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The Past Perfect Tense

Past perfect tense утворюється за допомогою had+past participle.











had come

had worked









had not come

had not worked












Ми використовуємо Past perfect, коли описуємо дію, яка відбулася перед іншою дією у минулому. Наприклад: The house was clean, she had just cleaned it.

Порівняйте:present perfect have done

past now

Sally doesn't want to go to the cinema. She has seen this film already.

past perfect had done

past now

Sally didn't want to go to the cinema. She had seen this film before.

Future Perfect

a) I will graduate in June. I will see you in July.

By the next time I see you, I will have


b) I will have finished my homework by

the time.

I go out on a date tonight.

c) When Professor Jones retires next month, he will have taught for 45


Future Perfect вживається для вираження дії, що закінчиться до певного моменту в майбутньому (Примітка: якщо момент, якому передує дія у Future Perfect, виражений підрядним реченням часу, то за правилами вживання часів у підрядному реченні замість майбутнього часу вживається теперішній)

Контрольна робота №4

Варіант 1

Для виконання контрольної роботи необхідно опрацювати такі теми з граматики:

  • Пасивний стан (The Passive Voice) видо-часових форм: Indefinite (=Simple) (Present, Past, Future), Perfect (Present, Past);

  • Модальні дієслова та їх еквіваленти:

    • can (could), to be able to, may, must, to have to.

Завдання 1. Прочитайте текст та зробіть його письмовий переклад. Great Britain

Great Britain is the heart of the British Commonwealth of Nations.

The official name of the country is the United Kindom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It includes England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. London is the capital and largest city.

The face of the land varies from one part of country to another. Great manufacturing cities and thriving farms lie on the green plains of England. Deposits coal and other valuable minerals are mined in the steep hills and mountains of Wales. The Scottish Lowlands support manufacturing and shipbuilding industries. The low grasslands and mild climate of Northern Ireland provide excellent grazing for livestock.

Great Britain became a world power about 250 years ago, when England was united with Scotland and Wales, but the British people have many traditions that go back thousands of years. Great Britain is the largest island of Europe and the 7-th largest insland in the world. The waters of the North Sea and the English Channel separate Great Britain from Europe.

England occupies the southern and the eastern parts of Great Britain, Scotland lies to the north, Wales to the west and Northern Ireland covers about one fifth of the island of Ireland. Ben Nevis – the highest peak of Great Britain – rises in the Highlands in northern Scotland.

Great Britain is not large enough to have many long rivers. The two longest, the Thames and the Severn, are only a little more than 290 miles long.

The important natural resources are coal and iron oil. These minerals have helped to make the country a great manufacturing nation.

Britain is varied in scenery. Its climate is much milder because of the Gulf Stream, which brings warm water and air across the Atlantic. As a result, snow only falls occasionally and does not remain for a long time, except in the Scottish mauntains, where skiing is possible. Average temperatures in England and Wales vary from 4°C in January to 16°C in July and August. In Scotland averages are one or two degrees cooler.

The winds bring rains from the Atlantic to the hills of the west. This means that the western part of Britain are wetter that the east, which is pairly sheltered.

Great Britain is a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarch – Qucen Elizabeth II – as the head of the state.

The political system of Great Britain has three branches: Parliament, which makes laws, the goverment, which “executes” laws i.e. puts them effect, and the law courts, which interpret laws. Although the Queen is officially the head of all three branches, she has little direct power.

Parliament has two Houses: the House of Lords and the House of Commons which are elected by the voters of 650 constituencies. The Prime Minister, or a leader of the government, is usually the leader of the political party with a majority in the House of Commons. Members of the House of Lords (peers) are not elected about 70% of them are hereditary peers because their fathers were peers before them. The other 30% are “life peers” whose titles are not passed on their children. They are officially appointed by the Queen on the advice of the government, for various services to the nation.

Завдання 2. Перекладіть українською мовою наступні слова та вирази з тексту. Будьте готові до письмового контролю лексики.

to include, to cover, thriving farms, deposits, valuable, to be mined, mild climate, to graze, livestock, natural resources, scenery, average temperatures, a parliamentary democracy, a constitutional monarch, the House of Commons, voters, constituencies, a majority, the House of Lords, ‘hereditary peers’, ‘life peers’.

Завдання 3. Перепишіть речення вставляючи дієслова у дужках у відповідній граматичній формі Passive Voice.

  1. Great Britain (to separate) from Europe by the North Sea and the English Channel.

  2. Hundreds of operations (to performe) by computers.

  3. The stories (to tell) over and over again by him.

  4. Trafalgar Square (to make) to commemorate the victory of Nelson at Trafalgar.

  5. The British Museum (to open) on January 15, 1759.

  6. His next speech (to devote) to the problem of ecology.

  7. Who (to give) you this book?

  8. This problem (to solve) (already) by our engineers.

  9. Exams (to pass) by the end of the next month.

  10. Their investigation (to complete) by the end of the last week.

  11. The letter (to post) a week ago and it (to arrive) yesterday.

  12. Monthly grants (to get) by the students at the University.

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