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Завдання 4. Перепишіть наступні речення, підкресліть в кожному з них модальне дієслово або його еквівалент; речення перекладіть українською мовою.

  1. I am late. May I come in?

  2. He can translate this text without a dictionary.

  3. Must I do this exercise today? – No, you needn’t. You can do it tomorrow.

  4. A first-year student has to carry out a number of experiments.

  5. Perhaps this young man will be able to show you some places of interest in London.

Завдання 5. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст. Спираючись на інформацію подану в тексті, вирішіть, які ствердження відповідають дійсності(+), а які містять невірну інформацію(-).

  1. The United States are divided into 50 states and 6 regions.

  2. The population of the USA is less than 250 million people.

  3. Florida and Tennessee stand alone geographically.

  4. The Washingtonians have the right to vote in Presidentional elections.

  5. Oxford University is the largest university in the US.

The USA is the fourth largest country in the world, with a population of over 250 million people and covering nine million square kilometres. The United States of America are made up of 50 states and 6 regions. The country’s division into regions depends on the geography, climate, economy, history and traditions of the various states. Of all the states the two that stand alone geographically are Alaska and Hawaii. They are the newest states, having both joined the US in 1959.

Washington, D.C. is the capital of the United States. It is a big business and financial centre. City area is 61 sq. ml. The District Columbia was established by the Congress in 1791. During the War of 1812, the city fell to the British, who burned the Capitol and White House. The district was run by the federal government.

In 1961 Washingtonians were given the right to vote in Presidential elections, but till cannot vote in Congressional elections. Washington has 17 Universities and colleges. Harvard University is one of the largest in the USA.

Washington has many imposing buildings and monuments. The Capitol and White House are the most historic. Other leading tourist attractions are the Washington Monument and Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials. In Washington there is a monument to Ukrainian bard Taras Shevchenko.

The Passive Voice

Пасивний стан (Passive Voice) утворюється за допомогою допоміжного дієслова to be у відповідному часі активного стану і дієприкметника минулого часу (Participle II) відмінюваного дієслова.

to be + Participle II

Дієслово в пасивному стані означає дію, яка спрямована на підмет.

Present Simple

am/are/is + Participle II

The office is locked every evening.

Present Continuous

am/are/is + being + Participle II

The house is being painted at the moment.

Past Simple

was/were + Participle II

My car was stolen last night.

Past Continuous

was/were + being + Participle II

My shoes were being repaired last week.

Present Perfect

have/has + been + Participle II

Ann has been invited to the birthday party.

Past Perfect

had + been + Participle II

I thought that you had been told the news.

Future Simple

shall/will + be + Participle II

He will be asked tomorrow.

Future Perfect

shall/will + have + been + Participle II

We shall have been asked tomorrow till 10 a.m.

Note: Дієслова в пасивному стані в англійській мові не вживаються в Future Continuous та в усіх часах групи Perfect Continuous.

Passive Voice часто використовується:

а) коли невідомо хто або що є виконавцем дії

My car was stolen last night - Моя машина була викрадена минулої ночі.

в) коли нас не цікавить виконавець дії

The factory was painted during the war. – Фабрику пофарбували за часів війни.

Додаток в реченні з дієсловом-присудком в пасивному стані використовується з прийменником by або with.

Додаток з прийменником by виражає діючу особу або діючу силу.

The radio was invented by Marconi.

A number of trees were blown down by strong winds.

Додаток з прийменником with виражає знаряддя дії, речовину або складові частини.

I was hit with an umbrella.

The room was filled with smoke.

English tea is made with cream.

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