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Все материалы по грамматике 3 семестр II курс1.doc
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2. Look at the verb tenses carefully and write a suitable conditional sentence.

  1. He didn't take his job seriously. He's unemployed now.

  2. The meal wasn't lovely. You put the oven on too high.

  3. Alice overslept yesterday. Her alarm-clock was slow.

  4. Mum worried about you. You didn't phone her as soon as you arrived at the hotel.

  5. The government did nothing about unemployment, and now they are in danger of losing the election.

  6. You didn't warn me. Now I'm in a difficult situation.

  7. Jim doesn't have a bike. He won't ride with us.

  8. He spends his money on gambling. He is a rich man.

  9. I don't know him very well. I didn't give him any advice.

  10. Tim is so busy at work. He spends little time with his children.

3. Make unreal situations real.

  1. Tim and Jenny wouldn't have bought this house if they had known there lives a ghost.

  2. They wouldn't laugh at him if he weren't in the habit of telling silly stories.

  3. My grandfather wouldn't have collected so many books if he didn't like reading.

  4. You wouldn't have had a nightmare if you hadn't watched that horrible thriller before going to sleep.

  5. But for the sleeping tablets I wouldn't have fallen asleep.

  6. I wish you had been more patient yesterday.

  7. If only I were rich, I would have a swimming pool.

  8. Had I not forgotten my brother's birthday, he wouldn't have got upset.

4. Correct these sentences if necessary.

  1. It's a shame you missed the party; I would rather you go there.

  2. We had better take some money for a taxi in case we miss the last bus home.

  3. If only I would be a famous person.

  4. Bought I him a computer he would play games all day long.

  5. She would have married him if he had proposed to her.

  6. I wish I invited more people to my fancy dress party last week.

  7. Would you rather live in the past than the present?

  8. I wish things were different in the past.

Материалы по грамматике, 3 семестр 2 курс з.о.

5. Translate into English the fragments given in brackets.

  1. She (было жаль, что она не могла слышать) what they were saying downstairs.

  2. I would rather you (не ходила) to that awful store. You have just wasted your time.

  3. If we (заказали бы) a table in the restaurant earlier, we (давно бы уже поели).

  4. I (никогда бы не подумал) it possible, if I (не увидел бы) it with my own eyes.

  5. I wish you (поменьше курил).

  6. (Если бы не) his smile, I (не заподозрила бы) anything. But he was smiling all the time.

  7. The mouse has run away! If your cat (не был бы) so lazy, he (не упустил бы) it.

  8. I (пожалуй, приготовлю) my own food today (чем буду кушать) in a restaurant.

  9. You (лучше поговорить) directly to the manager instead of dealing with his rude secretary.

10. I wish my job (была безопасной). Я (предпочел бы не беспокоиться) about it.

Revision Grammar Test № 1

I. Open the brackets:

1.If you (to drop) the glass it will break.

2."If Roger (to go) to a private school he would mix much nicer children", said Phyllis. 3.How boring the party was! If Helen (to invite) I wouldn't have felt so lonely there. 4.But for the tablets you gave me I (to suffer) from the headache for a long time. 5.If the weather (not to change) for the better we'll have to put off the outing.

11. Combine the sentences using the Subjunctive Mood:

  1. Jane grumbles too much. She is hard to get along with.

  2. I was caught in the rain yesterday. I am coughing and sneezing now.

  3. She didn't do well at school. She failed at the entrance exams.

III. Complete the following sentences:

  1. If Nick were cut out for the job... .

  2. Bob would have been taken to hospital... .

  3. But for his enthusiasm... .

  4. If Carol were not so light-minded... .

  5. The room would look more comfortable... .

IV. Translate into English:

  1. Если бы он интересовался английским, он бы использовал любую возможность поговорить на языке.

  2. Если бы у него лежала душа к математике, он бы не вел себя таким образом.

  3. Я бы не обиделась, если бы мое имя не упоминали на родительском собрании.

  4. Если бы это зависело от меня, я бы сделала все возможное, чтобы успокоить ее.

  5. На вашем месте я был бы более терпим к людям.

  6. Если бы мне рассказали об этом вчера, я бы ни за что не поверил.

  7. Даже если бы сейчас шел дождь, я бы поехал навестить больного друга.

  8. Если бы не его помощь, мы бы не кончили эту работу вовремя.

  9. Если бы не головная боль, я бы с удовольствием поиграл с вами в теннис.

  10. Жаль, что я не принял их приглашения. Если бы я пошел туда, я бы познакомился с интересными людьми.

  11. Жаль, что он сейчас не в отпуске. Мы могли бы совершить поездку в Санкт-Петербург.

  12. Жаль, что вы не интересуетесь историей этой страны. Вы бы знали обычаи этого народа лучше.

  13. Вам бы лучше принять лекарство и лечь в постель.

  14. Я, пожалуй, останусь здесь еще на несколько дней.

Материалы по грамматике, 3 семестр 2 курс з.о.

КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА ПО ГРАММАТИКЕ № 1 PART 2 Test on the Modal Verbs Can, May, Must I. Use the modal verbs can, may, must and the appropriate form of the infinitive:

1. - He...(to get) into an accident.

- He did. His car ran into a bus the other day.

  1. He...(to be) a medical student though I'm not sure.

  2. ...she (to cover) fifteen kilometres last Sunday? It's incredible! She gets short of breath when she takes a long walk.

  3. You...(to go) to consult the doctor tomorrow on your day off. You are constantly coughing and sneezing.

  4. Doctor, ...I (to have) some injections of glucose? I think it will do me a lot of good.

  5. He... (to take) this medicine for a long time. Only a few pills are left.