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Understanding the Computer

The pieces of information that a computer processes -numbers, words, facts – are called data. Data is a general term that may refer to anything from sports statistics (numbers) to a list of the top records (words) for the last five years.

Data is actually the plural form of the word datum. Datum comes from Latin and originally meant "something given." However, you'll rarely hear anyone refer to "one datum." In fact, the word data has become so much more common that it's now treated as either singular or plural, as in: "Medical data is/are kept in the patient's file."

When computers sort, add, rearrange, or otherwise manipulate information that's called data processing. Many large businesses have a special data-processing department set up to handle information, keep records and take care of accounting. Such a department may contain millions of dollars' worth of computer equipment.

Storing data. You read a moment ago that one of the features that makes computers unique is that they can store information. Computers have memory. Their memory is electronic. They store data in electronic circuits. The data stored in a computer's memory can be recalled, erased or changed.

A microprocessor "brain" and electronic memory are the two most impor­tant parts of a computer. Working together, they enable the computer to use the data that it receives. If the computer couldn't remember numbers and letters, it wouldn't be able to process, them, just as you couldn't form; words if you couldn't remember the letters of the alphabet.

**Task III Answer the question on the text

1 What is called data?

2 What does term data refer to?

3 What is called data-processing?

4 In what way can the computer store information?

5 Where is data stored?

6 What are the two most important parts of computer?

*Task IV Give the Ukrainian equivalents of the following:

Обробляти дані, обробка даних,пере упорядковувати дані, керувати інформацією, тримати записи, проводити обрахунки, комп’ютерне обладнання, зберігати інформацію, електронна схема, відзивати та стирати дані, електронна пам'ять, видаляти дані, надавати можливість користуватися даними.

Task IV. The use of Participle I, Participle II

Participle I-using (active), being used (passive)

Participle II- used (passive)

I. They passed the resolution calling for a world peace conference .- Вони прийняли резолюцію, яка закликала до участі у міжнародній мирній конференції.

The data obtained are being carefully analyzed and studied.. – Дані, які були отримані, ретельно аналізуються та вивчаються.

II. Given a chance , she was very glad. – Оскільки їй дали шанс, вона була дуже рада.

Commenting last night on the plan he warned of the critical situation which might happen.- Коментуючи вчора ввечері цей план, він попередив проте .що може скластися критична ситуація .

III. If + Participle, unless + Participle, though + Participle

If given the opportunity, this industry will develop quickly. – Якщо ця галузь матиме певні можливості, вона швидко розвиватиметься.

IV. Participle as:

1) Conjunction

Provided (providing) – за умови; беручи до уваги;

Supposing, assuming – якщо; припустимо, що;

Seeing – оскільки, враховуючи .що

2) Preposition

Given – за наявності, якщо, враховуючи

Failing – за відсутністю

Regarding, considering, respecting – відносно чогось

Pending – до , очікуючи тощо

Task V. Read and translate the following sentences. Pay your attention to the use of Participle.

  1. When operating the computer you must follow the instructions.

  2. The data kept in patients’ cards are medical data.

  3. Working together computer memory and microprocessor enable computer to use the data it receives.

  4. If recorded these data would be very helpful.

  5. Being electronic computer memory stores data in electronic circuits.

  6. When processed this information becomes useful.

  7. Taking care of accounting this department uses powerful computers.

Lesson 2.

Participle I, Participle II.

Three Basic Steps of Computer.

The Use of Passive.

*Task I Give the equivalents to the following:

Вирішувати проблеми

Усувати помилки

Порція інформації

Загальний термін

Записати у список

Упорядковувати інформацію

Обробка даних

Оперувати інформацією

Тримати записи

Вартістю в мільйони доларів

Зберігати інформацію

Електронні схеми

Відзивати та стирати

Надавати змогу

**Task II Sort the following word-combinations to the groups. Make up sentences with them.

1) data processing storing data

To handle information, electronic circuits, manipulate information, handle information, to recall data, to sort and add information, to take care of accounting

2) Give the definition of the terms


keeping data in electronic circuits


the pieces of information that computer


storing data

sorting, adding, rearranging or otherwise manipulating information

Task III Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Practice the use of Participle

1 .The pieces of information processed are called data.

2. Datum meant as something given comes from Latin.

3. When sorting, adding, rearranging information we manipulate it and it’s called data processing.

4. One of the features of computers making them unique is that they store information.

5. The data stored in a computer memory can be recalled, erased or changed.

6 .Being electronic the computer’s memory stores data in electronic circuits.

7. Working together a microprocessor and electronic memory enable the computer the data that it receives.

*Task IV Learn the new vocabulary.

To provide - забезпечувати

Basic - основний

Additional – додатковий

Usable – придатний для використання

To occur – траплятися

Display – зображення

Keyboard – клавіатура

Task V. Translate the word-combinations given below:

The basic instructions, to provide the instructions, in order to do a specific job, data and additional instructions, to enable to do a specific job, in the form of letters, through a keyboard,

the human brain, a usable form, to do calculations, to display the results, to produce as a result of work, three-step process

**Task VI. Read and translate the text.