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          1. Would you like to have a lot of chocolate sauce on your ice cream, young man? Please, the more, the ... .

          2. Japan is approximately ... as the state of Califor- nia.

          3. Our son's table manners are ... than his sister's, but at least he washes his hands and face before he comes to the table.

          4. Old Mr. Miser has a lot of money; the older he gets, the ... he becomes. He never spends a dime.

          5. I love peanuts, but the more I eat them much; they're also very fattening.

Упражнение 22. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу прилагательные в превосходной степени.

bad friendly little

clever fun shallow

direct high short

exciting honest


            1. The police are not always the most honest people in town, are they?

            2. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line.

              1. Money is the ... of a rich man's worries (if he's not losing it).

              2. Yes, Bolivia is the ... city in South America. While you're here you must go to Lake Titicaca; it's only thirty miles away.

              3. That way to get to the mountains is the fastest way as shown on the map, but, as you shall soon find out, the fastest way is not always the ... , nor is it al- ways the best.


4 516 Упражнений

              1. Tell me, Barby, of all the games you can play, which one is the ... ?

              2. Cigarettes are one of the ... things for your health. You must give them up.

              3. Sky diving is one of the ... (and dangerous) sports that I know of.

              4. Jack and Jill, please wade and play in the ... part of the pool; it's the safest and I don't want you to go in over your heads.

              5. Yes, Barbara Benson may be one of the ... artists in this studio, but she certainly isn't one of the most productive.

              6. The people who live in this part of the country are some of the ... people I have ever met in my many years of travel.

Упражнение 23. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу прилагательные между as ... as.

bright pale stingy

clever poor strong

dark quiet stubborn

innocent sober


a. What a healthy man your grandfather isS Yes, he's still as strong as an ox.

                1. Yes, don't worry about a thing. I've got a lawyer who's as ... as a fox.

                2. The children were being as ... as a mouse when they were upstairs in the attic, but I think they were up to something (being naughty).

                3. Officer, my son didn't steal any apples off the neighbor's tree. Why, Officer, my boy is as ... as a lamb — he couldn't hurt a fly.


                1. Oh, 110, Professor Higgins never drinks alcohol, nor does he ever smoke. He disapproves of such things. He's always as ... as a judge — at least when he is in public.

                2. When Priscilla came to after she'd fainted, she was as ... as a ghost. Later, she was perspiring heavily and had sporadic chills.

                3. Anything that Alex Craft buys is the cheapest thing in the store, and he refuses to fix up his apart- ment at all (he sits on orange crates); he's as ... as an old miser; he won't spend a dime.

                4. On our walks during the day in Venice, many of the old alleys and canals were almost as ... as night.

                5. When we were in the north of Norway last sum- mer, very often at midnight it was almost as ... as day.

                6. The little old lady upstairs in the front, Mrs. Jacobs, is as ... as a church mouse, and she hasn't got anyone to look after her except for her neighbors.

                7. My grandfather is as ... as a mule; he won't re- tire, and he's 83 years old.

Упражнение 24. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степенях.

bad close famous fat


                  1. Who is the most famous person in the world to- day?

                  2. As we feed her too much, our cat is much fatter than yours; she's also lazier.

                  3. People are not always so good as they appear — isn't that true, Mr. Nero?


fun little

funny nervous

good romantic

lazy wealthy


                    1. Besides the sun,... star to the earth is sixteen mil- lion light years away.

                    2. Saudi Arabia is ... country in the Middle East, and one of the most powerful.

                    3. The day isn't ... as the night, but the day is less dangerous.

                    4. At times that restaurant can be the best in town or ... — it depends on the cook's mood and how sober he is.

                    5. Traveling with a friend is ... than taking a trip alone, but it's not always so easy to find a person to travel with.

                    6. Even though the male lion is one of ... animals on the plains of Africa, he is still called the King of the Jungle.

                    7. The pollution in our town isn't... as it used to be, and crime and corruption have become less serious problems; things are looking up (getting better).

                    8. That clown is much ... than the others, but I find he makes me feel a little sad and homesick.

                    9. Hope Hamilton wants to make the most amount of money for ... amount of work.

                    10. The patient is never ... as she used to be, nor is she ever so hostile, but she is still a very sick woman and needs psychiatric care.

Упражнение 25. Поставьте подходящие по смыслу прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степенях.

bad clever exact good recent

big curious far handsome


a. The cleverest salespeople in my company make the highest commissions; however, they're not always the most honest people in town.


b. Professor Marconi's explanations are usually more exact than the teaching assistant's, but they're not so interesting.

  1. Everyone says our son is ... young man in town, and his father and I must agree with them; he's as nice as he's good-looking, too.

  2. The day that Christopher Roberts entered prison for a crime he had never committed was ... day of his long and eventful life. Fortunately, he was eventually found innocent and set free.

  3. Oh, this looks good. Nothing is ... on a cold day than a bowl of hot soup.

  4. He thinks he made one of ... mistakes in his life when he got a divorce, and his former wife feels the same way.

  5. No one in the office is ... my boss — he's really got a lot of intelligence and a quick mind.

  6. Today's news from the war zone is ... it was yes- terday; we were forced to retreat another five miles.

  7. Tabby, get out of that box. You're probably ... cat I've ever seen.

  8. Miss Brooks, is the planet Mercury ... from the sun than the earth is?

  9. Here it is,... news from the Middle East. The situ- ation there hasn't got much better, has it?

  10. Yes, Sir, there are other radios more expensive than this one, and we sell them, but the most expensive does not always mean ... . There is another reason you should buy this radio; we manufacture it ourselves.




Утвердитель- ная форма

Вопроситель- ная форма

Отрицательная форма

Present Indefinite


There is

Is there?

There is not


There are

Are there?

There are not

Past Indefinite

ед. мн.

There was There were

Was there? Were there?

There was not There were not

Future Indefinite

ед. мн.

There will be

Will there be?

There will not be

Оборот there is, there are переводится с конца предложения.

There is a book on

На столе есть книга.

the table.

There were not any

В комнате не было

pictures in the room.


Will there be many

Там будет много

people there?



Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык.

1. There is a river in this forest. The river is in this forest. 2. There are books and magazines in my bag. The books and magazines are in my bag. 3. There is a copy-book on the table. The copy-book is on the table. 4. There is hot tea and cheese on the table. The hot tea and cheese are on the table. 5. There are pupils and a teacher in the classroom. The pupils and the teacher are in the classroom. 6. There is a museum in this street. The museum is in this street. 7. There is a book and two magazines on the shelf. The book and two magazines are on the shelf.

Упражнение 2. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной форме.

1. There is a pen on the table. 2. There is white bread on the plate. 3. There are books on the shelf. 4, There were blue curtains on the window of his study. 5. There was a picture on the wall of their sitting-room. 6. There is a big shop in this street. 7. There are only newspapers on this table.

Упражнение 3. Поставьте следующие предложения в прошедшее и будущее время.

1. There are many trees in our garden. 2. There is a trolley-bus stop near my office. 3. There are some mis- takes in his dictation. 4. There is a piece of chalk on the table. 5. There is much snow in the street. 6. There are many flowers in the vase. 7. There are two pens in my beg.

Упражнение 4. Переведите на английский язык.

1. На этой улице есть несколько новых домов. 2. В гостиной много света. 3. Что лежит на том


столе? 4. В нашем классе нет карты. 5. Сколько стульев в вашем кабинете? 6. Рядом с моим домом есть большой парк. 7. На нашей улице скоро будет новый магазин. 8. Что находится на углу улицы?

  1. На вечере будет много гостей? 10. В твоей кон- трольной были ошибки? 11. В вашей квартире есть спальня? 12. На его письменном столе много книг и тетрадей.

Упражнение 5. Переведите на аглийский язык, употребляя there is, there are, to be, to have.

1. Словарь не на столе, он на полке. 2. У них нет книжного шкафа. 3. У меня нет этого журнала. 4. На столе нет этого журнала. 5. Этот журнал на столе. 6. Есть ли в этом журнале его статья? 7. Мой институт на улице Нахимова. 8. На улице Нахимова есть аптека. 9. Слова этого текста в конце учебника.

  1. В этом тексте нет новых слов. 11. В нашей группе было 10 студентов в прошлом году, а в этом году их 12. 12. У него нет ошибок в последнем диктанте. 13. У моего друга очень хорошая библи- отека. 14. В библиотеке моего друга много фран- цузских книг, а у меня их мало. 15. На нашей улице будет новый магазин.

Утвердитель- ная форма

Вопроситель- ная форма

Отрицатель- ная форма

I am


1 am not

He л She l is It j


Is she ? it J

He 1

ne i is not ®hej (isn't)

We i You I are They J

we 1 Are you !• ? they J

We л

You [arenot They J (arent)

Упражнение 1. Вставьте глагол to be в Present Indefi- nite.

1. My mother … a shop-assistant. She … at work now. 2. My sisters … students. They … at the Univer sity now. 3. This.. . my book. It … on the table. 4. Where … the dog? It … on the chair. 5.1… a doctor. I …at home. 6. They … not in Moscow now. They … in Paris. 7. Where … she? She … in her room.


Утвердитель- ная форма

Вопроситель- ная форма

Отрицатель- ная форма

I >>

Не 1 was She


We I You > were TheyJ

I ^

Was h,e [ ? she


we 1 Were you ? theyJ

1 1

He 1 was not She 1 (wasn't) It J

We 1 , Y I were not

They J(weren't)

Упражнение 3. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глагол to be в Past Indefinite.

1. Моя бабушка была учителем. 2. Нас вчера не было дома. Мы были в театре. 3. Вы вчера были на работе? — Нет, не был. Я был болен. 4. Где ты был вчера? Я был у своих друзей. 5. Я думал, что она была в кино вчера, а она была в библиотеке. 6. Его родители были учеными. 7. Они не были вчера в зоопарке.


Утвердитель- ная форма

Вопроситель- ная форма

Отрицатель- ная форма

I shall be

Shall I be?

I shall not be (shan't)

Не Shf It

> will be


Will she it





will not be


(won't be)

We shall be

You \ will be TheyJ

Shall we be?

Will I be? they J

We shall not be (shan't be)

You will not be They] (won't be)


Упражнение 4. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глагол to be в Future Indefinite.

1. 1 буду завтра в институте. 2. Она будет зубным врачом. 3. Где ты будешь завтра? — Я буду дома. 4. Мы будем в Москве на следующей неделе. 5. Его не будет на работе завтра. Он будет в командировке.

  1. Позвони ему позже. Может быть, он будет дом;к

  2. Завтра никого не будет в офисе.

Упражнение 5. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глагол to be в Present, Past и Future In- definite.

1. Моя сестра сейчас в магазине. 2. Моя сестра была в театре вчера. 3. Моя сестра будет в библио- теке завтра. 4. Сегодня мы в Москве, а завтра будем

Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма

I am walking He 1

She is walking

It J

We 1

You f are walking TheyJ

Am I walking?

he ] Is she f walking?

it J

we ] Are you I walking? theyJ

I am not walking

He "j is not She walking It J (isn't)

We "j are not You I w.°r' яЧ TheyJ (a.;|

Типичное обстоятельство для Present Conti|u,? ous — now. Present Continuous выражает дег ствие, происходящее в настоящий момент врс

мени. Отсюда его название — "настоящее про-

„ - и

долженное . Ч

We > You >walk TheyJ


Does she walk? " it

ing to the park, 6. John is taking a piece of chalk ami writing a sentence on the blackboard. 7.1 am doing my homework. 8. Jane is speaking on the telephone. 9. She is cooking supper.

Упражнение 7. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла- голы в Present Continuous.

1. She (to read) magazines. 2. He (to work) hard at his French. 3. Mr. White (not to give) a lecture. 4. He (to write) a letter to his brother. 5. I (to prepare) for the test. 6. They (to work) at this factory. 7. She (to sit) in an arm-chair and (to watch) TV. 8. I (to have) supper with my friends. 9. Her brother (not to go) to school. 10. He (to stand) at the table. 11. They (to swim) in the river. 12. What you (to do)?

Present Indefinite Tense






1 He ■«She lit


Вопросительная форма

Do I walk?



Do you j' walk? they J

Отрицатель- ная форма

I do not walk (don't)

He л does not She walk It (doesn't)




do not walk


Типичные обстоятельства для Present Indefi- nite: usually, sometimes, often, seldom.

Present Indefinite выражает действие, которое происходит в настоящем постоянно и периоди- чески. Отсюда его название — "настоящее неопре- деленное".

Упражнение 8. Поставьте предложения в вопроси- тельную и отрицательную форму.

1. does Hеr sister study at an Institute. 2. My mother usually comes home at 6 o'clock. 3. We often go to school together. 4. Tom and Nick play football very well. 5. His brother finishes his work at 6 o'clock. 6. I meet Jane every day. 7. They usually spend their holi- days in the Caucasus. 8. His friend lives in Paris. 9. I get up late on Sundays.

Упражнение 9. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла- голы в Present Indefinite.

  1. Не (speak) to us every morning.

  2. He often (write) to us.

  3. They seldom (eat) any oranges.

  4. Mr. Smith always (pay) his bills?

  5. It (rain) every week.

  6. They often (send) us parcels.

  7. We always (meet) him on Mondays.

  8. They always (have) eggs for breakfast.

  9. They seldom (go) to the movies?

  10. He often (askJ me to dinner.

  11. They often (not come) here.

12.1 (not play) football.


Упражнение 10. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла- голы в Present Indefinite или Present Continuous.

1. The man who is speaking with my mother is our neighbour who lives across the street. 2. It is a very interesting scientific film. In it you can see how the plants are growing right before your eyes. 3. Where are you hurrying — I am hurrying to the railway station. My sister is coming from Moscow. 4. Do You hear the speaker well? — Yes, I hear him clearly. I am listening to very attentively, but still I do not under- stand the main point of his speech. 5. Don't come into this room. Father is working there now. 6. Where are you going this Sunday? — This Sunday I am going to the country, but usually on Sundays I stay at home.

Упражнение 11. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла- голы в Present Indefinite или Present Continuous.

1. Where is John? He (to play) football in the yard. 2.1 not (to like) the picture you (to look) at now. 3. He (to read) books in three languages, and now he (to read) a French novel. 4. She usually (to do) her homework at home, but now she (to do) in at the library. 5. In au- tumn many birds (to fly) to the South./6. What that woman (to do) there? She (to sell) vegetable^ 7. What you (to buy) here? I (to buy) an English text-book.

    1. Look! How many birds (to fly) high up in the air!

    2. There are many children in the garden. Some of them (to run) about others (to sit) on the benches and (to laugh)! 10. Where are (to go) now? I (to go) to the li- brary to prepare for my examination.


Упражнение 12. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя Present Indefinite.

1. После ужина они иногда гуляют. 2. Во время завтрака я обычно слушаю новости. 3. Он редко ходит в театр. 4. В воскресенье наша семья обычно обедает дома. 5. Она часто читает вслух. 6. Его друг иногда остается в школе после уроков. 7. Она ни- когда не спит на свежем воздухе. 8. Мой друг обыч- но работает здесь. 9. Эта девочка редко играет в саду. 10. Я иногда хожу работать в библиотеку.

      1. Моя мама иногда объясняет мне химию.

      2. Здесь часто идут дожди? 13. Здесь редко идет снег зимой. 14. Он редко работает в библиотеке, он обычно работает дома. 15. Моя сестра иногда читает немецкие журналы. 16. Как правило, я навещаю своих родителей в воскресенье. 17. Я редко смотрю телевизор. 18. Мама обычно готовит завтрак для нашей семьи.

Упражнение 13. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя Present Indefinite и Present Continuous.

1. Я читаю газеты каждый день. 2. Сейчас я читаю журнал. 3. На каком иностранном языке говорит твоя сестра? 4. О чем они говорят? 5. Она хорошо играет на пианино. 6. Кто там играет на пианино? 7. Они не ходят в эту библиотеку. 8. Куда ты идешь? — Я иду в библиотеку. 9. Мой брат играет в теннис. 10. Они, наверное, играют в теннис. 11. Она не любит кофе с молоком. 12. Где живет твоя сестра? 13. Она смотрит телевизор каждый день. 14. Никто сейчас не смотрит телевизор.


Упражнение 14. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Indefinite или Present Continuous.

        1. 1... (eat) porridge every morning.

2. We ,:?(do) our shopping in the afternoon. 3.1 am sorry to say he often ... (cheat) at cards. 4.1... (grow) a beard now.

          1. Every year he ... (spend) his holidays in France.

          2. A hero is a person who ... (show) magnificent courage.

          3. At this moment we ... (do) an exercise on tenses. 8.1... (live) in Glasgow, which is my home-town.

            1. Hullo! Who ... (knock) at the door?

            2. What... (make) clocks tick?

              1. It... (rain), take your umbrella.

                1. Mother is in the kitchen, she ... (make) some cakes.

                2. The sun ... (rise) in the east.

                3. What... (this word, mean)?

                4. Leave me alone, I... (work).

                5. Run downstairs, your uncle ... (wait) for you.

                6. My watch is out of order and the watchmaker ... (repair) it.

                7. Fetch a doctor! The poor man ... (die)!

                8. What a noise! What on earth ... (happen)?

                9. What a smell! I expect something ... (burn).

                10. That cigar ... (smell) dreadful!

                11. What cinema ... (you, go) to this evening?

                12. Bears ... (like) honey.

                13. Look at cautious Joe! He ... (smell) his soup be- fore he even sips it!

                14. ... (you, recognize) that man over there?

                15. What... (we, have) for dinner tonight? 27.1... (go) to buy a new hat tomorrow.

28.1... (not, feel) well, get me a glass of water. 29. ... (you, have) a letter for me, please?


                  1. Keep quiet, we ... (listen) to the music.

                  2. ... (you, hear) anything?

32.1... (want) you to do that at once.

                    1. Men ... (often, wonder) why women wear curious hats.

                    2. That silly boy ... (always, make) stupid remarks!

                    3. ... (you, know) how much that costs?

                    4. He says he ... (not, leave) his job until he is forced to do so.

                    5. You ... (eat) too much, so of course you are fat.

                    6. What train ... (you, take) for your journey next week?

                    7. How long ... (it, take) you to dress, usually?

                    8. That ... (not, matter), I can easily get another pencil.

Упражнение 15. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла- голы в Present Indefinite и Present Continuous.

  1. What... (you, see) in the corner over there?

  2. Who is that naughty boy who ... (always, tease) the cat?

3.1... (see) the Manager tomorrow.

    1. Who"... (prepare) the things for tonight?

    2. Go away! I... (prepare) a dangerous experiment.

6.1... (forget) what his name is.

      1. ... (you, suppose) it is true?

      2. What... (you, think) about at this moment?

      3. John ... (hate) cats.

      4. ... (you, like) what you are doing?

      5. George ... (come) to see us next week.

      6. He ... (not, go) to enjoy himself at the interview.

      7. Dear Mary — It is lovely here. We ... (enjoy) a period of bright sunshine.

14.... (you, understand) what I have just explained?

15. It... (snow) so we must stay indoors.

        1. Children ... (love) to play with sand.

        2. My friend ... (keep) on urging me to visit Italy.

18.1... (enjoy) every minute of my stay here.

19. ... (you, notice) any change in him?

20.1... (want) a dozen good cigars, please.

21.1 hope you ... (have) a good time at your friend's.

          1. She ... (appear) in the new play at the Regal The- atre.

          2. Your story ... (certainly, appear) to be true.

          3. Good gracious! Those two buses ... (run) into each other.

          4. Shakespeare, I ... (think), ... (say) that men are foolish.

          5. What... (bears, do) in winter?

27.1... (perpetually, get) colds, it is most annoying.

28.1... (tell) you that man is not to be trusted.

            1. What... (this sentence, mean)?

            2. He ... (give) us a lesson every morning at 9.30.

Упражнение 16. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя Present Indefinite и Present Continuous.

1. Мы приближаемся к реке. 2. Дождь все еще идет. 3. Почему они так смотрят на нас. 4. Он гово- рит слишком быстро, и я плохо понимаю его. 5. Что вы хотите послушать? 6. Я никогда не принимаю ванну по утрам. 7. Он всегда ждет здесь свою сестру после работы. 8. Сколько часов в день вы работаете? 9. Почему они здесь ходят? 10. Семестр начинается первого сентября.

Упражнение 17. Поставьте глаголы в Present Indefi- nite или в Present Continuous.

Today more and more high school graduates [1] (go) on to college. Most young people [2] (choose) their


course of studies for themselves, rather than have their parents tell them what career to choose.

For example, Jack's father [3] (to practice) medi- cine. Even though he [4] (to want) his son also to be- come a doctor, he doesn't insist that Jack study medi- cine when he [5] (to leave) high school. He [6] (to think) that Jack must make up his own mind about what he [7] (to want) to be. His wife, on the other hand, [8] (to disagree) with him. She [9] (to think) that Jack should become a doctor so he can become a partner with his fa- ther.

Jack isn't sure what he [10] (to want) to study in college. One day he [11] (to feel) that he'd like to be- come an engineer. However, the next day he [12] (to feel) that perhaps he should study business manage- ment. Right now he [13] (to study) chemistry, biology, and physics, all of which will be useful if he [14] (to de- cide) to study medicine in college. Jack [15] (to need) these courses so he [16] (to work) hard every night. At the moment he [17] (to tail) both chemistry and biol- ogy, but unfortunately he [18] (not to pass) physics. Eventually he [19] (to hope) to pass the course, but he [20] (to have) no chances. He [21] (to take) private les- sons from a college friend. Jack [22] (to like) his father's attitude, and he is grateful that his father [23] (not to force) him to become a doctor too. In some countries parents often [24] to (decide) what careers their children will follow — especially their sons. Sometimes this [25] (to occur) in the United States. For example, Jack's high school friend, Tom, has parents with a different point of view. They [26] (to refuse) to pay for Tom's college education if he doesn't study ac- counting. They [27] (to want) him to become an ac- countant so he can help in the family business. But Tom [28] (to hate) mathematics; he [29] (to want) to be-


I shall walk Не ^

She [ will walk It J

We shall walk You "


Will she \ walk? it

Shall we walk?

Will you [•walk? they

come a commercial artist. At the present time, he [30] (to take) special art lessons in the evening, and he [31] (to work) in the graphics studio of an advertising agency. Tom's parents [32] (to tell) him that he [33] (to spend) too much time on his art and too little time on his accounting.

Both boys are probably going to be successful in whatever they [34] (to choose) to do because they [35] (to do) what they themselves most want to do in life.

Future Indefinite Tense (действие будет совершаться в будущем)

Утвердитель- ная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицатель- ная форма


will walk

Shall I walk?

I shall not walk (shan't)

He will not She > walk It J (won't)

We shall not

walk You 1 will not They) walk

Типичные обстоятельства для Future Indefi- nite: next month, next week, next year, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow: Future Indefinite выра- жает действие, которое произойдет в будущем.




Упражнение 18. Поставьте предложения в вопро- сительную и отрицательную форму.

1. My sister will graduate from the University next year. 2.1 shall go to the cinema tomorrow. 3. They will play tennis on Saturday. 4. We shall translate this text the day after tomorrow. 5. He will write a letter to his sister tomorrow. 6. My parents will go to the South next year. 7. I shall finish this work in a week. 8. He will come back on Friday. 9. We shall meet our friends tomorrow.

Упражнение 19. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Future Indefinite.

1. I (to think) about this information. 2 According to the forecast it (to be) raining tomorrow. 3. We (to come) to see you on Monday. 4.1 (to prepare) to my ex- aminations next week. 5. You (to show) me your new picture? 6. I think he (not to come) tomorrow. 7. I don't think she (to answer) all the questions. 8. We (to work) in our garden tomorrow. 9. How you (to pack) your things? 10. Her mother (to buy) her a silver chain for her birthday.

Упражнение 20. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя Future Indefinite.

1. Я уверен, что вы решите эту проблему. 2. Она не зайдет к нам в воскресенье. 3. Я не буду учить эту поэму завтра, я буду писать сочинение. 4. Мы навес- тим нашу маму в больнице послезавтра. 5. Я полечу в Великобританию самолетом. 6. Этот врач будет лечить вашего отца. 7. Наши друзья приедут вече- ром. 8, Не волнуйся! Я достану тебе билеты. 9. Они будут ждать нас в холле. 10. Они поедут в Крым в августе.


Упражнение 21. Раскройте скобки, употребляя Fu- ture Indefinite.

  1. 1... (be) twenty-eight tomorrow.

2.1 think it... (rain) heavily soon.

    1. ... (you, bring) me my socks, please?

    2. Your train ... (arrive) there at 6 a.m. tomorrow.

    3. What... (I, do) about it?

    4. You ... (get) a good caning, you rascal.

    5. Who ... (lend) me a pound?

    6. "The enemy ... (not, pass)," swore the soldiers.

9.1... (repay) it next week.

10.1... (do) it whether they like it or not.

  1. You ... (do) it, even if you loathe doing it.

12.1... (meet) you here at seven o'clock tomorrow.

  1. What... (we, do) to save our souls?

  2. ... (I, bring) you a cup of coffee?

  3. What do you think Father ... (say) to that?

  4. Do you know of anything that ... (cure) my warts?

  5. The swallows ... (fly) away at the end of the sum mer.

  6. ... (you, never, learn) to behave properly?

  7. What... (I, do) with this old coat of yours?

  8. "I ... (never, return) to this ungrateful land", shouted the prophet.

  9. When ... (you, go) to see the Fun Fair?

  10. "... (I, receive) a reward?" asked the findei <>| the treasure.

23.1 expect your friend ... (return) soon.

    1. "... (you, kindly, open) the door for me?" lie asked.

    2. What... (I, do) with these papers?

    3. Do you think the world ... (end) in the Year Two Thousand?


    1. "We ... (be) as quiet as mice?," promised the children. <

    2. At what time ... (the tide, start) to ebb?

    3. "Hands up or I ... (shoot) you!" cried the high- wayman.

    4. "Come back," he shouted, "or the wolf ... (catch) you!"

    5. "Yes, I... (marry) you," she said at once.

32.1... (not, receive) that fellow in my house!

      1. "They ... (receive) a free pardon," said the gener- ous monarch.

      2. "I ... (not, consent) to the marriage," said the irate father.

      3. Albert... (come) of age in a couple of years.

      4. "You ... (pay) back every penny, you swindler," shouted the enraged shareholder.

      5. "I ... (love) you for ever," he declared emphati- cally.

      6. "What ... (we, do) with the drunken sailor?" asked the policeman.

      7. "I ... (help) you find the house," said the post- man.

      8. "Who ... (help) me?" "We ... (help) you!" shouted the children.

В придаточных предложениях времени и ус- ловия после союзов if, when, as, soon as till before after, while Future Indefinite заменяется на

Present Indefinite.

\ : ^

Упражнение 22. Раскройте скобки, употребляя Fu- ture Indefinite и Present Indefinite.

1.1 (to go) away until my wife (to come). 2. You (to send) me some money as soon as I (to get) there. 3. We


(to set) to work when the holiday (to be) over. 4. I (to do) it as soon as I (to get) Ъа&к. 5. When you (to see) Mr. Smith ask him to call immediately. 6. If the rain (hot to stop) there (to be) a flood. 7. Don't leave before you (to get) our message. 8. if all (to go) well we shall land to- night. 9. Take care of my luggage while I (to get) my ticket. 10. Tomorrow if the weather (to be) good we (to go) to the country. 11. We (to stay) in the waiting room while Robert (to look) for a porter. 12.1 (to make) you a nice cup of tea as soon as the water (to boil). 13. If you (to come) past six o'clock you (not to find) him waiting.

        1. I think I (to wait) here until your bus (to come).

        2. If you (to be) so excited you hardly (be able) to think.

Упражнение 23. Раскройте скобки, употребляя Fu- ture Indefinite и Present Indefinite.

1. We (to begin) as soon as Tom (to be ready). 2. I ■(stay) here until it (to get) warmer. Mother (to bring) us cakes when she (to go^but. 3. If he (to have) time he (to come) to us. 4. Don't leave until I (to send) you a message. 5. She (to be) very happy if you (to take) her to the theatre. 6. We (to go) swimming as soon as school (be) over. 7. She (to be) a good actress if she (to work) hard. 8. I (to open) the door when father (to ring). 9.1 (to see) him again if he (not to come) today.

          1. I (to notify) you as soon as I (to hear) from her.

          2. You (not to go) until I (to know) the truth. 12. He (to come) every day to help you with your work while I (be) away. 13. You (to have) a chocolate if you (to be) good. 14. (to give) Tom this letter as soon as you (to see) him.



Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма


He Л She

lt 1 walked* ^ broke**

We You They >


he she

it; [walk?

Did fbreak? we




He "

She did not Ib ( (didn't) f walk break

You They

* Правильные глаголы. ** Неправильные глаголы.

Типичные обстоятельства для Past Indefinite — last week, last month, last year, yesterday, the day before yesterday, in 1987 (прошедшая дата).

Past Indefinite выражает действие, которое совершилось в прошлом.

у У

Упражнение 24. Поставьте предложения в вопро- сительную и отрицательную форму.

1. She worked at the library last year. 2. He spent his winter vacation in Moscow. 3. She brought me three magazines yesterday. 4. My sister studied French at school. 5. My pupils asked me a lot of ques- tions at the last lesson. 6. My mother bought a new suit last week. 7. My father left for St. Petersburg yester- day. 8. He got up at ten o'clock yesterday. 9. My uncle taught me to swim in my childhood.


Упражнение 25. Поставьте предложения в Past In- definite.

1. I understand the article well. 2. I listen to this music. 3.1 find many good stories in this book. 4. The students spend must time in the library. 5. She makes many mistakes in her test. 6. They read many English books.

Упражнение 26. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Indefinite.

1. She (to make) tea for her guests. 2. We (to know) everything about that event. 3. He (to think) much about this problem. 4.1 (to be) wrong and apologized to him. 5. He (not to realize) his mistakes. 6. When you (to speak) to him? — I (to speak) to him only yesterday.

  1. She (not to get) letters from her son last month.

  2. He (to go) to the airport to meet his brother. 9. What you (to do) yesterday evening? — Nothing in particu- lar. We (to watch) TV and (to look) through newspa- pers.

Упражнение 27. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя Past Indefinite.

1. Ей понравилось представление. 2. Было очень холодно на прошлой неделе. 3. Я встретил их у мое- го друга дома. 4. Кто-нибудь звонил мне пока меня не было? 5. Мы не получили ее ответ вчера. 6. Я от- правил вчера письма моим друзьям. 7. У меня не было времени делать эту работу. 8. Я читал этот журнал вчера. 9. Ему не понравился фильм. 10. Он звонил тебе вчера? 11. Они провели каникулы в Лондоне. 12. Он сдал экзамен по английскому в понедельник. 13. Я навестил бубушку и дедушку на


прошлой неделе. 14. Я разговаривал с ним вчера.

    1. Я починил свою машину в воскресенье. 16. Анна не пошла в школу, так как она простудилась. 17. Почему она сказала об этом только вчера? 18. Он часто перебивал меня. 19. Она выиграла соревно- вание. 20. Вчера мы вернулись домой поздно. 21 . Я получил отличную оценку за контрольную. 22. Том и Джон учились в одном институте. 23. Мы рабо- тали вместе несколько лет. 24. Когда он уезжает домой?

Упражнение 28. Переведите на английский язык, используя Past Indefinite.

1. Мы нашли много интересных книг в его библиотеке. 2. Она вспомнила его номер телефона. 3. После представления они спели очень красивую песню. 4. После лекции мы ответили на все вопро- сы. 5. Мы оплатили этот счет вчера. 6. После обеда он рассказал нам прекрасную сказку. 7. Вчера ребе- нок проснулся очень рано. 8. Вчера вечером он вы- глядел очень усталым. 9. Машина ехала очень бы- стро. 10. Мы ушли от него 5 часов назад. 11. Она по- благодарила его за доброту, когда он пришел. 12. Она ничего не слышала* 13. Вы боялись прийти сюда ночью. 14. Прошлым летом он учил детей пла- вать. 15. Вчера в кинотеатре он сердечно смеялся.

    1. Мы сели и попросили чашку кофе. 17. Папа по- слал ее на почту час назад. 18. На прошлой неделе он упал и повредил колено.


Утвердитель- ная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма

1 I

He I was She walking It

We ] You i were They J Walking

Washf f walking? she


we 1 Were you f walking?

they J

1 1 was not

> walking

sheJ (wasn't) It

We 1 were not You Г walking They J (weren't)

Past Continuous выражает действие, которое совершилось в момент времени в прошлом (at 6 o'clock yesterday) или в определенный период времени в прошлом (from 5 till 8 o'clock yester- day).

Упражнение 29. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла- голы в Present Continuous или Past Continuous.

1. Why you (to look) at me in that way? 2. He (to • kate) yesterday from five till nine o'clock. 3. Why you (to smoke) in the room? 4. She (to read) the whole evening yesterday. 5. What you (to look) at? I (to look) nl this monument. 6. He (to write) the article all the week. 7. Yesterday he (to tell) us for ftvo^ours about In trip to India. 8. I (to learn) to ride a bicycle now.

We (to work) at this problem during three months. 10. Be quiet, he (to write) a composition now.


Упражнение 30. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Indefinite или Past Continuous.

1.1 (to go) to the institute yesterday when I (to see) a house on fire. 2. What you (to do) yesterday? — I (to work) in the morning and (to skate) in the afternoon. 3. They (to come) in when I (to have dinner) with my friend. 4.1 (to read) the newspaper when you (to ring) me up. 5. When I (to see) him, he (to stand) in the street. 6. I not (to go) out last night, because it (to rain). 7. As my brother (to get) off the tram, he (to fall) and (to break) his leg. 8.1 (to see) that Kate (to sit) at the nearest table. 9. On Sunday, when I (to come) from a walk I (to meet) a strange man. 10. When I (to awake) this morning it (to be) so late that the sun (to shine) high in the sky. 11. She (to see) Henry, who (to look) at the picture. 12. He not (to see) me, as he (to read) a book when I (to come) into the room. 13. The ship (to start) at once, because the wind then (to blow) in the right direction .14. She (to live) with her brother in the South when she (to meet) Ann.

Упражнение 31. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Indefinite и Past Continuous.

1. Не (to sit) in a cafe, when I (to see) him. 2. My friend (to talk) to the teacher, when I (to see) him.

      1. When the phone (to ring), they (to have) dinner.

      2. The boy (to fall) and (to hurt) himself while he (to ride) his bicycle. 5. She (to wait) for her sister, when I (to see) her. 6. When the pupils (to hear) the bell, they (to get up) and (to leave). 7. When I (to go) out, the sun (to shine). 8. While she (to play) the piano, I (to write) a letter. 9. He (to go) to the University, when I (to meet) her. 10. Our friends (to discuss) something when we (to interrupt) them. 11. My mother (to watch) TV,


      1. when I (to come) into the room. 12.1 haven't seen him nice he (to move) to his new flat. 13. When I (to look) out of the window, I (to see) that it (to rain) hard and people (to hurry) along the street. 14. We (to leave) the house, when the telephone (to ring). 15.1 (to sit) on the river bank, when my friends (to join) me. 16. When I (to come) up to him, he (to speak) to his friends. 17. We (to meet) her when she (to walk) home. 18. When she (to enter) the room, I (to stand) at the window. 19. When we (to enter) the room he (to smoke and to speak) to his friends. 20. I (to watch) TV, when somebody (to knock) at the door. 21. What you (to do), when I (to ring) you up yesterday? 22. Her son (to cook) dinner, when she (to come) home. 23. She (to water) the flow- ers, while her husband (to watch) TV.

Упражнение 32. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла- голы в Past Indefinite и Past Continuous.

        1. William the Conqueror ... (land) in England in 1066.

        2. The Scots ... (defeat) the English at Bannockburn in 1314.

        3. My friend ... (come) to see me yesterday.

        4. As he ... (cross) the road, he slipped and fell.

        5. My tooth ... (break) when I... (eat) a hazel-nut.

        6. He ... (stop) when the policeman told him to.

        7. As he ... (die), he asked for a priest.

8.1 told him the joke and he ... (laugh).

9.1... (talk) about him when he suddenly came in.

          1. He swallowed a fish-bone and ... (choke).

          2. As he ... (eat), he could not answer clearly.

12.1... (have) a bath when the bell rang.

            1. He ... (start) when he heard the sudden noise.

            2. She ... (burst) into tears on hearing the tragic news. 2


            1. The aeroplane crashed and then ... (explode).

            2. He came in while I... (work).

            3. He smiled at me in a friendly way when he ... (see) me.

18.1 noticed him as he ... (come) in.

19. While I was talking, she ... (interrupt) me.

20.1 lost my fountain-pen while I... (garden).

21. At six o'clock yesterday I... (wait) for you at the station.

22.1... (forget) to wind the clock last night.

              1. When I came in, the cat ... (sleep) in my arm- chair.

              2. When I ... (pick) up the teapot, the handle ... (come) off.

              3. He ... (eat) some bread and cheese and helped himself to some more pickles.

26.1... (die) but a clever man saved my life.

                1. While I ... (clean) the teapot, the spout broke off.

                2. What... (you, do) yesterday at this time?

                3. Who ... (tell) you to come to see me?

                4. The Ancient Romans ... (eat) large quantities of milk products.

                5. As he ... (get) off the bus, it started with a jerk.

                6. At six o'clock Mr. Smith ... (stand) outside the tube station, waiting for a friend.

                7. She went into the kitchen and found the milk ... (boil) over.

                8. She wore a perfume that... (smell) exquisite.

35.1... (know) him quite well when I was young.

36.1 want to know who ... (give) you that black eye.

                  1. While I... (look) at it, the top fell off.

                  2. The cat sprang immediately she ... (see) the mouse.


39. Не ... (sleep) soundly when the burglars broke


40.1... (go) to sleep in the middle of his boring tale.

Упражнение 33. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла- голы в Past Indefinite и Past Continuous.

Yesterday, as I... (walk) down the Strand, I... (meet) (leorge, an old friend of mine. He ... (recognize) me at once, though I ... (wear) a scarf round my face as I ... (suffer) from toothache. He ... (tell) me how sorry he was to see me in such a poor way, and ... (add): "I ... (come) to see you a fortnight ago but unfortunately we ... (prepare) the annual accounts and as one of my col- leagues ... (be) ill, I couldn't find time to get round to you." All the time he ... (say) this, I ... (try) to remem-1 her something I ... (want) to tell him. Eventually I ... (remember) and ... (say) to him: "Just before I... (come) out, I ... (receive) a letter from Smith, in which he ... ( say) that he ... (hope) you would call on him soon. He last ... (see) you at Marion's birthday party but you ... (talk) so animatedly to the Chairman of Robertson's t bat he ... (not, dare) interrupt!" Just then I... (see) an- other friend of mine: he ... (wave) to me from the other ide of the road. I ... (say) goodbye to George and ... (start) to cross the road; while I ... (cross), a car ... (rush) out from nowhere and ... (knock) me down. I -uckily, I... (fall) into an open crate of bananas, which a barrow-boy ... (sell) so I... (sustain) no great injury — though the bananas ... (do)!

Мб упражнений





ная форма



I shall be

Shall I be wait-

I shall not be




He l

he ч

He V

She wlllbe

Will she I be wait-

She [

J waiting

it Jing?

J waiting

We shall be

Shall we be

We shall not be




You 1 be wait-

wm you | be wait- they J ing?

You 1 will not be


They 1 waiting

Future Continuous выражает действие, которое будет происходить в определенный момент в бу- дущем (at 5 o'clock tomorrow) или в определенный период времени в будущем (from 2 till 5 o'clock to- morrow).

v_ : J.

Упражнение 34. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Future Continuous.

1. Не (not to wait) for us at 6 o'clock tomorrow. 2. I

(to ttranslate) this article, when my mother come.

3. TThe conference (to take place) from 2 till 6 o'clock

on Monday. 4. How long you (to stay) at your parents?

5. AAt this time tomorrow I (to take) my examination, 6.1 (not to work) at the library from 3 till 4 o'clock to- morrow.


Упражнение 35. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя Future Continuous.

1. Завтра я буду работать весь вечер. 2. Мы встре- тим их, когда они будут идти в институт. 3. Когда я приду сюда, мои дети будут играть. 4. Завтра мы будем проводить опыты с 2 до 5 часов. 5. Когда мы приедем в лабораторию, они будут показывать свои опыты. 6. Я буду гулять в парке с 7 до 8 часов. 7. Она будет делать уроки в 8 часов? 8. Мы не будем играть и шахматы весь вечер.

Упражнение 36. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла- голы в Future Indefinite и Future Continuous.

1. Don't ring him up at 11 o'clock tomorrow. He (to work) at that moment. 2. At this time tomorrow my brothers (to play) football. 3. Maybe we (to play) foot- ball tomorrow. 4. They (to come) soon. 5.1 am afraid it (to rain) all day tomorrow. 6. When the train (to come) my parents (to wait) for me at the station. 7.1 (to fin- ish) this book very soon; I (to read) it all day tomorrow. 8. I must tell John that Nick (to wait) for him at ten o'clock tomorrow. 9. He (to be) busy tomorrow. He (to put) electric light in our country-house. 10. What you (to do) all day tomorrow? 11. I (to listen) to the radio till you come back. 12. Don't come tomorrow, I (to write) my report. 13. This time tomorrow, I (to leave) Moscow for Tula.

Упражнение 37. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя Present Indefinite, Present Continuous, Past Indefinite, PastfContinuous, Future Indefinite, Future Continuous.

1. Волга впадает в Каспийское море. 2. Я пишу много писем. 3. Каждый день я встаю в восемь часов утра. 4. Завтра мы уезжаем в Киев. 5. Наши кани-



Утвердитель- ная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма

I have broken

Have I broken?

I have not broken (haven't)

She I J®8, J broken

he 1

Has she fbroken?

it J

He 1 She It J

has not broken (hasn't)

^ | have

m, broken They J

we 1 Have you r broken? they




have not broken


Типичные обстоятельства для Present Perfect: already, just, yet, not yet, ever, never.

Present Perfect выражает действие, которое совершилось в прошлом, но его результат имеет место в настоящем. Отсюда его название: "насто- ящее законченное". На русский язык переводится прошедшим временем совершенного или несовер- шенного вида, в зависимости от смысла.

Упражнение 38. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла- голы в Present Perfect.

  1. 1 (be) to Paris.

2.1 think the director (leave) the town.

3. We (know) her since she arrived to our city.

4.1 (forget) your name.

    1. He (close) the door?

    2. He (do) it since we left him.

    3. They (leave) Moscow this month?

    4. He (not bring) a lot of French papers.

9.1 (get) a long letter from father this week.

10. She just (come); she will speak to you in a minute.

  1. This order (lead) to many misunderstandings.

12. He (write) his name on my book.

Упражнение 39. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла- голы в Present Perfect или Past Indefinite.

1.1 (meet) two o|jny friends today. I (meet) them on my way to school. 2. A month agdjmy uncle (build) a new house in the country. We (visit) it recently and (enjoy) ourselves very much. 3. He (forget) to close the window when he (leave) the house. 4. He (write) sev- eral letters this week. 5. Where Helen (go)? I don't see


her here. — She (go) home an hour ago. 6. When the concert (to begin)? 7.1 don't think I ever (to see) such a beautiful garden as this one. 8. Jack London (to be born) in San Fransisco in an extremely poor family. 9. You (to read) many books by Jack London? 10. How careless you are! You (to break) your mother's favourite cup.

Упражнение 40. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла- голы в Present Perfect или Past Indefinite.

1.1 never (to hear) this story from my father. 2. He (to be) a reader of this magazine for years. 3. She (to be) ill last week. 4.1 cannot tell you whether I like this book, as I not (to read) it. 5. My mother not (to come) home yet. 6.1 (to be) there last year. 7. When you last (to see) him? 8.1 cannot give you this book as I (to give) it to Ann. When you (to give) it to her? 9. The child (to be) quite all right for the last two weeks. 10. It is cold today. The weather (to change) since yesterday. 11. You ever (to visit) this picture gallery? 12.1 (to lose) my textbook and cannot remember when I last (to see) it.

Упражнение 41. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла- голы в Present Perfect или Past Indefinite.

1. Не never (to be) in Germany. 2. He (not to an- swer) my letter. 3. My mother (to go) to the country a month ago. 4. His brother not (to go) to school yester- day. 5, Where you (to be) last night? 6. You (to receive) a letter from your father this week? 7.1 (to see) Ann on Wednesday. 8. My mother just (to go) out. 9. She never (to read) this book. 10.1 (not to come) to you yesterday because I (to be) very busy. ll. When you (to write) a letter to your friend? — I (to write) a letter to him this


week. 12. How many books you (to read) this week? 13.1 (to be) at the theatre five or six times last month. 14.1 (to reply) to his letter today.

Упражнение 42. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла- голы в Present Indefinite или в Present Perfect.

  1. They (lose) their way.

  2. The old woman (fall) as she was crossing the street.

3.1 (speak) to him about it over and over again.

4.1 (speak) to him about it yesterday.

    1. He (be) in Vienna several times.

    2. We (have) a bad storm the day before yesterday.

    3. The Browns are not a home. I believe they just (leave).

    4. Up to the present time I never (visit) this mu- seum.

    5. You never (be) to Paris? No, I never (be) there.

    6. (Be) you in Paris last spring? Yes, I (be) there in April.

    7. The other day I (meet) our mutual friend Henry, and he (tell) me about your marriage.

    8. She is very ill, she (not be) here for two weeks.

    9. They (live) here for the last seven years.

    10. The doctor (come). He is waiting for you in the next room.

    11. He (lead) the partisans to battle.

    12. They (go) home after the concert last night.

17.1 (not meet) him for three months.

18. (Read) you the papers this morning?

19.1 (catch) him just as he was rushing out.

      1. Her husband is a very nice man. I (like) him ever since I (meet) him.

      2. The workers (choose) my brother as their del- egate.


22. This house (belong) to a rich widow up to the present time.

23.1 (tell) him to write this letter at once.

        1. When the bell rang, all the children (jump) from their seats and (run) out.

        2. We (sit) here for two hours.

        3. When I last saw her, she (decide) to join her family in New York.

Упражнение 43. Вставьте предлоги since и for.

          1. 1 haven't bought a new book ... April.

            1. We haven't seen our cousin ... ages.

            2. His wife has changed a lot... the last time we met.

            3. My daughter hasn't written to me ... my birthday.

            4. We have lived here ... many years.

            5. It hasn't snowed here ... six months.

            6. Our guests have been sailing ... tea-time.

            7. We haven't met... Christmas.

            8. We haven't been in the opera ... over a year.

10.1 haven't spoken German ... the end of the war.

          1. You have kept me waiting ... half an hour!

  1. It is about two years ... we last had news of him.

  2. It has been several hours... I had dinner.

  3. There hasn't been any war in this country ... over a century.

  4. Nothing has been changed here ... the Middle Ages.

Упражнение 44. Поставьте предложения в Present Perfect и наречия just, yet, already, ever, never в со- ответствующее место в предложении.

1. I'm closing the door, (just) 2. She's filling the coffee pot. (already) 3. Are you visiting Mr. Brown? (ever) 4. Are you listening to that record? (yet) 5. No, I'm not listening to it.(yet) 6. Is he finishing his work.


(already) 7. Isn't he starting to weed the garden? (yet) 8. They're playing tennis, (never) 9. We're borrowing Stefan's dictionary, (already) 10. Is Mr. Brown travel- ling to Europe? (ever)

Упражнение 45. Поставьте предложения в Present Perfect и вставьте предлоги since или for.

1. They (own) this house ... 1992. 2. She (borrow) three books a week from the library ... March. 3. We (not play) tennis ... many years. 4.1 (save) some money every payday ... three months. 5. You (visit) your uncle every week-end ... last March. 6.1 (not clean) my shoes ... three days>^7. He (not study) English ... many years.

    1. It (rain) every Monday ... the beginning of May.

    2. She (play) tennis twice a week ... six months. 10. He (borrow) three of my books ... last Saturday.

Упражнение 46. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Indefinite 1и Present Perfect.

      1. What ... (happen) to your hair? It's standing on end!

      2. Where ... (you, be) this morning? I rang you up several times before midday.

      3. He ... (go) to South America about two months ago.

      4. John's filthy! He ... (just, fall) into some soot.

      5. What... (happen) to you yesterday?

      6. I'm great traveller: I ... (visit) over thirty coun- tries.

      7. ... (you, sleep) well last night?

      8. Where ... (you, be) until now?

9.... (you, see) John at ten o'clock?

10.1... (do) enough: now I'm going to have a rest.

11. Who ... (leave) the shears on the lawn last night?


        1. Many people ... (never, see) snow.

        2. ... (you, ever, meet) Mrs. Orfrey? No? Then let me introduce you to her.

        3. A boy prodigy ... (win) the championship last year.

        4. Did you hear that? I'm afraid Elsie ... (drop) our best tea-service!

        5. I ... (once, meet) an old man called Aloysius Shin-hacker.

        6. Who ... (discover) America?

        7. What a pity Alfred ... (not, make) up his mind yet.

        8. Where ... (I, put) my pen? I had it near me just now.

Упражнение 47. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Indefinite и Present Perfect.

          1. 1 am delighted to meet you, I... (always, want) to. 2. When I was at Oxford, I ... (know) your brother

very well.

3.1... (see) George a couple of minutes ago. 4.1... (just, meet) your uncle. 5. Columbus ... (reach) the West Indies in 1492. 6.1... (lose) my spectacles, do help me to find them.

            1. Now I... (finish) my work, please have a look at it.

            2. The kettle ... (boil), so I will make the tea. 9.1... (never, see) such a mess as this!

10. We ... (not, see) our friends for a month now.

          1. Tom is a good student and ... (learn) a lot this year.

  1. Last week we ... (make) an excursion to Cam- bridge.

  2. During the last few weeks I... (be) very busy.

  3. During the last week of his life Paracelsus ... (be) very ill.


  1. During this last century, scientists ... (invent) many things.

  2. What ... (you, do) with my hat? It was here a minute ago.

17... . (you, see) young Thompson recently?

    1. Since 1900, women's fashions ... (change) a lot.

    2. He ... (be) fast asleep for three hours now.

    3. Wait a minute! I... (not, yet, finish) my meal!

Упражнение 48. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Indefinite и Present Perfect.

"You look pale. ... (anything, happen) to you?"

"I ... (not^have) an accident, if that's what you mean. But it... (be) almost as bad."

"I ... (just, make) tea. Sit down and have a cup and tell me what you ... (be) up to."

"Last week I... (buy) a packet of nut chocolate and it ... (turn) out to be the most expensive I... (ever, buy). I put a piece in my mtluth and I (bite) hard and believe me, one of my teeth ... (break) with a crack like a pistol- shot! I ... (spit) out a large bit of tooth and a small stone."

"... (your tooth, not, hurt) dreadfully?"

"To begin with it only ... (ache) a little but I... (wake) up in the night with violent toothache. I ... (have) no more sleep that night. I ... (never, be) in such agony. I ... (ring) up the dentist as soon as possible. I ... (see) him the same day and he ... (give) me a temporary fill- ing. But the tooth ... (be) too badly damaged to be saved and so I... (go) back to him early this afternoon and he ... (take) it out. I ... (just, come) from his surgery. I ... (lose) my appetite, especially for chocolate, but I am grateful you ... (make) a cup of tea, it will do me all the good in the world."


"I'm so sorry you ... (have) such a dreadful time. I'm glad you ... (remember) me and ... (come) here immedi- ately after leaving the dentists'."

Упражнение 49. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Indefinite и Present Perfect.

"Oh, it's you, John! You ... (not, be) in touch with me for a long time. I'm glad you ... (ring) up. Where ... (you, be) all these weeks? I hope you ... (not, be) ill?"

"No, I ... (be) very well, though I ... (have) a slight cold last week. The fact is I ... (be) very busy indeed. I ... (ring) you up about two days ago, but I... (get) no an- swer. I think you ... (be) away at the time; it was a Sun- day afternoon."

"Yes, I remember what... (happen): on Saturday I... (have) a letter from Aunt Susan. She ... (tell) me she needed to see me about selling some shares. So I ... (go) down to see her on Sunday."

"And ... (she, sell) the shares?"

"Yes, and she ... (make) a good profit on them."

"I'm glad to hear she has. She ... (not, have) much luck since your Uncle Fred ... (die)."

"She ... (have) to be very careful with her money.

Those shares were worth next to nothing when Uncle Fred ... (buy) them, but they ... (suddenly, appre- ciate) and fortunately Aunt Susan ... (notice) that and ... (sell) them at the right time, for since then they ... (go) down a bit, and yesterday they were quoted at con- siderably less than what she ... (sell) them for."

Упражнение 50. Поставьте глаголы в Past Indefinite и Present Perfect.

George Perez [1] (to live) in Chicago for a long time. He [2] (to move) there twenty years ago from New


York, where his father [3] (to work) for an import com- pany. Years ago, George [4] (to work) for an import company too, but for the last five years he [5] (to work) for himself. With money from his savings account, he [6] (to buy) a small grocery store on the north side of Chicago, which he and his family [7] (to own) ever since that time. He [8] (to want) to specialize in selling food for the many Hispanic people who live in that part of Chicago. Since George [9] (to buy) the store almost five years ago, he [10] (to sell) nothing but Hispanic food.

This year George and his family [11] (to begin) to sell foods from other parts of the world as well. He [12] (to begin) two months ago by opening a small section of the store where he [13] (to put) Middle Eastern foods. The Middle Eastern community soon [14] (to hear) about George's new store, and people [15] (to begin) to buy their food there. Then he [16] (to add) other Middle Eastern articles, such as cooking equipment and other household goods. Soon he [17] (to add) foods for still other national groups to this section. Now he [18] (to decide) that the store is too small, so he [19] (to agree) to rent some additional space next door in a building that has been vacant for a long time. The owner [20] (to find) to rent it to him for a very low price for the first year.

Now George [21] (to find) himself working harder and harder. Last winter, George's oldest son [22] (to leave) home. George [23] (to hate) to see him go, but his son [24] (to marry) a girl from San Francisco and he [25] (to decide) to move there so she could keep the ex- cellent job that she had. For the husband to go where the wife has a good job generally [26] (not to be) the custom in the United States, but in this case George's son [27] (to decide) that he could get a good job there


too. George [28] (not to want) to hire someone outside the family to help him with the store, so he [29] (to have) to do all the work himself. However, now George [30] (to become) too tired. He [31] (to give up) the idea of operating the store as a family business. He [32] (to advertise) the position in the newspaper, and already he [33] (to receive) several applications from inter- ested people. However, he [34] (not to be) very happy with any of them. He realizes that he will have to hire someone eventually, but it is difficult for him to ac- cept.

Упражнение 51. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла- голы в Present Perfect и Past Indefinite.

  1. 1 never (take) sugar with my coffee.

    1. He (go) abroad last week.

    2. This girl never (see) the sea.

    3. You (meet) him last night? I (not see) him for three weeks.

    4. My wife (not come) home yet. She never (come) home before three o'clock.

    5. My father often (go) out of town on business trips.

7.1 (speak) to him about them yesterday.

      1. In the afternoon I always (work) until four o'clock.

      2. We (not play) tennis together since last May.

      3. Clara (be born) in Germany.

        1. He (be) in Chicago for the last few months.

12.1 (not like) to study in the morning.

          1. You ever (visit) New York?

          2. We just (finish) this chapter.

15.1 (learn) English for the last two years, and now I (study) French, too.


            1. We (want) to go to the mountains last month but our little son (fall) ill.

            2. Here we (be) at the station. Now we must get the porter.

            3. She (study) chemistry for three years.

            4. My brother (bring) home many images from China last year.

            5. There (be) something wrong with this car. Where (be) the nearest garage?

21.1 often (visit) them since they have settled here.

              1. Actions (speak) louder than words.

              2. He (cross) the country last summer.

              3. You (get) two double rooms free?

              4. When the accident occurred he (run) for the doc- tor.

26.1VIy husband (drink) many cups of coffee every day.

                1. When I last (see) him, he (live) in Stockholm.

                2. He (live) in Stockholm since last year.

                3. He (must) write a difficult exercise yesterday.

                4. She already (write) two letters this morning.


Утвердитель- ная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма


He She

It I had


We You They ^

I ^

he she

it у

Had broken? we you they



She , , , ^ I had not

^ broken





Past Perfect выражает действие, которое совер- шилось раньше другого действия в прошлом или к определенному моменту в прошлом. Отсюда его название — "прошедшее законченное".

                  1. Момент прошедшего времени выражается обстоятельством времени с предлогом by, часто в сочетании с наречием already.

                  2. Момент прошедшего времени выражается другим прошедшим действием в Past Indefinite в придаточном предложении времени.


Упражнение 52. Переведите на русский язык.

1. We had already built this plant by the end of 1997. 2.1 had already written my exercise by half past six. 3. At nine o'clock he had already left. 4. I had written my exercise before he came. 5. They had re- turned home long before I rang them up.


Упражнение 53. Дополните предложения для обосно- вания использования Past Perfect Tense.

Образец: We had lived here for six years. Then we moved to Bruges.

1.1 had worked at this ministry for two years. 2. He had eaten his breakfast. 3. Tom had been a student for 5 years. 4. The dog had eaten the meat. 5. Nick had told the whole story. 6. Tom had done his lessons. 7. He had called the managers. 8. He had bought a new brief- case. 9. He had chopped the firewood. 10. He had got a job offer.

Упражнение 54. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла- голы в Past Indefinite и Past Perfect.

1. Не (to study) better than his father (to do). 2. They (to spend) their vacation last year at the same village where they (to live) many years ago. 3. When we (to come) she already (to send) the children away and (to be free) to speak to us. 4. Yesterday I (to buy) a new watch as I (to lose) my old one. 5. He (to take) the boy to the door by which he himself (to enter) the room. 6. He (to open) his eyes (to look) around and (think) for some time, trying to remember what (to happen) to him. 7. After they traveled in the Caucasus they (to decide) to make a sea voyage. 8. They (to see) at once that the man (to travel) a lot. 9. He could go to the seaside in June because he (to pass) all his exami- nation. 10. He (to eat) all the cakes after it (to tell) him not to do it. 11. The day after the party he (to ask) why we (to leave) so early. 12. After they (to go) at last I (to go) to bed.


Упражнение 55. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя Past Indefinite и Past Perfect.

1. Мистер Браун ушел за 2 часа до того, как они прибыли. 2. Тот человек убежал перед тем как начался обыск. 3. Она болела 6 лет перед тем как умерла. 4. Он окончил работу гораздо раньше, чем мы ожидали, так как он рассчитывал получить дополнительные деньги. 5. Он написал письмо к 6 часам. 6. Они ушли из клуба до того, как мы при- шли. 7. К тому времени дети ушли в школу. 8. Они ушли очень далеко, когда заметили тучи. 9. Она сделала половину работы к концу месяца. 10. Я сделал домашнюю работу до того, как ты позвонил. 11. Он повторил слова к тексту к 7 часам. 12. Джейн выучила французский до того как приехала в Па- риж.

Упражнение 56. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла- голы в Past Indefinite и Past Perfect.

                    1. When they ... (finish) talking, they shook hands and went out separately.

2.1... (not yet, do) half the work when he came in.

3. When he was young, he ... (like) collecting stamps.

4.1 saw him the very moment he ... (enter).

  1. After ... (have) some dry biscuits, I had a drink. ;

  2. We ... (understand) it after the teacher ... (ex- plain) it to us.

  3. What... (he, say) when he saw you?

  4. After I... (mix) my colours, I started to paint.

  5. I told him that I ... (never, do) such a thing until then.

10.1 told him that I... (never, smoke).

    1. 1 told him that I... (never, see) an opossum.


Утвердитель- ная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма

I shall have finished

I will have fthe J finished

We shall have

finished You 1 will have They j finished

Shall I have finished?

Will she 1 ?av\ jo

t j finished?

Shall we have finished?

you lhave they J finished?

I shall have fin- ished

5;e ) will have f+he J finished


We shall have

finished You 1 will have They J finished

Future Perfect Tense выражает действие, кото- рое уже закончится ранее определенного момента будущего времени; переводится на русский язык будущим временем совершенного вида обычно в сочетании с такими наречиями, как already, be- fore, after, предлогом by.

Упражнение 57. Переведите на русский язык.

1. Will you have come home by 5 o'clock? 2. We shall have erected this dam by 2002. 3. In three years' lime I shall have taken my degree. 4. John will not


have signed the contract before we come. 5. Will you have repaired the watch by Friday? 6. John will have examined the car well before he buys it.

Упражнение 58. Раскройте скобки, употребляя Fu- ture Perfect.

1. By next winter he (to sold) all his things. 2. He (to leave) when you arrive. 3. By next month he (to write) his fourth play. 4. We (to solve) this difficult problem by the end of the week. 5. The wind (to drop) by then. 6. When the sun sets I (to read) this book. 7. If you come at nine they (to have) dinner. 8. If you ring me up after nine o'clock, I (to speak) to the doctor. 9. We (to travel) twenty miles more before we cross the frontier. 10. Next year we (to be) together for ten years.

Вместо Future Perfect Tense в обстоятельствен- ных придаточных предложениях после after, when, as soon as, before, if употребляется Present Perfect.

\ J

Упражнение 59. Переведите на русский язык.

1.1 shall leave for Moscow as soon as I have finished my business here. 2. He will not see you before I have spoken to him. 3. She will return this magazine after \ she has read it. 4. Don't come here before you have fin- ished writing this letter. 5.1 shall lend you this journal as soon as I have read it. 6. As soon as I have come J home, I will call you. 7. After you have finished writ- ing this document, please, call the manager about it. 8. When you have done the work, you still will have] plenty of time. 9. As soon as you have got any news, let me know.


Упражнение 60. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Future Indefinite, Future Perfect, Present Indefinite, Present Perfect.

1. Mother (to write) a letter to her tomorrow. 2.1 (to read) the book by the end of the week; you may have it then. 3. By the end of the term we (to learn) about one hundred new words. 4. If you ring me u£ after five I (to speak) to the director. 5. I (to go) to the sports ground as soon as I (to finish) this exercise. 6. We (to go) to the theatre or a concert if we (to pass) our examinations successfully. 7. You (to do) a lot of your work by the end of this month. 8. In a year's time he (to take) to some more serious sort of job. 9.1 (to go) away as soon as I (to speak) to him. 10. By the end of this month I (finish) reading "The Picture of Dorian Grey," and I (begin) to read "Jane Eyre." 11. If you do not make a note of it, you (forget) it by tomorrow. 12. By this time next year I (leave) school and (be) in Moscow. 13. I (get) through the greater part of the work when you come.


Утвердитель- ная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма

I have been waiting

Shel hasbeen It J waiting

We 1

1 have been


Have I been waiting?

Has she i ^ееп.

it J waiting?

we ] Have you been

theyJ waiting?

I have not been

waiting He 1 has not She f been It J waiting

We I have not You >been They J waiting

Типичные предлоги для Present Perfect Con- tinuous: for, since. Present Perfect Continuous вы- ражает действие, начавшееся в прошлом и про- должающееся в настоящем.


Упражнение 62. Поставьте предложения в вопроси- тельную и отрицательную форму.

1. Mr. Smith has been staying with them for a fort- night. 2. It has been raining all the morning. 3. He has been writing this exercise for twf> hours. 4. The boy lias been fishing since early morning. 5. For a week you have been promising to take me for a wal/k. 6. The chil- dren have been playing in the garden since their mother came.

Упражнение 63. Раскройте скобки, употребляя I 'resent Perfect Continuous.

1. John is in his room, he (to sit) there since the morning. 2. For two hours now we (to talk) about it and we haven't come to any conclusion yet. 3. John, do you К now where my bag is? 4. I (to look) for it for half an hour and I can't find it. 5. Look, your brother (to i lance) with that red-haired girl since she came into the i oom. 6. He (to try) to solve this problem for several months now but he hasn't found a solution yet. 7. She (to teach) at school for twenty years. 8. Mr. Brown (to work) in his room since early morning. 9. The children (to sleep) for six hours.

Упражнение 64. Выпишите конструкции с Present I Vrfect Continuous.

1. No, I wasn't thinking of Martin's cottage. I must Imve been thinking of another one — perhaps your <>wn. 2. Surely you must have known that Martin took И You can't have been thinking all this time that I ■ lid. 3. And I've not been thinking about it — I've been torturing myself with it. 4. You've been living in a lnol's paradise, and now ... you're busy building your- mi'I I a fool's hell to live in.


Упражнение 65. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continu- ous.

1. I (write) the letter, so perhaps you would post it for me. 2. For the last two years, he (write) a history of the Civil War. 3. A: What you (do) for the last half hour? В: I (sit) here working at this problem. 4. We al- ways (live) in a bungalow, so it will seem strange when we move into a house. 5. How you (keep)? Well, I hope. 6. You look very upset. What (happen)? 7. He shouldn't drive this evening. He (drink). 8. I'd better not drive. I already (drink) quite a lot. 9. The meat must be nearly ready. It (cook) for nearly an hour. 10. You (not finish) that book yet? You (read) it for more than a week. 11.1 wonder if John (forget) my number. I (expect) him to call for the past two hours. 12. I'm sorry we're late. You (wait) long? 13. A: How long (know) you the truth? В: I only just (find out), but I (find out) a lot of other things just recently. 14. If he (ask) me that ques- tion once, he (ask) me a dozen times.

Упражнение 66. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла- голы в Present Perfect и Present Perfect Continuous.

  1. Have you brought the book which your uncle (read) for the last three days? No, I haven't, because he (read not) it yet.

  2. I (look) for my ring for half an hour. I'm afraid I (lose) it somewhere on the beach.

  3. I suppose you (tell) her the story of our miracu- lous escape?!

  4. I think children's shoes (become) much cheaper but I can't tell the exact price as I (not buy) any since the beginning of the year. My little girl (wear) her old ones for a few months.


  1. What (do) to my desk! I can't find anything!

  2. Where is George? I'm afraid he (drink) all the night.

  3. He (study) at the Acadepy of Political Sciences for three years but I think he (not get) his degree yet.

  4. Though you (try) to tell us the opposite, I am sure we (chose) the better part. /

  5. You ever (witness) an earthquake? I just (tell) my children stories about the dreadful consequences of it.

  6. He (sleep) soundly for two hours and I (forget) to wake him.

  7. When we are going to be on top at last? We (climb) for at least three hours and I am afraid we (stop) half-way.

  8. That picture (hang) here since my childhood! I never (think) you would ask me to sell it!

  9. I (wonder) all the morning what a conceited young woman she (become).

  10. The artificial lighting system of gas-filled tubes (give) a clear daylight effect ever since it was intro- duced in our city. We (find) it a great boon especially on dark days in our office.

Упражнение 67. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Indefinite, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous.

    1. Since I ... (work) here, I have met several of your friends.

    2. Since I... (last meet) you, I have visited some very interesting places.

    3. At last I... (finish)! How glad I am!

4.1... (meet) him once. It was a long time ago.

      1. His hair ... (get) greyer for some time now.

      2. What... (you, do)? You look quite exhausted.

7.... (you, ever, see) a white blackbird?


8. ... (you, ever, see) any elephants when you were in Africa?

9.1 ... (work) rather hard and I feel tired.

        1. We ... (learn) several new idioms today.

        2. When I ... (do) my homework, I listen to the wireless before going to bed.

12.1 ... (know) him a long time; in fact he is my old- est friend.

13.1 shall have to walk as t... (miss) the last bus.

          1. Your English ... (improve) since I started to teach you.

          2. ... (you, solve) that problem yet?

          3. My friend (already, find) a good job in the city.

          4. Why (you, not, speak) to him when he passed just now?

          5. What a mess! What (you, do), you naughty child?

          6. (you, see) John this week?

          7. What (Caesar, say) when he crossed the Rubicon?

Упражнение 68. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Indefinite, Present Continuous, Past Indefinite, Past Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous.

1.1 ... (still, not, find) the stocking I lost last week.

            1. What... (you, eat)? Your lips and chin are purple!

            2. My family ... (live) in the same house for 333 years now.

            3. ... (you, finish) with the book I lent you last week?

            4. Who ... (sing) in the bath when I came in?

            5. It started to rain while I... (weed) the rockery.

            6. While I... (weed), Jack ... (mow) the lawn. He fin- ished long before I did.

            7. My wound ... (ache) ever since it started to rain.


9. My ankle is swollen: I... (think) I have sprained


10.1... (think) about it and I fancy I have found the answer.

              1. As it is raining, I... (not, go) out.

              2. Ah, there you are! I hope you ... (not, wait) for me for a long time?

              3. ... (anyone here, lose) a silver pencil?

14.1... (sleep) badly recently, doctor. What can I do about it?

15.1... (try) to finish this exercise for the last hour.

                1. ... (your friends, arrive) in South Africa yet?

                2. Yes, they ... (arrive) there ten days ago.

18.1... (order) you to do it at once!

                  1. Go on, I... (listen) attentively.

                  2. What... (you, do) when I came in a moment ago?

                  3. He ... (fish) a long time but hasn't caught even a minnow yet.

                  4. I ... (wait) for you for ages. Thank heavens you're here at last.

                  5. As I ... (go) down the street just now, I saw an odd scene.

24.1... (go) to see Uncle Charles quite a lot recently.

                    1. I ... (go) to see him again on Friday but I was kept late at the office.

                    2. Uncle Charles ... (make) money ever since he was a boy. He's enormously rich!

                    3. I'm feeling unwell so I ... (not, eat) anything to- day.

                    4. I ... (hope) nothing untoward has happened to you.

                    5. Our firm ... (make) biscuits ever since the reign of Charles II.

                    6. Our firm ... (make) the biscuits Wellington ate before the Battle of Waterloo in 1815.


                    1. Quick, doctor! Aunt Mary ... (just, collapse)!

                    2. You ... (make) far too many mistakes: you must do better from now onwards.

                    3. I ... (not, feel) so happy since last Boat Race night!

                    4. You ... (come) too late, doctor: the poor girl is dead.

35.1... (stay) in England till next March.

36.1... (stay) at this hotel since last February.

37. ... (you, feel) any better now?

38.1... (cough) so much I didn't hear what you said.

  1. You ... (lie)! Stop it, and tell the truth like a man.

  2. She ... (try) on hats all the morning and I am bored and hungry!

Упражнение 69. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя необходимые времена группы Perfect.

1. Почему ты не сделал упражнения? 2. Я так много слышал о вашем городе. 3. Она совсем не из- менилась. 4. Я перевел текст, теперь я делаю упраж- нения. 5. Вы когда-нибудь видели этот памятник? 6. Мы еще не закончили работу. 7. Они не встреча- лись с мая. 8. Где ты был все это время? 9. Я не ви- дел тебя целую вечность. 10. Сколько времени ты живешь в Москве? — Я живу в Москве с мая. 11. Мы знаем друг друга два года. 12. Я болею с апреля. 13. Ты должен подождать, пока я выполню работу. 14. Ко- гда Джейн вышла из комнаты, она вспомнила, что забыла книгу на столе. 15. Вчера к восьми вечера он уже уехал в Лондон. 16. Она сказала, что видела их накануне. 17. Я напишу письмо до того как ты при- дешь. 18. К концу недели они переведут книгу.


Упражнение 70. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Indefinite, Present Continuous, Past Indefinite, Past Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous.

I ... (feel) rather poorly lately, so this morning at nine I ... (go) to see my doctor. I ... (find) him alone in his waiting-room, where he ... (stand) surveying a pile of well-thumbed magazines. "All alone?" I ... (say). "What ... (you, do) to your patients? ... (you, cure) them all?" "The reason why people ... (not, crowd) into this room now is that on Wednesdays I ... (not, begin) consultations here until half-past ten. Such ... (be) my habit for the last twenty-five years." "I'm so sorry I... (come) too early," I said, "I'll go away and come back later." "Oh, no! I ... (prefer) early patients to late ones. In the course of my practice I ... (notice) that the late- comers ... (be) usually not serious cases. Many people ... (come) to a doctor for sympathy, you ... (know). They are like a dog that once ... (come) here with a sore paw; I ... (bandage) it for him and while I... (do) this he looked at me with great, lonely eyes. He ... (come) back the next day and every day until his paw was well. I ... (find) out that his master was dead and a kindly old couple ... (look) after the dog. He ... (miss) his master and ... (want) special sympathy. So, although he was well, he ... (take) to coming to see me two or three times a week. He is old now but he ... (still, come)."

Упражнение 71. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Indefinite, Present Continuous, Past Indefinite, Past Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous.

I ... (work) for my firm for twenty years and up to now. I... (have) no difficulty in satisfying my employ -


ers, who ... (always, be) very considerate, I ... (remem- ber) how, one day when I was new to the firm, I ... (take) French leave in the afternoon to go to see a foot- ball match. I ... (enjoy) it very much, as my favourite team ... (win) although their rivals ... (put) up a worthy resistance, and I... (encourage) my team in a loud voice when I ... (notice) a tall man who ... (shout) encourage- ment to the other team. I... (recognize) him after a mo- ment: he was our Managing Director, I ... (hope) that he ... (not, know) me by sight but only as a name on the firm's paylist, on which I ... (fervently, pray) to re- main! I ... (decide) to creep away to another part of the ground before he might notice me ... (you, ever, be) on a crowded football-ground? Yes? Then you can guess how much chance I ... (have) of creeping away! I ... (lose) a lot of my interest in the game, especially when I ... (see) the Managing Director's glance wander in my direction. A few days later, while I ... (work) overtime in the office, in ... (come) the Managing Director. "What ... (you, do) here at this hour?" he asked. I ... (explain) that I ... (work) late because we ... (have) im- portant orders to catch up with. He nodded and he ... (just, leave) the office when he ... (stop) and ... (say): "I hope you ... (enjoy) Wednesday's match as much as I ... (do)."

Упражнение 72. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Indefinite, Present Continuous, Past Indefinite, Past Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous.

It... (rain) all day today. I... (suspect) it... (always, rain) on Sundays in England. Anyhow, it ... (rain) ev- ery Sunday since I ... (arrive) here three months ago. I ... (just, begin) to get used to it but I... (find) it rather monotonous! I ... (live) in a boarding-house in


Утвердитель- ная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма


She had

  1. >been






he she

it I been Had [ waiting? we you they^

  1. Л


She had not

  1. J> been






Типичный предлог для Past Perfect Continuous for. Past Perfect Continuous выражает действие, длившееся в определенный период времени в прошлом до указанного момента или включая этот момент.

Упражнение 73. Переведите на русский язык.

1. Не had been sitting here for 40 minutes when the telephone rang. 2. I had been trying to get him on the phone all day. 3. At eight in the morning we had been driving for six hours. 4. It was clear that they had been gossiping again. 5. He'd probably been brooding over it day and night — he was that sort. 6. We had been walking in the rain for many hours when we saw a house. 7. She had been sitting there for half an hour before it started raining. 8. He had been looking for his glasses for an hour before he realized he had them in his pocket. 9. He had been waiting for her for long time before she came. 10. Tom had been doing his home- work for an hour when his friend came to see him.

Упражнение 74. Поставьте предложения в вопроси- тельную и отрицательную форму.

1. I thought you had been working here for five years. 2. John said the children had been playing in the garden since nine o'clock. 3. By that time she had al- ready been studying at the university for three years. 4. He told me he had been working at his translation since the morning. 5. They had been sleeping for six hours when the noise began. 6. She had finished her work before she went out.


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