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Условные предложения

  1. Реальное условие.

If I come here tomorrow I shall bring you a book. Если я приду завтра, я принесу вам книгу.

Не told me that when you're really angry, you'll stop at nothing. — Он мне говорил, что если ты рассердишься всерьез, то ты способен на все.

  1. Нереальное условие.

If I stayed at home I should read a book. — Если бы я оставался дома, я читал бы книгу.

Если нереальное условие относится к прошед- шему времени, в придаточном предложении ста- вится Past Perfect, а в главном — сочетание should или would с Infinitive Perfect.

Упражнение 18. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Если бы он был здесь, он дал бы нам денег.

    1. Если бы я пришел вчера, я принес бы вам книгу.

    2. Если бы она не была больна на прошлой неделе, она сдала бы экзамен. 4. Если бы он приехал вовре- мя, он бы навестил нас. 5. Если бы у нас было боль- ше денег, мы купили бы этот шкаф. 6. Если бы Джек вернулся, она простила бы ему все. 7. Если бы они остались дома, они посмотрели бы эту передачу. 8. Если бы она ушла в отпуск, она не выполнила бы это поручение.


Упражнение 19. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. If you come I shall give you this book. 2. When you see him, tell him to come here. 3. He will speak to you before you go out. 4. As soon as I come home, I shall begin to work. 5. If the weather permits, the ship will start tomorrow.

Опосредованное утверждение

I have always felt that the style of broadcasting should be conversational. — Я всегда считал, что стиль радиопередач должен быть разговорным.

Does it mean that broadcasting will have a bad in- fluence on our literary style, and that in a few years even the greatest of stylists will merely write as they talk? — Значит ли это, что радиопередачи будут иметь плохое влияние на наш литератур- ный стиль и через несколько лет даже величай- шие стилисты будут писать так же, как они разговаривают?







want to know

tell you




find out




remind you






353 12 516 Упражнений

Косвенный вопрос может стоять в начале пред- ложения. Если косвенный вопрос предполагает ответ Да-Нет, то он должен начинаться с whether,

Whether there's any point in going on, I very much doubt.

How you ever expect me to read this writing, I can't imagine.

Упражнение 23. Составьте предложения, начинаю- щиеся с косвенного вопроса. Используйте данные предложения в качестве главных.

1.1 want to know. 2. We'll have to ask. 3. We shall decide later. 4. You must find out. 5. I can't imagine. 6. I'd like to know.

Условные предложения

  1. If you must fly, fly well.

  2. If people try to hide anything from their doc- tor, he soon knows. (Present)

  3. The doctor will soon find out of you try to hide anything from him. (Future)

  4. The doctor will soon know if you have hidden anything from him. (Future — главное предло- жение, Present Perfect — if-clause)

  5. You do not try to hide anything. But if you tried to hide anything, he would soon find out. (нереальное условие в настоящем)

  6. (You did not try, but) if you had tried to hide anything, he would have found out very soon, (нереальное условие в прошлом)

  7. If a lie could have choked him, that would have done. (Future in the Past — if-clause, Past Indefi- nite — main)


Условные предложения вводятся unless, pro- vided (that), as (или so) long as, supposing, in case.

В условных предложениях может использо- ваться конструкция in case + глагол. Не следует путать ее с конструкцией in case + имя существи- тельное.

Упражнение 24. Переведите на русский язык.

1. Unless you try to hide anything, you will have nothing to fear. 2. Provided (that) you keep very still, nobody will notice you. 3. As long as war is regarded as wicked, it will always have its fascination. When it is looked upon as vulgar, it will cease to be popular. (Os- car Wilde). 4. Our meeting is on Friday, at 3.30 p.m. Make a note in your diary in case you forget.

Упражнение 25. Составьте сложноподчиненные предложения с придаточными условными на основе предлагаемых пар предложений.

1. I mustn't eat too much. I get violent indigestion. 2. Call me up tomorrow. I will give you the answer then. 3. Take the new road. You will be in Rome in two hours. 4. You are not taking the new road. You will not be there in two hours. 5. You did not take the new road. You did not arrive in time. 6. You did not listen to me. You lost your way. 7. We may need you at our meeting, in that case, I'll phone you. 8. I'll take an umbrella with me. It might rain. 9. There may be an urgent tele- phone call. Otherwise, don't disturb me. 10. You may borrow my typewriter, oh one condition. You must bring it back this evening. 11. Will you meet me at seven? You will probably have finished your work by then. 12. It is a pity you did not answer all the ques-



типы условных предложений

1. If I have time, I will go to a shop, (main — Future, if-clause — Present)

Если у меня будет время, то я пойду в магазин.

2. If I had time, I would go to a shop.

(main — Future in the Past, if-clause — Past)

Если бы у меня было время (сегодня), то я бы сходил в магазин.

3. If I had had time, I would have gone to a shop.

(main — Future Perfect in the Past, if-clause — Past Perfect)

Если бы у меня было время (вчера ), то я сходил бы в магазин.

Упражнение 26. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Если он приедет вовремя, то он навестит нас. 2. Если завтра будет хорошая погода, мы поедем на дачу. 3. Если она будет чувствовать себя лучше, она придет на работу. 4. Если я хорошо сдам экзамен, мои родители будут рады. 5. Если мы не вернемся домой до 12 часов, мы не сможем позвонить Джо- ну. 6. Если я вовремя вернусь с работы, мы пойдем в кино. 7. Если бы он вернулся из командировки вче- ра, он тоже пришел бы на день рождения племян-


ницы. 8. Если бы я сегодня не был занят весь день, я обязательно позвонил бы тебе. 9. Если бы они при- везли материалы сегодня утром, мы бы выполнили заказ в срок. 10. Если бы он узнал о распродаже несколько дней назад, он наверняка купил бы эту машину. 11. Если бы утренний поезд прибыл на станцию вовремя, я пришел бы сегодня на роботу вовремя. 12. Если завтра не будет дождя, нужно будет полить цветы в саду. 13. Если бы вчера вы написали контрольную работу лучше, сегодня мож- но было бы начать изучение новой темы. 14. Если бы вечером (сегодня) не пошел дождь, они навестили бы своих родителей. 15. Если я закончу работу рань- ше, я смогу навестить тебя. 16. Если бы у меня было время, я был бы рад помочь ему.

Упражнение 27. Укажите время придаточных пред- ложений.

1. If you tell the truth, people trust you. 2. If you are telling the truth, we have no time to lose. 3. If you have studied all these books, you must know a lot. 4. If you have been walking in this heat, you must be very thirsty. 5. If we told father the truth, he never pun- ished us. 6. If you were walking all day yesterday, no wonder you are tired today. 7. If you had met John be- fore, why didn't you speak to him last night? 8. If you had been swimming before breakfast yesterday, no wonder you ate such a lot. 9. If you tell the truth, you will be quite safe. 10. If you play tennis tomorrow, we won't be able to have our usual walk. 11. If you have read this report by next Friday, you will be able to dis- cuss it at our meeting on Friday afternoon. 12. Didn't I say that if you told the truth you would be quite safe?


Упражнение 28. Переведите предложения из уп- ражнение 27 на русский язык.

Упражнение 29. Переведите на русский язык.

1. Не would buy this car, if he had more money. 2. Mr. Brown would have spent more money on Christ- mas present, if he had been able to afford it. 3. If you didn't smoke so much, you would feel better. 4. Jack wouldn't be so tired every evening, if he had a short rest after dinner. 5. If it didn't rain, we should go for a walk. 6. She would be more attractive, if she paid more attention to her clothes. 7. Nothing would have hap- pened if he had not lost the way. 8. They would see ev- erything quite well now, if they had better seats. 9. If I had not been far from your house, I should have come to see you. 10. Jack would have finished his work last week if it hadn't been so difficult. 11. Henry would be here now if he knew we needed help. 12. Mary would stay at home, if she didn't feel well. 13. Mary would have understood everything, if you had spoken more clearly. 14. These boys would study better, if they liked their teacher.

Упражнение 30. Раскройте скобки, используя соот- ветствующее время глаголов.

1. If it (to rain) we'll stay at home. 2. I'd go to the dentist if I (to be) you. 3. If he (to be) come, tell him that we were in a hurry. 4. If we (to know) that before we would not have come. 5.1 would go at once if he (to say) that. 6. If you (to read) the book you would know the answer. 7. If (to know) I would tell you. 8.1 think you would have got permission if you (to ask) me.


Упражнение 31. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Если бы я был (будь я) на вашем месте, я бы занимался больше. 2. Если вы так думаете, то вы правы. 3. Если бы я поехала в Санкт-Петербург, я пошла бы в Эрмитаж. 4. Если бы я был (будь я) на вашем месте, я бы сказал ему об этом. 5. Даже если я увижу его, я не скажу ему об этом. 6. Если стано- вится темно, мы зажигаем свет. 7. Если становилось темно, мы зажигали свет. 8. Если станет темно, мы зажжем свет. 9. Если он скажет мне вернуться, я вернусь. 10. Ребенок упал бы с дерева, если бы вы закричали, когда он был там. 11. Если вы прочтете его новую статью, вы сможете приготовить хороший доклад. 12. Если бы вы остановили меня на улице, когда вы увидели меня, я пошел бы с вами. 13. Если бы вы объяснили мне мои ошибки (но вы не объяснили), я бы не повторил их.

Упражнение 32. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Если завтра будет хорошая погода, мы поедем за город. 2. Он не окончит свою работу вовремя, если он не будет усердно работать. 3. Если вы его увидете, попросите его позвонить мне. 4. Если он здесь, то он, вероятно, работает в библиотеке. 5. Если он заходил к ним вчера, то они дали ему ваше письмо. 6. Если бы Джейти знала их адрес, она бы написала им. 7. Если бы у моего брата было сейчас время, он бы помог им. 8. Если бы я увидел его завтра, я спросил бы его об этом. 9. Если бы он был здесь, он бы нам рассказал все об этом. 10. Если бы я увидел его вчера, я спросил бы его об этом. 11. Они не поехали бы за город вчера, если бы пошел дождь. 12. Я был бы разочарован, если бы они не пришли. 13. Если вы побудете здесь немного дольше, вы увидете его.


14. Если в воскресенье будет дождь, я останусь дома. 15. Мы будем очень сожалеть, если они не придут вовремя. 16. Я бы не простудился, если бы одевал пальто. 17. Если бы он не потерял свои очки, он мог бы закончить работу на прошлой неделе. 18. Я бы навестил тебя вчера, если бы был в городе. 19. Я бы пришла и проводила тебя, если бы я не жила так далеко. 20. Человека убило бы, если бы поезд не остановился так быстро.

Упражнение 33. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Если бы я поговорил с ней вчера, я бы все узнал. 2. Если бы ты был более внимателен, ты бы учился лучше. 3. Если бы он сейчас был здесь, он бы рассказал нам много интересного. 4. Мы бы уехали на прошлой неделе, если бы я закончил свою работу. 5. Если бы у меня было время, я бы навещал тебя часто. 6. Если бы мы взяли с собой тетради, мы бы записали слова. 7. Я бы не беспокоился об этом, если бы был на вашем месте. 8. Если бы у меня было боль- ше времени, я бы изучал французский язык. 9. Ес- ли бы у нее было время, она бы делала эту работу. 10. Если бы он был здесь, я бы завтра присутствовал на нашем собрании. 11. Если бы он был в городе, он присутствовал бы на нашем собрании. 12. Если бы завтра было воскресенье, мы бы поехали в деревню. 13. Если бы я вчера вечером там был, я бы поговорил с ним. 14. Если бы у меня было вчера время, я бы сделал эту работу. 15. Они бы продолжали путь, если бы ночь не была такой темной. 16. Если бы у меня было время, я мог бы пойти туда сейчас. 17. Если бы у меня вчера было время, я мог бы пойти туда. 18. Если бы он был готов сейчас, он мог бы пойти с нами.


Упражнение 34. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Если бы река не была такой глубокой, мы перешли бы через нее. 2. Ты бы отвечал лучше, если бы был более внимательным. 3. Ты бы был более счастлив теперь, если бы последовал моему совету. 4. Если бы я поговорил с ним вчера, я бы знал, что теперь делать. 5. Если бы вы повторили правила, вы бы знали их сейчас лучше. 6. Если бы у меня было время, я смог бы туда поехать. 7. Если бы он был готов завтра, для него было бы возможно пойти с нами. 8. Если бы у меня было время вчера, я мог бы туда поехать. 9. Если бы он был готов, для него было бы возможно пойти с нами вчера. 10. Если бы я мог перевести эту статью без словаря, я бы сделал свою работу быстрее. 11. Если бы для меня было возмож- но прийти в 6 часов, это подошло бы мне значи- тельно больше. 12. Если бы я смог перевести эту статью без словаря (но я не смог), я сделал бы эту работу быстрее. 13. Если бы для меня было воз- можно прийти в 6 часов вчера, мне бы это подошло значительно больше.

if — конструкция может использоваться как для отражения реального, так и нереального условия.

wish — конструкция может использоваться только для выражения нереального условия.


1. I'm working today

I wish I didn't

2.1 don't feel well

I wish I had seen it

3.1 feel tired

I wish you were telling the truth

4. That's not true

I wish I felt better

5.1 did not see that book

I wish you would

6. I'll send it to you

I A^ish I wasn't

Упражнение 36. Составьте предложения, используя конструкцию с wish.

1. I'm enjoying myself. I hope you are. 2.1 feel bet- ter now. I hope you do. 3. That's my story. I hope you are telling the truth. 4.1 enjoyed that book. 5. I'll send it back tomorrow. I hope you will.


Реальное условие hope и if

Нереальное условие wish и if

Present Indefinite

I hope he tells the truth

If he tells the truth

I wish he told

If he told (Past Indefinite)

Present Continuous

I hope he is telling the truth If he is telling the truth

I wish he were telling

If he were telling (Past Continuous)

Present Perfect

I hope he has told If he has told

I wish he had told If he had told (Past Perfect)


Present Perfect Continuous

I hope he has been telling

If he has been telling

I wish he had been telling

If he had been telling (Past Perfect Con- tinuous)

Past Indefi- nite

I hope he told If he told

I wish he had told If he had told (Past Perfect)

Past Con- tinuous

I hope he was telling If he was telling

I wish he had been telling

If he had been telling (Past Perfect Con- tinuous)

Past Perfect

I hope he had told If he had told

I wish he had told If he had told (Past Perfect)

Past Perfect



I hope he has been telling

If he had been telling

I wish he had been telling

If he had been telling (Past Perfect Con- tinuous)

Present Indefinite (в значении будущего)

I hope he tells If he tells

Future Indefinite

I hope he will tell

I wish he would tell (Future in the Past) If he told (Past Indefinite)

Future Continuous

I hope he will be telling

If he were telling (Past Continuous)


Future Continuous (в значении будущего)

I hope he is telling If he is telling

Future Perfect

I hope he will have told

If he had told (Past Perfect)

Future Perfect

If he has told (после if не употребляются будущие времена)

Future in the Past

I hoped he would tell

Future in the Past

(he said that) if he told (используется при согласовании времен)

(He said that) if he had told (Past Perfect Continu- ous)

Упражнение 37. Укажите время придаточных пред- ложений.

1. If you told the truth, people would trust you more. 2. If you were telling the truth, you would be looking me straight in the eye. 3. If you had told the truth, you wouldn't have blushed like that. 4. If you had told the truth, you would not have been punished. 5. If you had met him before, I am sure he would have recognized you. 6. If we went out, we should only get soaking wet. 7. If we were playing tennis, we shouldn't be able to finish our work.

Упражнение 38. Переведите на русский язык пред- ложения из упражнения 32.


Упражнение 39. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла- голы в требуемых временах.

  1. Motorist A: Am I on the road for Epsom?

Policeman: Yes, sir. If you (go) straight on, you (be)

there in twenty minutes. But wait. If you (go) to Ep- som, will you take my mother-in-law too?

  1. Motorist B: Am I on the right road for Epsom?

Policeman: No, sir. If you (follow) the road you are

on now, you (be) going in the opposite direction.

  1. Friend, at Epsom, to Motorist A: You got here without any difficulty, I see. If you (ask) the police- man at Sutton to direct you, you (be) very wise.

  2. Friend, at Epsom, to Motorist B: You were on the wrong road. If you (take) that road, you were going right out of your way; and if you (go) on in that direc- tion, you (never, get) here.

  3. Motorist В to Motorist A: Why didn't you wait for me? If you (wait) I (not take) the wrong road. How did you find the way so easily?

  4. Motorist A to Motorist B: Well, for one thing, I follow the sign posts. If I (do) that, I seldom get lost. Then If I (be) in doubt, I ask a policeman. If I (be) you, I (follow) the red buses on your way back.

  5. If all the good people (be) clever, the world (be nicer than ever (E. Wordsworth). 8. If I (be) present at the creation, I (give) some useful hints for the better arrangement of the Universe (Alfonse the Wise).

Упражнение 40. Сократите, где возможно, сложные предложения до предложений с одним личным глаголом.

1.1 hope I shall see you on Friday. 2.1 hope Jim and Dave will be there too. 3. I now regret I spoke to the boy so sharply. 4. We believe that Robert is thoroughly


honest. 5. I don't pretend that I am as clever as you are. 6. The detective noticed that a shoe was sticking out from under the curtain. 7. I'm afraid I might have an accident. 8. We are sorry we are so late. 9. The chil- dren decided they would go home to bed. 10. Have you any idea how one can make this machine work? 11. Please tell us whether we should wait for you or not. 12. Some people never know when they should stop talking. 13. Remind me that I have to go for my medical examination tomorrow. 14. Be careful you don't drop that bottle. 15. The thought that she might lose all her money haunted the old lady day and night. 16. None of the prisoners can complain that they have been badly treated. 17. But they insist that they are in- nocent. 18. I cannot understand why you behaved so foolishly. 19. He promised he would buy me a bunch of red roses. 20. Do you suggest that we should start this again?

Упражнение 41. Сократите, где возможно, сложные предложения до предложений с одним личным глаголом.

1. When I began this talk, I did not intend that I should speak for more than half an hour. 2. Anyone who wishes to take a photograph of the view may do so when we come to the next stop. 3. Goods that have been in any way damaged in transit must be returned to the factory at once. 4. The meeting that was arranged for next Tuesday will now be held the Tuesday after. 5. The Hotel cannot accept responsibility for any valu- ables which are left in the bedrooms and which are then lost. 6. Can you find something that will stop that door banging? 7. I have never been to India, so I can't answer that question. 8. You seem to have changed your mind about Joe since you met his mother-in-law.


9. One can make rapid progress with a new language if one listens to recordings of it regularly. 10. Passen- gers must go through the Customs before they embark. 11. When I receive your application, I will deal with your case at once. 12. All sailing's have been canceled because there is thick fog in the Channel. 13. There will be time to discuss that after you have been elected. 14. There is no difference between these two photo- graphs that anyone can notice. 15. If I may speak frankly, I didn't like the way you described my paint- ings at all. 16. Smuts was a lawyer by training, but when he was forced to be a soldier he was a very good soldier. 17. I don't wish to criticize, but I must draw attention to the fact that some of your remarks are in- accurate. 18. Jackson was asked if he could explain why he was absent on Monday, but he could give no an- swer that was satisfactory. 19. Do not forget you must deposit your key at the reception desk when you leave the Hotel. 20. If you work through this book system- atically, you can learn how you can use the English verb more efficiently.

Упражнение 42. Составьте сложносочиненные пред- ложения с придаточными определительными на основе предлагаемых пар предложений, изменяя второе предложение на придаточное.

1. The pipeline has been severed. It carries the town's water supplies. 2. The exhibition was not very interesting. My friend took me to see it. 3. One of the chief things is to save money, manpower, and time. A computer can do this thing. 4. Trade Union legislation is one major problem. The Government has yet to tackle this problem. 5. Immigration is an issue. This issue raises strong emotions. 6. There is still a great deal of work. This work has to be done before the build


ing is ready for occupation. 7. Paintings by Renoir re- alized record prices in the sale. The sale took place at Sotheby's in London yesterday. 8. There is evidence that many men were in fact willing to accept the Company's revised pay offer. These men went on strike. 9. The pools winner used a system. This system, he said, had won him several small amounts over the years. 10. The gales caused widespread damage. They swept across southern England last night. 11. British shipyards are now quoting prices. These prices com- pare favorably with foreign competitors. 12. Is the of- fer still open? You made the offer last week. 13. Num- ber of people will place a heavy strain on airport facili- ties. These people will be traveling by air in the 1990's. 14. Only by exporting enough can we pay for the goods. We buy these goods from abroad. 15. Members of the local sub-aqua club came across a wreck. It had lain on the sea-bed for over 200 yeas. 16. The problem today is to build houses at a price. Young couples can afford to pay this price. 17.1 know the very person. He will do the job quickly. 18. The problem in New Towns is that it has taken three generations to create the closely-knit community life. This community life gives older towns their homeliness and character. 19. There is no doubt, however, that the New Towns have trans- formed the lives of many people. These people might otherwise still be living in overcrowded towns. 20. In some areas of Britain, unemployment is a fact of life. People have grown accustomed to facing this fact.

Упражнение 43. Составьте сложноподчиненные предложения с придаточными определительными, относящимися к словам, выделенным курсивом.

Пример: The Council has decided to ask every tenant to move to a smaller house or a flat.


The Council has decided to ask every tenant who has a house bigger than he needs to move to a smaller house or a flat.

1. Any man should be sent to prison. 2. The suit is identical to one my brother bought. 3. In London every Englishman carries a rolled umbrella and wears a bowler hat. 4. Laws should be repealed. 5. The yacht arrived first. 6. The house has been demolished. 7. The car was driven by the world champion. 8. Would you like to see the photographs? 9. He's the most intelli- gent man. 10. He will do anything. 11. The man was her uncle. 12. That's the third telephone call. 13. Noth- ing is ever a success. 14. He enjoys talking to anyone. 15.1 always feel confidence in someone.

Упражнение 44. Составьте сложноподчиненные предложения с придаточными определительными, относящимися к словам, выделенным курсивом.

1. Students generally like a teacher. 2. Teachers generally like students. 3. He lends money only to people. 4. Is that all the work? 5. The sort of food is not the same as Continental food. 6. Children like aunts and uncles. 7. Men dislike women. 8. Women dislike men. 9. The excuse was unacceptable. 10. The stretch of water is called the English Channel. 11. I will pay for the damage. 12.1 am sure there isn't anyone among the audience here tonight. 13. My father is a man. 14.1 detest people. 15. Switzerland is a country.

Упражнение 45. Составьте сложносочиненные предложения с придаточными определительными на основе предлагаемых пар предложений, используя which или who.

1. This industrial dispute has now been settled. It disrupted production at six Midlands factories while it


lasted. 2. The Prime Minister's reshuffle means that the Cabinet will be reduced to twenty. It now has twenty-two members. 3. Some London policemen were sent to America on a goodwill visit. They are well known for their politeness and helpfulness. 4. Three acres of land go with this estate. The estate is situated in one of the most beautiful parts of rural England. 5. The Chancellor of the Exchequer later issued a statement to the press. He had earlier refused to speak to reporters. 6. Covent Garden's latest production of Don Giovanni looks like being a huge success. It opened at the Royal Opera House last night. 7. The new official guide to London contains a wealth of informa- tion for visitors. It will appear in the bookshops next week.

Упражнение 46. Замените личные придаточные предложения безличными, используя инфинитив. Не изменяйте пунктуацию.

Пример: This is a point which we should bear in mind.

This is a point to bear in mind.

1. Measures that will restrain home demand have already been considered by the Chancellor. 2. There are more than fifty proposals that will be discussed at the conference. 3. The changeover to the metric system has given manufacturers plenty that they must think about. 4. The Government has been considering means that would bring about a redistribution of wealth. 5. There are many difficulties that must be sur- mounted before any agreement can be reached. 6. Brit- ain has little that she can be proud of in the latest set of trade figures. 7. Our company builds houses that suit many different types of purchasers. 8. Before our cars leave the factory, there is an exhaustive series of tests


that must be passed. 9. There is still a long way that we must go before we reach our sales targets. 10. Before a person can get legal aid, there are certain procedures that must be followed. 11. British trains have commu- nication cords which may be operated only in an emer- gency. 12. The chemist gave her the tablets which were to be taken three times daily. 13. The Consumer's As- sociation has set up a new body which will check on price rises in household goods. 14. The Government hopes that these new driving regulations, which will come into operation from the first of the next month, will result in improved road safety. 15. Many people have written to The Times about the new inland post- age rates which will be introduced shortly. 16. A sig- nificant point that has emerged from the Govern- ment's survey is that large numbers of people living in Council houses would like the opportunity to become house owners.

Упражнение 47. Дополните предложения определи- тельными придаточными.

1. The hose ... has at last been sold. 2. We spent our holiday in the town ... . 3. The housing problem, ..., is now almost solved. 4. He recalled the time when .... 5.1 wanted to buy a car ... . 6. Do you remember the name of the place ...? 7. What did he do with the money ...? 8. He is the sort of man .... 9. This letter is from my brother, .... 10. English scenery has a beauty ... . 11. He did his medical training at a hospital .... 12. I am prepared to agree to anything ... . 13. Some- thing ... quite startled me. 14. I remembered the rea- son ... . 15. Perhaps you could tell me the name of the shop ... . 16. That's the first time ... 17. These rare books,..., were sold for a record price. 18. Perhaps you didn't know that it was my son. 19. I can't really be-


lieve his story, ... . 20. We returned by the same train ... . 21. I am sure there is no one here but ... .

  1. Beethoven is one of the greatest composers ... .

  2. His father, ..., said he intended to retire shortly.

  3. We were advised to buy the larger dictionary,

  4. In 1953, a British expedition succeeded in climbing Everest, ....

Упражнение 48. Дополните предложения используя союзы which, who, whom, when, или where.

1. That evening we went to the cinema, ... . 2. He had intended to buy the goods before seeing them, ... . 3. I had almost given up expecting him, ... . 4. The Queen was, after all, unable to attend the charity con- cert, ... . 5. The father left his business to his son, .... 6. The campers moved on without extinguishing their fire, ... . 7. The man dived fully clothed into the river to save the boy, ... . 8. We were beginning to think that our view from the mountain-side would be obscured by cloud,.... 9. Last year we spent our holiday in Austria, ... . 10. I have the message to Peter, ... . 11. In some cinemas, smoking is prohibited, ... . 12. Last night we went to the opera at Covent Garden, ... . 13. The letter received was in fact intended for John, to ... . 14. The contractors have now sent a satisfactory estimate for building the school, on the basis of ... . 15. He missed a lot of work through his absence from school, to make au for... .

Упражнение 49. Составьте сложносочиненные пред- ложения с придаточными определительными на ос- нове предлагаемых пар предложений, используя whose.

Пример: The headmaster spoke to the boys. Their work was below standard.


The headmaster spoke to the boys whose work was below standard.

1. London looks forward to the visit of Sviatoslav Richter. His virtuosity is now a byword among con- cert-goers. 2. The Prime Minister may be forced to re- sign. His support in the party has seriously declined. 3. Bertrand Russell died in 1970. His philosophical writing made a profound impact on philosophers all over the would. 4. The Government's new Pensions Bill will be debated in Parliament next week. Its provi- sions are a matter of considerable controversy. 5. The U.S. President is unlikely to seek a second term of of- fice. His administration has been under constant fire during the last eighteen months. 6. The car driver was sent to prison for six months. The entire blame for the accident rested on his shoulders. 7. Lord Nelson was famous for his naval exploits. A column was erected in his memory in Trafalgar Square in London. 8. I have pleasure in introducing to you the man. Without his generosity your society would cease to exist. 9. The fire started on the first floor of the hospital. Many of its patients are elderly and infirm.

Упражнение 50. Замените конструкции, выделенные курсивом, на конструкции с when, why, where или as.

1. The days in which you could travel without a passport are a thing of the past. 2. In 1824, Charles Dickens went to America, in which country he advo- cated international copyright and the abolition of sla- very. 3. There are times at which everyone needs to be alone. 4. Have you ever been in a situation in which you know the other person in right yet you can't agree with him? 5. He remembered several occasions in the past on which he had experienced a similar feeling.


6. Shakespeare arrived in London about 1586, and there, some time later, he became a member of the Lord Chamberlain's company of players. 7.1 can't think of any reason for which you should take all the blame for what happened. 8. The car showed its true qualities on Continental roads, on which it was possible to drive up to 500 miles a day without undue strain. 9. This Com- pany has now introduced a policy under which premi- ums are related to the age of the driver. 10. The whole family wants to emigrate to a country in which there is more scope for individual enterprise.

Придаточное с what часто переводится на рус- ский язык придаточным изъяснительным пред- ложением.

Не got what he wanted. — Он получил все, что хотел.

Упражнение 51. Замените конструкции, выделенные курсивом, на конструкции с what.

1. The thing that the speaker said next was lost in the general uproar. 2. Why don't you explain the idea that you have in mind? 3. The teacher tested the stu- dents to see if they remembered the things which they had learned. 4. The thing that you're asking me to do is out of the question. 5. He's something that's known as a "bellyacher" — he's always complaining about some- thing. 6. What a nuisance! That's just the thing which I didn't want to happen. 7. The thing that amazes me is where he gets all his energy from. 8. Would this be the thing that you're looking for? 9. Mind the things that you say to him; he's very sensitive! 10. The leader of


the expedition marked out something that seemed to be the best route.

Упражнение 52. Укажите номера предложений, ко- торые являются неправильными.

1. If more money would be available, the school would be able to buy a new piano. 2. He would tell us if he would know. 3. He would go to England if you would lend him your car. 4. If she would find the right man, she would get married. 5. If she should find the right man, she would get married. 6. If they would have the time, they would go to Paris in the spring. 7.1 would pass the decision on to the Director if you would let me know as soon as possible. 8. If you would go by car to Utrecht tonight in the fog, you would risk having an accident. 9. If he should get the job, he would be de- lighted. 10. If you would let me have your car for a weekend, I would be able to go to Limburg. 11. We might come to an agreement if there would be more discussion of the problem. 12. If people would park their cars in the right places, there would not be so many accidents. 13. Should the government resign there would have to be an election. 14. If there would be life on other planets, I would be very surprised. 15. If you would like to come to the party, you would have to let us know tonight. 16. If he would give up smoking, his health would improve. 17. If there should be a strike at Harwich, we won't get to London in time for the concert. 18. If you would post this letter for me on your way to school, I would be very grateful. 19. If the roof would be damaged by the storm, I would be very surprised if the bill for repairs were less than fl 20.000. 20. If the roof should be damaged by the storm, I would be surprised if the bill for repairs were less than fl 20.000.


Учебное издание

Кравченко Ольга Фёдоровна Ермолюк Александр Владимирович

516 упражнений по грамматике английского языка

Редактор Г. К. Середина Верстка А. А. Егоренков

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