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Computers in our life

Computers are well known to represent a completely new branch of science, the first of them having appeared less than 60 years ago. Although still new. these machines are already bringing about a real revolution in science, technology, statistics and automatic control.

The reason for this is in the fact a mathematical formula can be found for almost of all scientific and technical problems. They can be solved without a computer but it would require millions of arithmetical operations. No wonder that many problems of exceptional importance remained unsolved for a long time, the volume of the calculations required being above human possibili­ties.

With a high speed electronic computer can carry out several thousand arithmetical operations in one second. A calculation, which would have taken several years of intense human work in the past, is now done in a few minutes or hours.

A number of various complicated problems have already been solved with the help of computers.

The principle of this wonderful machine lies in counting electric impulses. Numbers are represented as a sequence of such impulses, and a radio-technical scheme counts them carrying out addition, subtraction, multiplica­tion and division all higher mathematical calculations being reduced to these four operations.

There are two main classes of computing equipment: analogue and digital. They work on different principles and yield different results. The digital computers can perform a much broader range of functions than the ana­logue computers. The application includes all forms of automatic control in science and industry and first of all in space exploration, in automatic pilot­ing navigation and landing of space vehicles. Computer programming is the progress of the future. Computers will guide the first spaceships to Venus, Mars and other planets.

The state gives energetic support to the development of computer engineering. The Academy of Sciences established a network of computing centres all over the country. These centres work out new numerical methods, develop new ways and means of automated programming work. They solve practical problems for various institutes and develop new types of electronic computers.

*Task IX. Give the equivalents to the following in English:

Цифрова форма, видавати різні результати, комп’ютерне обладнання, дослідження космосу, мережа комп’ютерних центрів, вирішувати складні проблеми, підрахунок електричних імпульсів, виконувати додавання та віднімання, множення та ділення, нова галузь науки, об’єм обчислень, цифрове обладнання.

**Task X. Answer the questions to the text:

  1. When did the first computers appear?

  2. What is the basic reason of the fact that such machines are bringing about a revolution in science, technology, statistics and automatic control.

  3. What can you say about the calculating possibilities of computers?

  4. What does the principle of computer work lie in?

  5. What are the main clauses of computing equipment?

  6. What is the difference between analog and digital equipment?

  7. What does the application of computer include?

**Task XI. Translate into English. Use Continuous Tenses:

1). Цей комп’ютер здійснює автоматичне керування зараз.

2). Ми будемо обчислювати ці дані з 2 до 3 годин.

3). В цей час вирішувалося багато важливих проблем.

4). Над якими завданнями працюють зараз вчені всього світу?

5). Ця інформація перевіряється зараз.

6). Протягом наступного року наш центр буде розвивати нові типи цифрового обладнання.

7). Ми були незадоволені, тому що це обчислення проводилося довго.

8). Які нові прилади розроблялися нашими вченими в 80-х роках.

**Task XII. Complete the sentences to speak about computers in your life:

Computers are already bringing a revolution in …

The reason of this is in the fact a mathematical formula…

With a high speed electronic computer can …

A number of various complicated problems…

The principle of this machine lies in…

A radio-technical scheme counts a sequence of electrical impulses carrying out…

The main classes of computing equipment are…

The digital computers can perform…

The state gives…

***Task XIII. Give your ideas as to the following:

  • the forecast of the development of computers;

  • the application of computer equipment in some branches of our life;

  • the possibilities of modern communication.