White ground symbolizes England and the blue means Scotland. Besides them there is one more red cross of Saint Patrick on a white ground which is a symbol of Ireland but Wales is not symbolized on the flag. There was another flag long time ago, which was much simpler than the present one. But that flag symbolized only England and Scotland. The flag Jack was the flag of Britain during all the time when Britain was the queen of the seas. Jack is the nautical (денгиз) term for a flag.

Read. Learn and answer the questions.


In the United Kingdom general elections are held every five years. Voting takes place in all of the 651 areas or constituencies


into which the country is divided. A member of Parliament is elected to represent each area.

Voters learn about candidates through the local newspapers and through leaflets which give their background, their views and the polices of their party.


During a General Elections campaign the media and people in the street talk about the candidates. Candidates visit their constituents and speak to people at home in the streets and at public meetings. Candidates from the major parties often take famous people with them to help to persuade voters. Rock groups hold special concerts for the party they support. The most important members of party and party leaders are on TV day and night. Some pay public relations, experts to help them project the right image for the TV cameras. The best clothes-the-most convincing smile or the best way to present their policies to the voters.

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