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Three basic steps of the computer


A program provides the basic instruc­tions so the computer must follow in order to do a specific job. Like the basic rules of a game, the program is only the beginning, however. In order to do a job, the computer and the program must also have input. Input is the data and additional instructions you give to a computer to enable it to do a specific job. The input may be in the form of numbers, letters, words, or pictures The computer may receive input through a keyboard, which looks very much like the keyboard on an ordinary typewriter. It may also receive input from a disk. Until a computer receives input, it can do nothing.


What does a computer do with the information it receives? Like the human brain, it sorts information, puts it into usable form, and does calculations. This step is called processing.


Finally, the computer does something with the information it processes. It usually displays the results, often on a screen or on paper. The product of computer processing is called output. Output is the information the computer produces as a result of its work.

You are likely to see this three-step process — input, processing, output — in many day-to-day activities, such as when you use a pocket calculator. In a calculator the input consists of numbers that you press on its keypad — let's say the numbers 3 and 7. The processing occurs after you tell the calculator what you want it to do for example, multiply. The output — 21 — appears on a little screen at the top of the calculator.

The calculator can process the same information in different ways. You might have asked it to add the two numbers, in which case "10" would have appeared on the screen.

**Task VII. Give the English translation to the following:

Основні інструкції до комп’ютера, трьох-ступеневий процес, зображати результати, забезпечувати роботу комп’ютера, схожий на клавіатуру, виконувати обчислення, для того, щоб виконати роботу, отримувати інформацію через клавіатуру, щоденна діяльність, з’явитися на моніторі, складатися з чисел

**Task VIII. Read the following sentences to understand 3-step process of computer and fill in the missing words.

1.A program provides the basic instruction so the computer must … to do a specific job.

2. In order to … the computer and the program must … .

3. The computer may receive input through … or from … .

4. After the inputting the information the computer sorts it, into … and does calculations.

5. Finally the computer … the results often on a … or paper… .

*** Task IX. Give the definition oа the major items of the text – input, output, processing. Explain the difference between input and output.

Task X . Translate the following words into Ukrainian:

To sort – sorting to use – usable available - unavailable

To process – processing to multiply – multiplication result – to result

To calculate –calculation to add – addition able – to enable

Task XI. Organize the scheme of the 3-steps of the computer to get the main idea of the process:

**Task XII. Answer the questions:

  1. What do you need to a specific job on the computer?

  2. What is the first step of doing the job?

  3. What forms of input do you use?

  4. What devices are involved to receive the input?

  5. What does a computer do with the information it receives?

  6. What is the 3-step process?

  7. Name the devices you usually use for the input?

Task XIII. Read the following sentences, translate them into Ukrainian. Pay your attention to the use of Passive Voice.

1.The basic instructions are provided by computer. 2. The data were given to the computer two minutes ago. 3. The input will be received trough the keyboard. 4. The information is being sorted and put into a usable form now. 5. The calculations were being done when he made records. 6. The results have been already displayed on a screen. 7. He said the output had been displayed on a screen. 8. The work may be done in two seconds.