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Учебник по Английскому языку Прилуцкой (чтение....doc
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Ex.1. Прочитайте международные слова, определите их значение. Обратитевнимание на ударения.

Competence tribunals varieties federation

Instance cassation corporate operating

Ex.2. Найдите соответствия английских и русских выражений.

То exercise justice Вмешательство в правосудие

the federal arrangement Суд общей компетенции |

protect rights and legal interests Осуществлять правосудие

interference into the justice Быть подотчетным закону

То be forbidden Федеральное устройство

the court of common competence Защищать права и юридические интересы

То be accountable to the law Быть запрещенным

Ex. 3. Выберите правильное завершение предложения

1. A court is a state body responsible for ........

a) exercising justice, b) punishing criminals, c) making laws

2. The customary courts are subdivided into.......

a) constitutional and administrative, b) courts of the common competence and specialized courts, c) appeal and cassation

3. Courts protect rights and legal interests of......

a) the ruling clique, b) citizens, corporate bodies and a state, c) local authorities

4. The courts are accountable........

a) to the President, b) to the Parliament, c) to the law

5. The Constitution of Ukraine defines the operating of the courts in Ukraine....

a) in Parts 5 and 6, b) Parts 8 and 12, c) Parts 2 and 3.

Ex.4. Отметьте звездочкой * правильные утверждения.

1. A court is a private body responsible for exercising justice (.). 2. A court exercises justice in the way of proceedings and disposition of criminal, civil, administrative and other categories of cases (.). 3. Courts are divided into customary and emergency (.). 4. Constitutional and administrative courts are the special varieties of courts (.). 5. Courts may be divided into the instances: the court of the first instance, the court of appeal, and the cassation court (.).

Ex. 5. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is a court responsible for? 2. What way does a court exercise justice? 3. What types are the courts divided into? 4. What are the special courts? 5. What countries are there religious courts? 6. What instances may the courts be divided into? 7. Whose rights and interests do the courts protect? 8. What parts of Ukraine's Constitution define the functioning of courts? 9. Is it possible to intervene the work of the court? 10. What are courts accountable to?

Ex.6. Дайте краткое изложение содержания текста


The word "militia" originates from the Latin word "militia" meaning "military service, civilian volunteer corps". Militia is a system of state bodies of the executive power responsible for protecting citizens* life, health, rights and freedoms from the criminal and other unlawful encroachments and possessing the coercive authorities. Militia is included in the system of Ukraine's Ministry of Internal Affairs. Its tasks are the following:

• to ensure personal security of citizens,

• to prevent crimes and administrative wrongs,

• to clear up crimes,

• to maintain public order,

• to protect public order and to ensure social security,

• to assist citizens, officials, enterprises, social organizations in setting up their legal rights and interest within the limits defined by the "Law on Militia" of Ukraine.

The other duties can be defined only by special laws. The activity of militia is organized according to the principles of legality, humanism, respect of human rights, etc. It is forbidden to humiliate a person, to insult him, to inflict injury etc.

Nowadays the great attention in militia work is paid to the prevention of crimes. But if a crime has been committed, the militia officers must detect it as quickly as possible. To fulfil this task successfully there are various departments within the system of Internal Affairs subdivisions – Criminal Militia, Militia of Public Safety, Transport Militia, State Traffic Inspection, Security and Protection Service, Specialized Militia Service.

Besides there are specialized agencies responsible for fulfilling these or those tasks. The Crime Investigation Department is one of the most complicated militia agencies. The officers of the Crime Investigation Department are responsible for tracing a criminal, then for locating and apprehending him. They gather facts to prove the guilt or innocence of the suspected. The final phase in the crime investigation is presenting evidence in the court. Economic Crimes Department fights against those who don't want to live an honest life. The responsibility of its officers is to reveal the criminal activity endangering the economy of the state, the stability of financial market, etc. The State Auto-Inspection is responsible for traffic regulation and safety on the roads. The Transport Militia maintains law and order on the railways, airlines and waterways of the country. The Juvenile Inspection handles "difficult" juveniles and their careless parents. Its officers do much to prevent juvenile delinquency. The Correctional LabourSystem is supposed to rehabilitate offenders through labour. This is the purpose of correctional establishments.