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Все материалы по грамматике 3 семестр II курс1.doc
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II. Paraphrase the following sentences using the modal verbs can, may, must:

  1. Do you believe this medicine will cure me of my splitting headaches?

  2. Is it possible that she is constantly complaining of insomnia?

  3. It's strange that he has been taking treatment for such a slight ailment for a few years.

  4. I have got a sore throat. Perhaps I have caught a cold.

  5. I don't know where the surgeon is. Possibly he is performing an operation.

  6. Evidently, she was taken to hospital and probably she underwent a painful operation.

  7. Something has gone wrong with her heart. She is forbidden to walk fast.

  8. "Why didn't you make an appointment with the doctor yesterday?" she said reproachfully.

III. Change the following sentences making them opposite in the meaning in every way possible:

  1. Nina must have had her blood tested yesterday.

  2. He can't have liked the idea of being on sick leave for a couple of days.

  3. Could she ever have spoken to him about that illness of hers?

  4. She must have given some instructions how to take this medicine.

IV. Translate into English:

  1. И что он может знать о моем состоянии здоровья?!

  2. Не может быть, чтобы он не дал больному лекарство вовремя.

  3. Неужели он принимает эти пилюли уже целую неделю, не соблюдая диеты?

  4. Он, вероятно, еще не сбил жар, так как снова вызывают врача.

  5. У меня все болит. Возможно, я заболел(а).

  6. Должно быть, он будет лечить эту больную еще несколько недель.

  7. Возможно, он и не знает симптомов этой заразной болезни.

  1. Ты могла бы точно выполнить инструкции врача! Сейчас ты была бы совершенно здорова.

  2. Я могла бы быть на больничном еще несколько дней, но почувствовала себя лучше и пошла в институт.

  1. Мы должны заботиться о своем здоровье.

  1. Не могли бы вы мне показать ближайшую аптеку?

  2. В наших аптеках мы можем купить лекарства от разных болезней.

ANSWER KEYS PART 2 Test on the Modal Verbs Can, May, Must

I. 1. Can't have got.

  1. may (might) be

  2. Can (could) she have covered

  3. Must go

  4. May I have

  5. Must have been taking

II. 1. Can/ could this medicine cure me of my splitting headaches? 2. Can / could she constantly

be complaining of insomnia? 3. He can't have been taking treatment for such a slight ailment for a few years. 4. I have got a sore throat. I may / might have caught a cold. 5. I don't know where the surgeon is. He may / might be performing an operation. 6. She must have been taken to hospital and she must have undergone a painful operation. 7. Something has gone wrong with her heart and she must not walk fast. 8. You might have made an appointment with the doctor yesterday.

  1. 1. Nina must have failed to have her blood tested yesterday. 2. He can't have disliked the idea... 3. Could she never have spoken to him... 4. She must have given no instructions...

  2. 1. What can / could he know about my health? 2. He can't have given no medicine to the patient in time. / he can't have failed to give the medicine. 3. Can / could he have been taking these pills for a week already without keeping to a diet? 4. He must have failed to reduce the fever as the doctor is being sent for again. 5. I am aching all over. I may / might have fallen ill. 6. He is likely to treat this patient for another few weeks. 7. He may / might not know the symptoms of this catching disease. 8. You might have followed the doctor's instructions precisely! You would be as fit as a fiddle now. 9. I could be on sick leave for a few more days but I felt better and went to university. 10. We must take care of our health. 11. Could you show me the nearest drugstore? 12. In our chemist's we can buy medicine for various illnesses./ In our chemist's medicine for various illnesses is to be bought.

Материалы по грамматике, 3 семестр 2 курс з.о.

Grammar Test on the Modal Verbs Can, May, Must

Time: 80 min Total: 50 points