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Product development

Task 1. Read and translate:

Marketing really means nothing if we didn't have the product that appeals to people. Not just convertibles, but across the board. Without that our market penetration would not have gone up.

Task 2. Read and learn:

product mix –

товарна одиниця

product line –

товарний асортимент

convenience goods and services –

товари повсякденного попиту та послуги

shopping goods and services –

товари попереднього вибору та послуги

speciality goods and services –

товари особливого попиту та послуги

industrial goods –

промислові товари

capital goods –

капітальне майно

expensive items –

основні товари постійного попиту

brand –

brand name –

trademark –

national brand –

private brand


маркова назва

товарний знак

загальнонаціональна марка

марка посередника

generic name -

product manager -

product life cycle

generating product ideas -

screening -

родова назва

торговий агент

життєвий цикл товару

формування ідей

відбір ідей

Task 3. Read and translate:

Product –

consists of all the tangibles and intangibles that consumers evaluate when deciding whether or not to buy something.

Product mix –

the combination of goods offered by a manufacturer.

Product line –

a group of products that are physically similar or are intended for a similar market.

Convenience goods and services -

product that the consumer wants to purchase frequently and with a minimum of effort.

Shopping goods and services –

products that the consumers buy only after comparing quality and price from a variety of sellers.

Speciality goods and services –

products that have a special attraction to consumers who are willing to go out of their way to obtain them.

Capital goods –

products that cost a lot of money and last a long time, such as factories and machinery.

Expense items

less costly goods that are used up relatively quickly, such as cleaning fluids and light bulbs.

Brand –

a name, symbol, or design (or combination of these) that identifies the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and distinguish them from those of competitors.

Brand name –

group of words or letters comprising a name that differentiates the goods and services of a seller from those of competitors.

Trademark –

a brand that has been given legal protection.

National brand –

the brand name of a national manufacturer (for example, Xerox).

Private brands -

the name given to products by distributors or retailers (also known as „house" or „distributor" brands).

Generic name -

the name of a product category.

Product manager –

co - ordinates all the marketing efforts for a particular product (or product line) or brand.

Product life cycle –

the five-stage theoretical depiction of the process from birth to death of a product class: introduction, rapid, I growth, maturity, saturation, and decline.

Task 4. Read and translate the texts: