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Образование Past Participle (Participle II, III форма глагола)

правильные глаголы:

to ask (без to) + -ed = asked — спрошенный to close (без to) + -ed = closed — закрытый

неправильные глаголы:

to take => taken — взятый to see => seen — виденный to find => found — найденный

Упражнение 5. Образуйте причастие прошедшего времени.

То drive, to come, to walk, to do, to stand, to give, to take, to put, to get, to read, to write, to learn.

Упражнение 6. Определите типы причастий, укажите неопределенную форму глаголов, от которых обра- зованы причастия.

Writing, written, washing, washed, covering, cov- ered, singing, sung, playing, played, putting, put, vis- iting, visited, lying, lain, standing, stood, receiving, received,losing,lost.

Упражнение 7. Переведите на русский язык.

1. She wanted her coat mended. 2. I had my watch repaired. 3. We saw him taken to the hospital. 4. The teacher had the boy detained after the lessons. 5. We got the work finished in time. 6.1 heard him mention your name. 7. We saw him addressing the girl. 8. I heard her speaking. 9. They heard her spoken to. 10. I'll have dinner prepared by 7 o'clock. 11. I'll see


the work done well. 12. He had the property restored to its owner. 13. The knife has a trade mark stamped on the blade. 14. I'll have this story repeated. 15. We saw the whole land given up to fire and sword. 16. If you insist I'll have every item of the way-bill checked up. 17. I'll have this incident explained before I am through with it. 18. The colonel had the prisoners taken away.

Упражнение 8. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Девочка, приглашенная на день рождения, не пришла. 2. Дом, построенный на соседней улице, очень красивый. 3. Книги, взятые в библиотеке, следует вернуть вовремя. 4. Завтрак, съеденный ут- ром, был вкусным. 5. Разбитое стекло нужно заме- нить. 6. Испорченные продукты не следует есть.

  1. Письмо, отправленное из Германии 3 недели назад, друг еще не получил. 8. Статья, прочитанная вчера, была очень интересной. 9. Предложение, вы- сказанное на переговорах, было принято. 10. Шкаф, поставленный у стены, слишком большой. 11. Ма- шина, купленная в прошлом году, нуждается в ре- монте. 12. Полученная телеграмма очень важна. 13. Переведенная статья интересна. 14. Увиденный рисунок ему понравился.

Упражнение 9. Образуйте причастия настоящего и прошедшего времени, где возможно.

1. (to write) a letter, he was looking at his watch. 2. (to write) a letter, he called his friend. 3. (to come) home, he bought some food. 4. (to come) home, he put the food into the fridge. 5. (to do) the work, they were very careful. 6. (to do) the work, they went to a can- teen. 7. (to take) the children to school, she hurried.

  1. (to take) the children to school, she went to work.


  1. (to learn) lessons, he read some interesting articles.

  2. (to learn) lessons, he watched TV. 11. (to walk) home, she enjoyed the weather. 12. (to read) the book, he found it boring. 13. (to sit) at the window, he caught cold. 14. (to drive) me car, he was very careful.

Образование Perfect Participle Active

Present Participle глагола to have + Past Parti- ciple личного (основного) глагола

having finished — окончив having written — написав

Упражнение 10. Образуйте Perfect Participle Active.

To drive, to come, to walk, to do, to stand, to give, to take, to put, to get, to read, to write, to learn.

Упражнение 11. Переведите на русский язык.

1. Having finished my work, I went home. 2. Hav- ing written the letter, he posted it. 3. Having spoken to our teacher, we translated this articles. 4. Having had his dinner he rang me up. 5. Having finished reading the book, he took it back to the library. 6. Having spo- ken to the management, he made a decision.

Упражнение 12. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Доев свой завтрак, он отправился на работу. 2. Написав эту книгу, он снова уехал в город. 3. За- кончив работу, он вышел из кабинета. 4. Начав спо- рить, она уже не могла остановиться. 5. Купив эту машину, он был счастлив. 6. Уехав из города, она не звонила больше старым друзьям. 7. Поговорив со специалистами, он решил оформить заказ. 8. Полу-


чин гонорар, он решил не говорить об этом жене. !). Опубликовав этот роман, издательство получило большую прибыль. 10. Она обрадовалась, получив письмо. 11. Окончив институт, он начал работать в большой фирме. 12. Прочитав руководство по экс- плуатации, он включил холодильник.

Упражнение 13. Переведите на русский язык.

1. Eating breakfast, he read a newspaper. 2. Going to bed, he forgot to clean his teeth. 3. Doing his home- work, he looked through the window. 4. Leaving for work, he forgot to take his documents. 5. Having bought this dress she was very pleased. 6. Having driven home, he left the car open. 7. The girl reading a book is my friend. 8. Not having a ticket, the passen- ger was fined. 9. Coming out of a bus, the girl left her handbag there. 10. Having drunk the juice, the boy threw the can away. 11. Being in England and crossing a street, you should look to the right, and then to the left. 12 Having listened to the concert, people were pleased. 13. Having eaten his breakfast, the boy washed the dishes. 14. Having spoken to the teacher, we translated the text. 15 The information, provided by him, is very reliable. 16. When asked about his par- ents, the boy wouldn't answer. 17. We entered the de- serted house. 18. I bound up my cut finger with a handkerchief. 19. The machine constructed by him is very effective.

Упражнение 14. Объедините пары или группы пред- ложений, используя причастия.

Пример: The employers issued an ultimatum. They threatened all workers with dismissal if they didn't return to work by the following Mon- day.


The employers issued an ultimatum, threat- ening all workers with dismissal if they didn't return to work by the following Mon- day.

1.1 was away at the time of the disastrous floods. I could, therefore, do nothing to help with salvage work. 2.1 found I had wasted my time going to the sale. The best bargains had already been snapped up earlier in the day. 3. The rescue party decided that it would be hopeless to carry out a search while the fog persisted. They put off their rescue bid until the next day. 4. He was brought up in the belief that pleasures were sinful. As a result, he now leads an ascetic life. 5. The chil- dren had a week's holiday. The school had been closed because of an influenza epidemic. 6. One can allow for the fact that the orchestra was under-rehearsed. Even so, last night's concert was extremely disappointing. 7. He was very angry when his car broke down. He had had it serviced only a week before. 8. No one was sur- prised at the change in Bank Rate. It had already been confidently expected by investors. 9. The man lost in- terest in his work. He had been passed over in favor of an outsider when a senior position became vacant. 10. We decided not to visit Oxford. It was then the time of the summer vacation. There were few students in residence. 11. He had to put off buying a house. The bank was unable to lend him any money at that time. 12. The police found the small boy. He was walking about the docks. He was, apparently, looking for some- where to spend the night.






inviting —

being invited —


будучи приглашен-


ным, будучи при-




invited —


( приглашаемый )


having invited —

having been invited


будучи пригла-


Образование Present Participle Passive

Present Participle глагола to be + Past Participle смыслового глагола

being read — читаемый, будучи читаемым (т.е. когда его читали), будучи прочитанным (т.е. ког- да его прочитали).

Present Participle Passive выражает действие, одновременное действию сказуемого.

Упражнение 15. Образуйте Present Participle Passive.

То drive, to come, to walk, to do, to stand, to give, to take, to put, to get, to read, to write, to learn.

Упражнение 16. Переведите на русский язык.

1. Being invited by us he thanked us warmly. 2. Be- ing asked I answered that I could not come. 3. Being


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