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very busy I could not come. 4. Being asked by the teacher the boy couldn't answer. 5. Being shown the way he reached the station soon. 6. Being well trained he did the work quickly. 7, Being told about the deci- sion he was very glad. 8. Being called he didn't want to answer the phone.

Упражнение 17. Употребите Present Participle в сле- дующих предложениях.

1. We arrived at the station and found the train had left. 2. We watched the train as it disappeared into the distance. 3. If you stand up here, you can just see our house. 4. You can just see our house. It stands between those trees. 5. Grazing on the hills, we saw herds of splendid cattle. 6. If one wears rubber gloves, the wire can be handled quite safely. 7. She tore up his letter and said: "I'll never speak to him again." 8. When one considers how hot it is outside, this room is surpris- ingly cool. 9. Hundreds of monkeys were hanging from the branches by their tails. The explorers were aston- ished to see them. 10. We turned on the light and a swarm of mosquitoes immediately attacked us.

Упражнение 18. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Когда его спросили, он не знал, что ответить. 2. Будучи больной, она сказала, что не пойдет в школу. 3. Когда он занят (будучи занятым), он не отвечает на телефонные звонки. 4. Когда он был вызван (будучи вызванным) директором, он немед- ленно пошел в кабинет. 5. Когда Ольгу поздравля- ли, она была рада. 6. Будучи свободным сегодня, он пошел в ресторан. 7. Когда строили соседний дом, проезд к нашему дому был закрыт. 8. Рассматри- ваемая работа имеет много достоинств. 9. Изуча- емая проблема известна многим.


10 516 Упражнений

Образование Perfect Participle Passive

Perfect Participle глагола to be + Past Participle смыслового глагола

having been read — будучи прочитанным (т.е. когда его прочитали).

Perfect Participle Passive выражает действие, предшествующее действию сказуемого.

Упражнение 19. Образуйте Perfect Participle Passive.

То drive, to come, to walk, to do, to stand, to give, to take, to put, to get, to read, to write, to learn.

Упражнение 20. Переведите на русский язык.

1. Having been fined he never crossed the street in the wrong place. 2. Having been defeated the enemy hastily retreated. 3. Having been invited by my friend, we arrived early. 4. Having been offered this position I accepted it. 5. Having been consulted, I advised them to remain here. 6. Having been put to a wrong place, the book could not be found. 7. Having been taken home, he immediately went to bed. 8. Having been awarded, he took a holiday.

Упражнение 21. Переведите на английский язык.

1. После того как ее пригласили в театр, она долго обдумывала свой наряд. 2. После того как ему сделали замечание, мальчик стал вести себя лучше. 3. После того как ее спросили, она объяснила, как пройти к магазину. 4. После того как их арестова- ли, хулиганы все рассказали. 5. После того как его поздравили, Петр поблагодарил гостей. 6. После того как его премировали, он купил велосипед.


  1. После того как контролер спросил Ирину, она по- казала ему свой билет. 8. После того как его обна- ружили, преступник начал стрелять.

Упражнение 22. Переведите на русский язык.

1. While returning from the theatre I met my friend. 2. When talking to our teacher we learned that he was thirty years old. 3. When travelling in the Caucasus I saw many beautiful landscapes. 4. Explor- ing the Gobi desert, Kozlov discovered the ruins of some ancient town. 5. While staying in Moscow we vis- ited a lot of museums. 6. Having no money, he could not buy it. 7. Having informed us they asked for our advice. 8. Having considered this matter, we arrived at a definite conclusion.

Упражнение 23. Переведите на русский язык.

1. When asked, he answered that he could not come. 2. If asked, answer that you are busy. 3. When last seen, she was running down the street. 4. When taken by the police, the striker put up a fierce resistance. 5. Grass dries quickly when exposed to the action of wind and sun. 6. If desired, price lists are sent free of charge. 7. When addressed, you have to stand up.

  1. When considered from this point of view, this mat- ter seems rather serious. 9. When detected by destroy- ers, submarines quickly try to submerge.

Упражнение 24. Замените придаточные предложения причастными оборотами.

Пример: When the shop assistant discovered that he had a talent for music, he gave up his job to become a professional singer.



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