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Завдання № 4. Утворiть речення, використовуючи записанi нижче слова:

6 балiв

1. More, little, unknown, scientific, regarded, than, materials, were, curiosities, as.

2. And, the, hundreds, working, utilization, knowledge, rare, workers, of, are, metals, now, their, with, about, expanding.

3. Nuclear, gallium, and, energy, serve, was, to, interested, as, the, media, bismuth, heat, program, in, transfer, indium.

4. The, not, exactly, in, point, known, 1940, melting, uranium, of, was.

Завдання № 5.

Дайте відповіді на питання за текстом: 5 балiв

  1. What event influenced greatly main fields of science and technology?

  2. What has demanded many rare metals for different purposes?

  3. What was the information about uranium?

  4. Why was an interest in other metals of specific properties created?

  5. What are rare metals used for?

Завдання № 6. Перекладіть запропонованi речення, звертаючи особливу увагу на рiзнi значення видiленого слова:

6 балiв

1. It is one of the largest CAPITAL cities in the world.

2. Writing proper names and geographical names should begin with CAPITAL letters.

3. Marx’s “CAPITAL” was translated into Russian in 1872.

4. Last summer our group was on an excursion to the CAPITAL of our country.

Завдання № 7.

Напишіть та запам’ятайте переклад наступних слів та словосполучень:

10 балiв

Machine-tools; step-cone head; plain bearings; cross-section area; fitting; tolerance; faceplate; thrust washers; bed; gear teeth; to cut threads; face plate; turret lathe; automatic screw machine; upright drilling machine; spindle; to mount smth; milling nachines; rotating cutters; gear drive; jack screw; spacing washers; locking nut; shaper; to lubricate with oil; tap; planer; slotting machine; rack-and-pinion drive; dog clutches.

Загальна максимальна рейтингова оцінка: 52 бали