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Task 1. Read and translate:

The key to successful promotion is to listening to consumer wants and needs and responding to those wants and needs. Face-to-face communication through personal selling is often the most effective way to do this.

Task 2. Read and learn:

promotion –


promotion mix –

засоби просування

advertising –


sales promotion –

стимулювання збуту

bonuses –


incentive –


rebates –


pull strategy –

стратегія впливу на покупців

push strategy –

стратегія протекції, націлена на збільшення збуту

збільшення збуту

word-of-mouth promotion –

свідчення на користь товару

public relations –

відділ громадської думки

publicity –


personal selling –

індивідуальна презентація, просування товарів та обслуговування

prospect –

пошук та оцінка потенційних покупців


попередня оцінка та вивчення потенційного покупця

approach –

підхід (вивчення) до клієнта

make presentation –

презентація та демонстрація товару

answer objections –

подолання заперечень

close sale –

здійснення операції


проведення до кінця робіт по здійсненню операції

Task 3. Read and translate:

Marketing communication

a two-way exchange of information between buyers and sellers.

Promotion –

a one-way attempt by marketers to persuade others to participate in exchange relationship with them.

Promotion mix –

some combination of promotional tools (for example, advertising, personal selling, public relations, publicity, sales promotion, and word-of-mouth) that can be used to communicate to various publics.

Advertising –

paid, non-personal communication through various media by organizations and individuals who are in some way identified in the advertising message.

Sales promotion –

consist of those marketing activities that stimulate consumer purchasing and dealer interest by means of such things as displays, shows, exhibitions and contests.

Pull strategy –

one in which heavy advertising and sales promotion is directed toward consumers.

Push strategy –

means that the producer uses advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and all other promotional tools to convince wholesalers and retailers to stock and sell merchandise.

Word-of-mouth promotion –

encourages people to tell other people about products they have enjoyed.

Publicity -

any information about an individual, a product or an organization that is distributed to the public through the media and that is not paid for or controlled by the sponsor.

Personal selling –

product and face-to-face presentation and services plus promotion of searching out prospects and follow-up service.

Task 4. Read and translate the texts: