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Lesson 4. Computer Memory. Ram. Rom. The Use of Active and Passive Voice.

*Task I. Learn the new vocabulary.

built in – вбудований

to affect – впливати

permanent – постійний

temporary – тимчасовий

software – програмне забезпечення

random – довільний випадковий

instantly – негайно

to fill in – заповнювати

internal – внутрішній

external – зовнішній

Task II. Pay your attention to use synonyms and antonyms:

1) permanently – regularly

for example – for instance

set – collection

save – store

to work – to operate

screen – display

2) permanent – temporary

external – internal

to turn on - to turn off

appear – disappear

limited – unlimited

outside – inside

easily - hard

Task III. Translate the linking phrases:

no matter, that is, at some point, when that happens, before it happens, that’s why, no matter how, while you are working, through all the data

Task IV. Translate English word combination into Ukrainian

A built-in set of instructions, to do various mathematical computations, the instructions built into ROM, to follow the instructions, to hold the software, input data, use the keyboard to enter the data, instantly go right to any of stored data, to change input data, add a missing datum, correct misspelling, temporary memory, turn on(off), save data, to store data externally, to fill the memory, internal storage, external storage.

**Task V. Read and translate the text

Computer Memory

The computer has two kinds of memory. One kind is called read-only memory, or ROM, and it is not affected when you turn off the machine. ROM is permanent memory. The second kind of memory is called random-access memory, or RAM.

ROM (read-only memory). A computer has to have a built-in set of instructions. It has to know what to do when it is turned on. Different computers have different kinds of instructions in ROM, but some instructions are standard and necessary for all computers. For example, all computers have to know how to do various mathematical computations.

The instructions built into ROM are there permanently. The computer can "read", or follow, the instructions in ROM, but it cannot change them or add to them. That's why the memory is called "read-only".

RAM (random-access memory). RAM is the memory that holds the software and other input data while you are working on them. When you used the keyboard to enter the names of the picnickers, you put the names in RAM. This kind of memory is called random access because instantly go right to any part of the stored data or program. You do not have to run through all the data stored up to the part that you want to see. You can easily change input data that is stored in RAM. For instance, you can add a missing name or correct a misspelling. However, many commercial software producers write their programs in such a way as to make it very difficult for you to change them.

RAM is temporary memory. When you turn off the computer, everything that has been stored in RAM disappears. If you want to save data that is stored in RAM, you have to store it externally — that is, outside the computer. As you know, you can store programs and data on disk.

The amount of RAM varies from one computer model to another. But no matter how much RAM your computer has, it is not unlimited. At some point, the memory will be filled. When that happens (or even before it happens) you will need to transfer data from the filled internal storage to some form of external storage, such as a disk.

ROM: read-only memory


Not affected when computer is turned off

Instructions can be “read” from it but cannot be “written” to it

RAM: random-access memory


Information is cleared from it when computer is turned off.

Instructions can be both “read” and “written” to it

*Task VI. Give the translation to the following word-combinations:

Виключати машину, переводити дані, зберігати ззовні, слідувати інструкціям, забезпечувати роботу програмного забезпечення, різні математичні обчислення, заповнити пам'ять, постійна та тимчасова, зберігати дані, внутрішнє збереження, виправити неправильне написання слів

**Task VII. Answer the questions on the text:

1. What is the difference between RAM and ROM?

2. Is ROM affected when you turn off the computer? Why?

3. What kind of memory is RAM?

4. Can you change data stored in RAM ?

5. How can you save data stored in RAM ?

Task VII Read the following sentences, define the verb tenses. Re-write the sentences in Passive.

1.Computer usually displays the results on its screen or on paper. 2. The calculator has processed the same information in different ways. 3. He is doing a very complex calculation with the help of computer now. 4. They transferred the data from the filled internal storage . 5. He said , commercial producers will write their programs in such a way as to make it difficult to change. 6. He’ll use the keyboard to enter the names of picnickers. 7. It becаme clear that somebody had changed the program. 8. When I turned off the program, everything disappeared. 9.You must transfer the data from the filled internal storage to a disk 10. They have grouped the information according its importance.

***Task VIII. Speak about computer memory, the difference between RAM and ROM