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Part II Texts for Supplementary reading

Task 1. Read and translate:

Over time the focus of marketing has changed. At first the greatest need was for the distribution of goods. Later attention shifted to consumer demand for services.

Task 2. Read, rewrite and learn:

marketing communication -

маркетингова комунікація

market segmentation -

сегментування ринку

market targeting -

вибір цільових ринків

geographic segmentation -

географічний принцип сегментації

benefit segmentation -

сегментація на засадах вигоди

demographic segmentation -

демографічний принцип сегментації

situation segmentation -

сегментація на основі приводу

psychographic segmentation -

психографічна сегментація

volume segmentation -

сегментація по обсягу споживання

consumer behaviour -

поведінка споживача

culture -


learning -


reference group -

пробна група

subculture –


secondary data -

вторинні дані

primary data -

первинні дані

focus group studies -

групові інтерв'ю

consumer advisory boards -

відділи рекомендацій споживачів

survey research -


questionnaire -


Task 3. Read and translate:

Marketing communication

talking with target markets to be sure that one product, price and all other aspects of the exchange situation are what is wanted.

Market segmentation –

process of dividing the total market into several sub-markets (segments) that have similar characteristics.

Market targeting –

the process by which an organization decides which market to serve.

Geographic segmentation –

divides the market into separate geographic areas.

Demographic segmentation –

divides the market into groups by age, sex, income, and similar categories.

Psychographic segmentation –

divides market by volume, attitudes, and interests.

Benefit segmentation –

divides the market by benefits desired.

Situation segmentation –

separates out those situations in which the product may be used.

Volume segmentation –

divides the market into user categories: heavy, medium, light, and non users.

Consumer behaviour -

the study of buyer's actions in the market place.

Culture –

the set of values, attitudes and ways of doing things that are transmitted from one generation to another in a given society.

Learning –

involves changes in an individual's behaviour resulting from previous experiences and information

Reference group -

the group that an individual uses as a reference point in the formation of his or her beliefs, attitudes, values or behaviour.

Subculture -

the set of values, attitudes and ways of doing things that result in belonging to a certain nationality group, religious group, racial group or other group to which one closely identifies.

Marketing research –

a major function used to find needs and to determine the most effective and efficient ways to satisfy those needs.

Secondary data –

already-published research result from journals, trade associations, the government, informational services, libraries, and other sources.

Primary data

refers to results of one's own research..

Focus group studies –

unstructured interviews with 6 to 15 people who represent a target market to obtain their beliefs and feelings about a company and its products and other similar subjects.

Consumer advisory boards

panels of consumers who meet on regular basis over time to advise managerial decision makers on ideas and products.

Survey research -

Includes a variety of techniques designed to get the personal views of some sample of the target markets.

Task 4.Read and translate the texts: