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Lesson 5. The Brain of the Computer.

Active and Passive Voice.

Task I. Pay your attention to the pronunciation of the following nouns and verbs:

input – to input display – to display

record – to record access - to access

computer – computation but affect – to effect

processing – to process

*Task II. Give the Ukrainian equivalents of the given word-combinations:

Вбудовані інструкції, математичне обчислення, збірка інструкцій, програмне забезпечення, використовувати клавіатуру для вводу, додати пропущені дані, ввімкнути (вимкнути) , заповнити пам’ять, виправити неправильне написання, зберігати дані ззовні, внутрішнє збереження, довільний доступ.

*Task III. Learn the new vocabulary:

interpret- пояснювати

remarkable – значний

tiny – крихітний

mainframe – центральний процесор

wafer –пластина

board –плата

plug –вставляти

earth’s crust – земна кора

entire – цілий

integrated – об’єднаний

Task IV. Read the following word-combinations and translate them into Ukrainian:

To get information into computer, to process information, central processing unit, to interpret and follow the instructions, a remarkable speed, to require a little space, to be located in a separate unit, a thin wafer, to plug in the board of computer, made of silicon, integrated circuit, to perform all processing, the earth crust, interconnected electrical circuits

**Task V. Read and translate the text

The "brain" of the computer

You have seen that there are quite a few ways to get information into the computer. Once the information is there what does the computer do with it? You already know the answer: The computer process it. But how?

Instructions from the keyboard and from other forms of input - such as a program - go to the central processing unit, or CPU. The CPU interprets and follows instructions, and sends the results of its work to the user, to the computer's memory, or to both.

Chips, circuits and memory

Since the CPU is so important, and its speed is so remarkable, you might picture it as being very large. In fact, it can be tiny. The CPU in a microcom­puter may be no larger than a thumbnail! And since it requires so little space, it is often included in the same case as the keyboard. In a mainframe or microcomputer, the CPU is located in a separate unit, It is this unit that people in a data-processing department are talking about when they refer to "the computer".

Chips and Circuits

A chip is a thin wafer, about a quarter of an inch square, that plugs into a board in the computer. Most chips are made of silicon, which is a common, non-metallic element found in the earth's crust, most often in sand. Because of this, they are frequently called silicon chips.

A single silicon chip can be the entire central processing unit of a micro­computer. When it is, the CPU is called a microprocessor. Even if several chips perform all the processing, the word microprocessor is often used to refer to the CPU.

Each chip has an integrated circuit. An electrical circuit, as you may know, is a path through which electricity flows. An integrated circuit consists of thousands upon thousands of tiny, interconnected electrical circuits.

You may wonder how all those circuits get on a wafer not much bigger than the head of a thumbtack. The answer is contained in a big word: miniaturization.

Task VI. Give the Ukrainian equivalents to the following word-combinations:

Тонка пластина, центральний процесор, значна швидкість, потребувати мало місця, перекладати та слідувати інструкціям, виготовлений із кремнію, земна кора, вбудована мікросхема, виконувати обробку, комп’ютерна плата, взаємопов’язані електричні мікросхеми

**Task VII. Answer the questions on the text:

  1. In what way does computer process information?

  2. What do people usually refer to “computer”?

  3. Is CPU large in size? Where is it usually located in mainframe or microcomputer?

  4. What does chip plug into? What does it usually plug into?

  5. Why is CPU often called a microprocessor?

  6. What does integrated circuit consist of?

Task VIII. Give the full forms of the given below abbreviations:


**Task IX. Translate into English:

  1. Центральний процесор слідує інструкціям і направляє результати своєї роботи до користувача та до комп’ютерної пам’яті,

  2. Центральний процесор знаходиться у окремому відділенні.

  3. Наш відділ працює над розробкою нових комп’ютерних ігор зараз.

  4. Обробка інформації виконується крихітним чіпом.

  5. Пам'ять комп’ютера буде заповнена скоро.

  6. Ми вже перенесли всю інформацію на флешку.

  7. Вони зрозуміли, що виконають ці обчислення швидко.

  8. Дані обробляються, сортуються центральним процесором.

***Task X. Speak about the generations of modern computer processors. What are the most frequently used now.