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Учебник по Английскому языку Прилуцкой (чтение....doc
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Mia structure - Структура мвд

- Headquarters of MLA – Штаб МВД

- Principal Personnel Department of MIA – Главное Управление кадров

- Principal Secretariat – Управление делами

- Principal Department for Combating Organized Crime – Главное управление по борьбе с организованной преступностью

- Principal Crime Investigation Department – Главное управление уголовного розыска

- State Department for Combating Economic Crimes – Государственная служба по борьбе с экономическими преступлениями

- Drug Enforcement Department – Управление no борьбе с незаконным оборотом наркотиков

- Criminal Militia Department for Combating Juvenile Delinquency – Уголовная милиция по делам несовершеннолетних

- Principal Investigation Department – Главное следственное управление

- Preliminary Investigation Department – Отдел организации работы дознания

- Expertise & Forensic Department – Экпертно-криминалистическое управление

- Service Dog Handling Department – Отдел организации служебного собаководства

- Transport Militia Service – Транспортная милиция

- Interpol National Central Bureau – Национальное центральное бюро Интерпола

- Foreign Relations Department – Отдел международных связей

- Centre for Public Relations – Центр общественных связей

- State Traffic Inspection – Государственная автоинспекция

- Security & Protection Service – Государственная служба охраны

- State Fire Department – Управление государственной пожарной охраны

- Principal Prisons Administration – Главное управление исполнения наказания

- Inner Troops – Внутренние войска

- Information Bureau – Информационное бюро

- Higher Education Institutions – Высшие учебные заведения

- Logistics – Тыловое обеспечение

- Department for Health Care – Управление охраны здоровья

Signs of Distinction - Знаки отличия

Private – рядовой

Senior warrant officer – старший прапорщик

Lieutenant colonel – подполковник

Junior sergeant – младший сержант

Junior lieutenant – младший лейтенант

Colonel – полковник

Sergeant – сержант

Lieutenant – лейтенант

Major general – генерал-майор

Senior sergeant – старший сержант

Senior lieutenant – старший лейтенант

Lieutenant general – генерал-лейтенант

Sergeant major – старшина

Captain – капитан

Colonel general – генерал полковник

Warrant officer – прапорщик

Major – майор

General of inner service of Ukraine – генерал внутренней службы Украины

Ex.1. Прочитайте международные слова, определите их значение. Обратиті внимание на ударения.

'Military as'sist 'phase 'present fi'nancial

Volun'teer 'humanism 'trace sta'bility e'сonomy

Ad'ministrate 'various lo'cate cor'rectional ins'pection

Infor'mation 'transport secre'tariat

Ex. 2. Найдите соответствия английских и русских выражений.

Civilian volunteer corps Уделять внимание

Coercive authorities Угрожать финансовому рынку

То ensure one's security Поддерживать общественный порядок

Administrative wrongs Доказывать вину или невиновность

Within the limits Карательные полномочия

То pay attention Обеспечивать безопасность

То maintain public order Преследовать преступника

То rehabilitate offenders В границах

То prove guilt or innocence Гражданский добровольческий отряд

То endanger financial market Административные правонарушения

To trace the criminal Реабилитировать преступников

Ex. 3. Выберите правильное завершение предложения

1. The word "militia" originates from the Latin word militia meaning.....

a) military service, civilian volunteer corps, b) detective service, c) law-making service

2. Militia is a system of state bodies….

a) of the judicial power, b) of the executive power, c) of the legislative power

3. Militia is responsible for.....

a) passing laws, b) scrutinizing government's work, c) maintaining public order

4. The activity of militia is organized according to the principles.....

a) of legality, b) of presumption of innocence, c) undivided authority

5. Nowadays the great attention in militia work is paid to ....

a) curbing the corruption, b) preventing crimes, c) enlarging militia staff

Ex.4. Отметьте звездочкой (*) правильные утверждения.

1. The word "militia" originates from the Greek word militia. ( ). 2. The word "militia" means the "civil voluntary corps" ( ). 3. Militia is responsible for protecting citizens' life, health, rights and freedoms from the criminal and other unlawful encroachments ( ). 4. The legal status of militia is defined by the "Law on Militia" of Ukraine (), 5. To fulfil all the tasks defined by the "Law on Militia" there are various departments within the system of Internal Affairs agencies – Crime Investigation Department, Department of the Organized Crime, Drug Enforcement Department, Traffic Department, Forensic Department, etc. ( ). 6. The Crime Investigation Department is one of the most secret militia agencies ( ). 7. The responsibility of Economic Crimes Department officers is to reveal the criminal activity endangering integrity of the state ( ). 8. The State Auto-Inspection is responsible for detecting the crimes linked with the corruption in militia agencies ( ). 9. The Juvenile Inspection does much to prevent juvenile delinquency ( ). 10. There is a Drug Enforcement Department within the structure of Militia.

Ex. 5. Ответьте на вопросы.

L Which state power does militia belong to? 2. Where are its duties and responsibilities defined in? 4. What is militia responsible for? 5. How many Departments are there in militia? 6. Which Departments are obligatory for fulfilling its main duties? 7. What is the difference between the State Auto-Inspection and the Transport Militia? 8. What is the contingent of Organized Crime Department? 9. What does the Juvenile Inspection do? 10. What new militia structures have appeared last time?

Ex.6. Дайте краткое изложение содержания текста