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Все материалы по грамматике 3 семестр II курс1.doc
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4. Make unreal situations real.

  1. If they were more tolerant towards each other, they would quarrel less.

  2. If you had been looking after the car, we would have been able to sell it sooner.

  3. I might have been able to help you if you had explained the problem to me.

  4. If I could live wherever I wanted to, I think I would choose to live on a Scottish island.

  5. If they had been listening more carefully, they might have understood what I was saying.

  6. If you weren't walking so fast, we wouldn't be so tired.

5. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences if necessary.

  1. If I'll see Peter, I will tell him to phone you.

  2. If I could travel round the world, I'll go to Hawaii.

  3. If you would come from my country, you would understand what I'm saying.

  4. You won't pass the driving test unless you don't have more practice.

  5. If we hadn't been working together for many years, we wouldn't have become friends.

  6. You can stay here tonight if you didn't have anywhere else to stay.

  7. If I could have phoned you, I would tell you what was happening.

  8. If she has been working all day, she will be very tired when she gets in.

  9. Phone the police if you will see anything strange.

6. Translate into English the parts in brackets.

  1. I (не приняла бы его на работу) if I (знала бы) he is such a criticizer.

  2. You will never get a good job (если только у Bac нет) some qualifications.

  3. If you (увидела бы) his clothes you (никогда бы не поверила) he is so rich.

  4. If (у нас не было бы ключа), what would you have done?

  5. If the food (была бы) better here they (смогли бы привлечь) more customers.

  6. If you (следовал бы) the rules all the time, you (не попал бы) into trouble.

  7. My sister will take out a mortgage if she (сможет получить) a better paid job.

  8. If they (уволили бы) him, the factory would go on strike.

  9. If we offered him more money, (он бы остался работать здесь)?

Материалы по грамматике, 3 семестр 2 курс з.о.

Контрольная работа по грамматике № 1 part 1

I. Replace the Infinitive in brackets by the correct form of the Conditional Mood and Subjunctive II.

1.If you (to take notes) of the lecture yesterday, you (to answer) all the questions at our next seminar.

2.If I (to go) to the chemist's last week I (to buy) that medicine.

3.She (to answer) much better at the coming exam if she (to be) less absent-minded.

II. Paraphrase the following statements using conditional sentences of unreal condition. 1.She did not think much of her heart and never took the doctor's advice.

2. You don't keep to the diet. The medicine won't do you any good.

III. Give the actual state of things:

1.If he had known I was seriously ill, he would have come to see me.

2.If you took some pills for your headache now, you would feel much better in the evening.

IV. Complete the following sentences, expressing preference or giving some advice: 1.I can't join you in your trip. I have a splitting headache and a running nose. 2.She is losing weight and looks rather pale.