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Все материалы по грамматике 3 семестр II курс1.doc
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English grammar practice

Answer Key 1 The Conditional Mood

1. If you had had your chest X-rayed when they advised you to do this, you wouldn't have been taken to hospital with


  1. Had you had your tooth stopped in time, you wouldn't be suffering from a toothache now.

  2. George wouldn't have called an ambulance, if he hadn't felt an acute stomach ache and nauseous.

  3. If you gargled with this mixture several times a day, it wouldn't hurt you to swallow.

  4. The doctor wouldn't have made a correct diagnosis, if you hadn't had your blood tested and your chest X-rayed.

  5. If I were you, I would have made an appointment with a doctor long time ago.

  6. If she had joined the team, they would have won the game yesterday.

  7. But for the doctor's mistake he would be recovering now.

  8. If he were more hardworking, he would have got that promotion.

  9. She wouldn't have resigned if she had got a rise.

Answer Key2 I wish(ed)...

  1. I wish I were not out of a job now.

  2. I wish you didn't work so much.

  3. I wish I had got a visa.

  4. I wish it were not raining now.

  5. I wish I had been given a pay rise last month.

  6. We wish they hadn't been sacked after going on strike.

  7. She wished she hadn't been made redundant after the closure of the factory.

  8. I wish you would get promotion as soon as possible.

  9. I wish you would treat me with respect.

  10. We wish the closure of the factory wouldn't lead to a great number of dismissals.

  11. I wish he would have his chest X-rayed tomorrow.

  1. He wishes she hadn't been keeping to a diet so long.

  2. I wish he could be elected (the) Head of the company.

  3. He wished he could be in charge of the company.

  4. I wish I could succeed in business.

  5. He would rather be on flexi-time.

  6. You had better explain her responsibilities to Jane.

  7. When I woke up, I felt, it was high time I sent for a doctor.

  8. He looked tired as if he hadn't had rest for a long time.

  9. She felt as though she were feverish.

Answer Key 3 Can, May, Must

  1. You might have told (warned) me that this film was not worth seeing. I might (could) have stayed at home and read an interesting book.

  2. You might have taken part in this competition. You are in a good shape.

  3. May I give you a piece of advice? Today you should be in a good shape. You are likely to be chosen for the International competitions.

  4. I can't help admiring this well-trained sportsman.

  5. They can't/couldn't have ended the match in a draw.

  6. Can/Could he have scored the first goal?

  7. Neither side must have scored in the game.

  8. He may/might have set up a world record.

  9. He is likely to take the first place in this tournament.

  10. He can't have coached this team for that match.

  11. You might/could have made an appointment with the doctor yesterday. Could you have failed to do it?

  12. You might have made a note of the time (when you are) to take the medicine. Could you have forgotten to do it? It is not like you.

  13. Could you have failed to call the doctor? He ached all over.

  14. He must have had the prescription made up at the chemist's.

  15. Could he be suffering from headaches now?

  16. She can't have been ill for a fortnight already.

  17. He must have been cured of pneumonia and now he is as right as rain.

  18. If you had been operated on by an experienced surgeon, you must have got better sooner.

  19. Could/can she have left the water running? She may/might have been in a hurry (have hurried).

  20. It has been raining for a week already and the weather is unlikely to change this week.

Answer Key 4

Have To, Need, To Be To, Should/ Ought To, Shall, Will

  1. The doctor shall prescribe antibiotics for Jack's bronchitis. Otherwise he'll have to be taken to hospital.

  2. I was to have taken this medicine for scarlet fever, but I didn't and serious complications set in.

  3. You needn't take this cough mixture.

  4. You are running a temperature. It may be the flue, you shouldn't have walked bareheaded yesterday. Now you must make an appointment with a doctor. Otherwise serious complications may set in. Then you will have to stay in bed.

  5. You needn't have taken this medicine. Anyway it didn't do you any good. Could you have misunderstood the doctor's instructions? It's not like you.

  6. He must be unaware what kind of sports he should do (he should take up).

  7. We didn't have to ask the guide to take us to the football match.

  8. The competition was to have begun at 10 a.m., but because of the bad weather it didn't take place.

  9. He may be the best in the team, but he is extremely lazy. He should train more not to lose the game.

  1. Judy couldn't help feeling ashamed of her ignorance. She made a list of the plain books she was to read every evening. Sh e ought to become as bright as her class-mates.

  2. We needn't have made plans for going to a holiday camp. It took us a lot of time. Though nobody (no one) must have known at first whether he or she would be able to go there.

  3. You are not/oughtn't/shouldn't (to) keep us waiting. Could/can no one have ever told you that it's impolite? It's worth while thinking it over.

  4. You ought to/should have kept your promise. As it turned out you can't be relied on. Now I'll have to get everything arranged for such a short while that I'm likely to get tired by the beginning of the party.

  5. You shouldn't/oughtn't to have been running all the way for fear of being late. The performance is to begin only in 5 minutes. You are likely to enjoy the play. And now you must (are to) sit still and have a rest.

  6. You needn't have given your impressions of everything you have seen in the town. It took you quite a lot of time to do it. Many people felt/got tired and wouldn't listen to you.