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§ 1. Inversion after adverbs. Sometimes in a sentence the normal sub­ject-verb order can be reversed. Such cases are called inversion.

Inversion can occur if a sentence begins with an adverb. This can hap­pen after here and there or after adverb particles such as back, down, off, up, etc. In such sentences the noun subject comes after the verb. This is common with verbs of motion, such as go and come.

E. g.: Here comes my friend!

There goes the last train/ (Note the progressive is not used here.) This kind of inversion is common after to be when we are offering things or identifying location (often with a plural subject): E. g.: Here's a piece of cake/ (offer). Here's your document/ (offering or indicating). 'There's (stressed) Ann Adams/ (identifyingperson). Inversion does not occur if the subject is a pronoun: E.g.: Here it comes. There she goes. Up it went.

§ 2. Inversion after negative adverbs. Certain adverbs, when used at the beginning of a sentence, must be followed by auxiliary verbs (be, do, have, can, must, etc.) + subject + the rest of the sentence. This kind of inversion, which may be used for particular emphasis, is typical of formal rhetoric and formal writing. It occurs after the following:

  • negative or near-negative adverbs (often of time or frequency, such as never, rarely, seldom); or adverbs having a negative effect, e. g., little, on no account: e. g., Never/Seldom has there been so much protest against the Bomb. Little does he realize how important this meeting is. On no account must you accept any money if he offers it;

  • nor, nowhere, hardly ... when, scarcely ... when, no sooner... than, e. g., Lie can't do it; nor can I. Hardly had I fallen asleep when the telephone rang. No sooner had we reached the town than we learned we learned the news.

The word order is, of course, normal when these adverbs do not begin a sentence: e. g., There has never/seldom been so much protest against the Bomb. He little realizes how important this meeting is:

  • combinations with only (e. g., only after, only then): e. g., The pilot reassured the passengers. Only then did I realize how dangerous the situation had been;

  • so + adjective (+ that) and such(+ that): e. g., So sudden was the attack (that) we had no time to escape. Such was his strength that he could bend iron bars;

  • however + adjective or adverb with a subject; adjective or adverb + as or though + subject: e. g., However busy he is (= Busy as he is), he never refuses to help us. Late thought it is, we'll stay here a little longer. Fast as they walked, they missed this train.

F.l. Identify inversions in the text "There is an alternative to globa­lization: it's localization — a global manifesto" and translate the sen­tences into Russian.

F.2. Rewrite the sentences so that they begin with the words in ita­lics.

1. There has never been such a display if strength by the workers.

3. You shouldn't sign the document on any account.

2. I realized what had happened only later.

4. You shouldn't answer the door when I'm out in any circumstances.

F.3. Rewrite each sentence, starting with the word in brackets, so that it has the same meaning. Translate these sentences into Russian.

  1. The phone rang just as John got into the bath (hardly).

  2. Three days of the holiday had passed before I began to relax, (not until)

  3. The force of the wind was so strong that it flattened the houses, (such)

  4. Management takes no responsibility for loss of belongings, (in no way)

  5. The thief took my wallet and my sunglasses too. (not only)

  6. I only knew it wasn't a fancy dress party any longer when I arrived there in my Superman costume, (only when)

  7. Shortly after I started cooking, there was a power cut. (hardly)

  8. She didn't know that they were talking about her behind her back. (little)

  9. She never told me that I would have to pay for the make up de­monstration, (at no time)

10. We don't often get summers like the platform just as the train pulled away, (no sooner)

11. The earthquake was so devastating that thousands of people were made homeless, (so)

  1. She met George Clooney in a bar, and he took her out to dinner, (not only)

  2. The play started just after I arrived, (no sooner)

  3. Tom didn't realize how difficult the exam would be. (little)

  4. You must not stay in the building if the fire alarm goes off. (on no condition)

  5. I had hardly ever seen him looking so depressed, (seldom)

  6. The response to the appeal was so great that we managed to raise $ 1 million, (such)

  7. She didn't find a penny, (not)

  8. You are not allowed to speak during the lecture, (at no time)

  9. He looked so absurd that everybody stared at him. (so)

  10. The demand for the computer game was so great that it sold out in one day. (such)

5. The papyrus was so old, we didn't dare to touch it.

G. Speak up

G.l. Answer the following questions.

  1. Does globalization increase poverty and inequality?

  2. Does globalization reduce national sovereignty in economic policy­making?

3. Are periodic crises an inevitable consequence of globalization? G.2. Discussion topics.

  1. Globalization is not merely a question of economics. Culture, com­munity, civil society, and personal freedoms are important elements in a rich and vibrant world. Can civil society, religion, and commu­nity thrive given the fact of globalization?

  2. What are the preconditions for prosperity? Can free trade be fair? Is foreign aid effective at improving people's lives? Do corporations in the developing world exploit the poor or contribute to economic growth? What role can technology play in ending poverty?

H. Reading the English newspaper

H.l. Read the article and do the exercises.

War and Terrorism Put Globalization at Risk

Gail D. Foster

New York. The dual threats of terrorism and war may be able to achieve what anti-globalization forces have not — a significant decline in global trade and investment.

'The most serious economic consequence of the current global security threat is the vulnerability of the United States and other countries that depend on global trade to shocks from actual supply interruptions and to the sharply changed incentives that have promoted globalization," says Ga­il D. Fosler in the current issue of StraightTalk, her monthly newsletter.

This new, higher risk to the global business environment has important implications for global market and supply chain strategies.

In the United States, several important industries have increasingly co­me to depend on their global supply chain both for supplying the US mar­ket and for export. Retailers and domestically branded apparel, appliance, and footwear manufacturers and distributors have tapped low-cost labor elsewhere, often Asia. Computers, electronics, and video, audio and com­munications equipment depend heavily on offshore supply. More than 40 % of all US requirements for both consumer and industrial use in footwear, apparel, and computers are made overseas.

Uncertain Supply Chain Connections

This increasing global dependence also exposes both companies and co­untries to the risks of supply interruption from real or perceived terrorist threats. The impact of supply shocks differs depending on the industry. Shocks to the auto industry have a big impact on the industrial sector, because they account for large up-stream purchases. Service sector shocks, in contrast, have relatively less impact on the rest of the economy.

Large differences in the economic impacts among industries help expla­in the devastation caused by the drop in technology demand and the im­pact of the West Coast dock strike on the one hand and the relatively smal­ler economic effects of 9/n on the other. Not only did the technology industry itself decline, but it also dragged with it close to twice as much demand throughout the economy. The dock strike had a similar impact.

The hotel and air transportation industries shutdown in the wake of í)/1 { did not ripple through the economy to the same extent, although the impact was enormous on the companies and industries involved. While these in­dustries incurred huge economic hardship from which they have yet to recover, they do not have the broad economic reach in either scope or de­mand that some other industries do.

Global Growth Will Continue

Despite the threat of war and the darkening mood in financial markets, the global economy is intact. Overall, global growth is projected to be abo­ut 3.4 % this year, with better economic performance in almost all regions.

"Since stock markets are forward-looking animals, it is not surprising that they have continued to take valuations down in the face of the tre­mendous uncertainty surrounding events in the Middle East and incre­asing unease about the deteriorating situation in North Korea," says Fos-ler. "Still, corporate profits in most major countries are showing substantial improvement even in the current lackluster growth environment. This pro­fit improvement is not unencumbered by financial risks as weak stock mar­kets, bad credits, and other impairments tug at the bottom line. But, in spite of this, a recovery is clearly underway."

Even in Europe, where the financial mood is blackest, the strengthening US dynamic and the strong correlation between the European and US bu­siness cycles suggest that the European economy will improve later in 2003. Just as Europe was not immune from the US slowdown in 2000 and 2001, it will also be lifted by faster growth in the US this year.

US consumer fundamentals also appear to be improving. The contin­ued rise in wages and salaries, which is a core component of consumers' spending power even in the face of a sharp drop in consumer confidence, complements a huge gain in real disposable income driven by low inflation and the 2001 tax cuts. Consumer spending power is rising at a 5.8 % annual rate. Consumer spending growth, which is running at a 3 % annual rate, is low, not high, relative to spending power in the face of substantial disco­unts and financing incentives, reflecting an ongoing trend toward higher savings rates.

But as February numbers show, consumer confidence is still a problem, and probably constitutes the biggest risk associated with the imminent prospect of war. Until the economic momentum and corresponding job ga­ins really take hold, consumer expectations remain volatile.

"The positive effects for an improving economy are in a foot race with the negative concerns of war," Fosler says. "The outcome is a genuine unknown."

H.2. Answer the following questions.

  1. What new risks can threaten the process of globalization?

  2. What facts prove that nowadays national economies are very depen­dant on each other?

  3. How does the threat of war influence the global economy?

  4. What is the perspective of economic development in the global busi­ness environment?

H.3. Match up the words and definitions:

  1. spending power; a) weakening or making worse;

  2. disposable income; b) stopping of work or operation because of a labour

quarrel, holiday, repair, lack of demand, etc.;

3) impairment; c) involving an activity performed outside a particular

country, rather than inside it;

  1. appliance; d) to make action or movement difficult for; weigh down;

  2. devastate; e) income that is available for someone to spend or save

after they have paid tax and paid for the things that they need such as accommodation and food;

  1. off-shore; f) buying power;

  2. shutdown; g) an apparatus; instrument, or tool for a particular

purpose, esp. an electrical machine that is used in the house;

8) encumber. h) to destroy completely so that nothing useful or valuable


Н.4. Read the article once more, find the sentences containing inver­sion and translate them into Russian.

H.5. Make up the outline of the article and then render it.

L Reading the Russian newspaper