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London Universities

There are over a million students in the British higher education. Its function is to give the highest type of education and training to students, to make them able to carry out scientific work.

At University people study to a degree. The first degree is awarded after 3-4 years study and success in examination. It is either a BA (Bachelor of Arts) or B.Sc. (Bachelor of Science). If the graduate is awarded Honors it means his/her degree is of a higher standard than an ordinary pass.

Students can do further courses for special subjects such as medicine or law and get appropriate qualification. After another year or two of study and examinations in their subject they can achieve the second degree, an MA (Master of Arts) or MSc (Master of Science).

Finally, if they undertake research work and produce a thesis, after another few years, they can receive the third, highest level degree, the Ph. D. (Doctor of Philosophy).

Контрольна робота № 1

Варіант II

Для виконання контрольної роботи необхідно засвоїти такі теми з граматики:

  • Іменник. Множина.

  • Прикметник. Ступені порівняння прикметників. Конструкції типу the morethe less ,much more interesting.

  • Числівники.

  • Конструкція there is (are).

  • Форма теперішнього (Present), минулого (Past) та майбутнього (Future) часів групи Indefinite. Відмінювання дієслів to be, to have в Present, Past і Future Indefinite.

Завдання 1. Прочитайте та зробіть письмовий переклад тексту.

Our University

The real age is known to be measured not by the calendar but by its contribution to national and world spiritual wealth. The Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design is not so old as other higher schools of the city of Kyiv and it is comparatively young among the famous higher schools of Ukraine and Europe. The University was founded in 1930. And now it is one of the largest among higher schools of light and textile industries in our country.

Our University has strong relations on the international level with 23 higher schools and other organizations from 12 countries. Its 6 academic buildings are situated in the central par of Kyiv – Pechersky district. The students’ body of the University is about 12.000 students (including extra-mural students). They get their education at 6 faculties: design, light industry technologies, technological equipment and automated control systems, chemical technologies, technology-economic department; extra-mural studies external teaching form, individual training and pre-university training, foreign students training department.

There are many lecture-rooms, test-beds, diagrams, drawings, pictures, devices and computers and one of the largest libraries in Kyiv and three reading rooms. Good sports and recreation facilities, canteen, cafe, experimental workshops are at students’ disposal. There are also students’ scientific societies, design bureaus, scientific circles at each department of the University.

Naturally, that significant teaching and scientific developments emerged, creating a variety of new possibilities for cooperation with 23 higher institutions from 12 countries. They are Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, China, Bulgaria, Greece, Russia, Romania, etc. The prospects for the growth and development of the University are hopeful.

Завдання 2. Перекладіть українською мовою наступні слова та вирази із тексту. Будьте готові до контролю лексики.

o be measured by, higher school, to be founded, to be known, contribution, industry , to be situated, to include, department, faculty, equipment, training, staff, academician, doctor of science, master of science, to be involved in, highly-qualified specialist, graduates, to take up, institution, devices, recreation facilities, experimental workshops, design bureaus, scientific circles, development.

Завдання 3. Утворіть множину від поданих нижче іменників у однині.

Scientist, technology, bus, life, man, child, toy, circle, tooth, fish.

Завдання 4. Перепишіть наступні речення, що містять різні форми порівняння. Перекладіть їх українською мовою.

  1. Their reports are much more interesting than yours. Їх доповідь цікавіша ніж ваша

  2. This church is not so large as that cathedral. Ця церка не така велика як той собор

  3. The more often you practice the better you do it. Чим більше ті займаешься тим краще ти зробиш це

  4. This problem is the most difficult. Ця проблема найбільш складна

  5. Pam is neither older nor younger than her sister. Пам ні старша ні молодша за сестру

  6. My work was worse than yours. Моя робота гірша за твою

Завдання 5. Прочитайте, перекладіть та напишіть ступені порівняння таких прикметників:

Easy - easyer - the easyest, large - larger-the largest, early-erlyer- the erlyest, good – better – the best, little – smaller – the smallest, hot-hotter-the hottest, wonderful –more wonderful-moust wonderful, expensive-more expensive-moust expensive, serious-more serious-the moust serious, thin –thinner –the thinnest.

Завдання 6. Прочитайте та перекладіть речення. Складіть та запишіть по одному питанню до кожного речення.

  1. They will be excellent engineers. Who will be exellent engineers? Вони будуть чудовими інженерами

  2. Our groupmates are part-time workers. How do our groupmates work? Наші одногрупники працюють на півзміни

  3. We are extra-mural department students. Who are we? Ми студенти заочники

  4. This professor’s lecture was very interesting. How was the lecture? Лекція професора була цікавою

  5. My parents were on the meeting last week. Where were my parents last week? Мої батьки були на зборах минулого тижня

  6. My elder sister is a senior student. Who is my elder sister? Моя старша сестра – студет-випускник

Завдання 7. Прочитайте та перекладіть речення:

  1. There are good sport facilities at the University. В університеті гарні спортивні вітділення

  2. There are 40 departments with more than 12.000 students. Більше 12 тисяч студентів навчаються в 40 вітділеннях.

  3. How many scientists are there in the staff? Скільки студентів пряцюють як персоонал

  4. Was there a design faculty at the University some years ago? Чи був в університеті вітділ дизайну декілька років тому?

  5. Is there a pre-university training in this University?

Завдання 8. Прочитайте наступні речення, визначте в них видо-часові форми дієслів і вкажіть їх інфінітив; перекладіть речення українською мовою.

  1. Our University gives good opportunities for study and research. Pr. simpl. To give

  2. Each department has good facilities for study and research. Pr. Simpl. To have

  3. He wants to take part in this conference. Pr. Simpl. To want

  4. I lost my luggage at the station two days ago. Past. Simp. To lose

  5. Yesterday I bought a new pair of gloves. Past. Simp. Tp buy

  6. Many students took part in sports competitions last week. Past. Simp. To take

  7. He had better marks last term. Past simpl. To have

  8. I will try to solve this pro future siml. To try

  9. They will graduate next year. Future simpl. To graduate

  10. I will improve my knowledge of English. Future simpl. To impruve

11.It will be Sunday tomorrow. Future simpl. To be

12. I decided to be an engineer past simpl. To decide

Завдання 9. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст. Спираючись на інформацію подану в тексті, вирішіть, які ствердження відповідають дійсності(+), а які містять невірну інформацію(-).

  1. Oxford and Cambridge are two colleges of the University. -

  2. Cambridge and Oxford consist of some colleges. +

  3. A tutor is a teacher that helps students to organize their work. +

  4. After graduating the Universities all students get the Doctor of Philosophy degree. -

  5. Oxford and Cambridge differ from other universities of Britain. +

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