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Глава 5 включает в себя технические характеристики системы: расчеты надежности, энтропии, производительности и эмерджентности системы.

Проверка на соответствие стандартам осуществлена в Главе 6.

В Главе 7 выполнено задание по экологичности и безопасности проекта, включающее в себя: расчеты освещенности, вентиляции и воздухообмена рабочего места.

Глава 8 – организационно-экономическая часть проекта, где представлены: оценка потенциальных рынков сбыта и конкурентных преимуществ, организационный план работ по теме, расчет затрат и договорной цены, оценка экономической целесообразности проекта.

В заключении перечислены основные положения, этапы и результаты, полученные в процессе разработки.

Приложения включают в себя техническую документацию, анализ существующих реализаций КИС, графические материалы и текст доклада.


The degree project contains 138 pages, 17 tables, 31 illustrations, 6 sheets of diagrams, 56 the source of literature.

The aim of the project development is the creation of a corporate information system support for distributed transaction-based processing approach.

The novelty of the project is to use a process approach when developing a corporate information system to support distributed transactions.

In Chapter 1, an analytical review of the subject area. The review of existing models of the implementation of CIS was made standard modules CIS, a market analysis and existing CIS implementations. As a result, concluded that modern information systems use a strategy of functionally-oriented introduction, is the automation of specific functions and functional units of the organization, practically ignoring the complex connection between modules and operation of the system as a whole.

Using a process approach implies shift from management of individual structural elements in the management of cross-business processes, linking the activities of all structural elements that will improve and establish more effective management of resources, including heterogeneous resources in a distributed environment.

Chapter 2 deals with the choice of means of implementation. As a result, the analytical study of the project topics were selected following the methods, approaches and tools for implementation: The three-tiered model of CIS,. Net as the technologies of the application server, programming language Microsoft C #, Microsoft SQL Server as the database platform, packages BPWin and ERWin as a CASE - funds for the development of CIS.

Chapter 3 is designed architecture CIS. We give the principles of building systems, such as: three-tier architecture, distributed transaction support, scalability, focus on business processes (the application process approach), the analysis of OLAP.

A general block diagram CIS, with its main components and structure of the kernel. An integrated process approach to system architecture. We describe the functional scheme of a process approach, on the basis of structural patterns typical CIS (using a functional-oriented implementation), a comparative analysis of process and functional approaches on the basis of which proved the benefits of the first that confirms the relevance and novelty of the project.

Chapter 4 reviewed the life cycle of Information System models and concluded that the best for the implementation of CIS is the model of prototyping.

Chapter 5 includes the technical characteristics of the system: the reliability of the calculations, entropy, performance, and emergence system.

Checking for compliance with the standards implemented in Chapter 6.

In Chapter 7 the job done on the environmental and safety project, which includes: calculations of lighting, ventilation and air job.

Chapter 8 - Organizational and economic part of the project, which provides: an assessment of potential markets and competitive advantage, organizational plan works on the subject, the calculation of costs and contract prices, the feasibility of the project.

In conclusion, the main provisions, the stages and the results obtained in the process of development.

Appendices include technical documentation, analysis of existing implementations CIS, graphics and text.