- •© Коллектив авторов, 2008
- •Contents
- •Введение
- •Вводно-коррективный курс Алфавит
- •Общие правила чтения согласных
- •Правила чтения гласных в I и II типах слога
- •Exercises
- •Прочтите слова, обращая внимание на чтение гласных в I типе слога:
- •Прочтите слова, обращая внимание на чтение согласных: с, g, s, X, sh:
- •Чтение гласных в III и IV типах слога Exercises
- •Правила чтения гласных в III типе слога (в ударном положении перед буквой r).
- •Правила чтения гласных в IV типе слога
- •Прочтите слова, обращая внимание на чтение согласных: sh, ch, tch, j, wh, th, qu, ng, nk:
- •Сводная таблица чтения гласных в I, II, III и IV типах слога
- •Exercises
- •Exercises
- •Расположите слова в алфавитном порядке:
- •Повторите правила чтения по таблицe 7:
- •Повторите правила чтения по таблицe 9:
- •Повторите правила чтения по таблицe10:
- •Правила слогоделения
- •Словесное ударение
- •Познакомьтесь с правилами словесного ударения и прочтите упражнения на правильное оформление словесного ударения. (таблица 11).
- •Напишите транскрипцию к следующим словам и прочитайте их, обращая внимание на акцентную структуру. Обозначьте ударный гласный:
- •Topic: family Topical Vocabulary
- •Our Family
- •Exercises
- •1. Read the text and answer the questions on it.
- •2. Answer the questions:
- •3. Translate into English:
- •4. Game: I've lost my friend.
- •5. Speak on the following topics:
- •Dialogue
- •An English Family
- •Exercises
- •1. Read the text and answer the questions:
- •4. Retell the text. Грамматика Порядок слов в английском повествовательном предложении.
- •Спряжение глагола to be в неопределённых временах.
- •Спряжение глагола to have в неопределённых временах.
- •Спряжение глагола to do в неопределённых временах.
- •Типы сказуемых.
- •Значения глаголов to have и to bе.
- •Значения глагола to do
- •Безличные предложения
- •Exercises
- •1. Compose the sentences.
- •2. Translate into English.
- •Основные типы вопросительных предложений Общий вопрос. General Question
- •Специальный вопрос. Special Question
- •Альтернативный вопрос. Alternative Question
- •Разделительный вопрос. Disjunctive (or Tail) Question
- •Exercises
- •Составьте общие вопросы.
- •Составьте альтернативные вопросы.
- •Закончите предложения, используя разделительные вопросы.
- •Задайте
- •Задайте
- •Имя существительное. Образование множественного числа имен существительных.
- •Exercises
- •1. Give the plural of the following nouns:
- •3. Supply the missing words:
- •4. Use the appropriate form of the verb:
- •Притяжательный падеж имен существительных.
- •Exercises
- •1. Use 's or s' only where possible with these nouns:
- •2. What could we use in place of the words in brackets?
- •3. Rewrite these sentences using 's, s' or just an apostrophe:
- •Местоимения. Personal Pronouns. Личные местоимения
- •Притяжательные местоимения
- •Exercises
- •1. Fill in the blanks with personal pronouns:
- •2. Answer the questions, using "my - mine", "her - hers", etc.
- •3. Use the absolute form of the possessive pronoun in brackets.
- •6. Choose the correct form of the pronouns in brackets:
- •7. Choose the correct form of the pronouns in brackets:
- •Указательные местоимения
- •Exercises
- •1. Use the following
- •2. Insert this, that, these, those or it:
- •Возвратные местоимения
- •Exercises
- •1. Extend the statements following the model:
- •2. Insert a reflexive pronoun where necessary:
- •3. Complete these sentences using myself/yourself, etc.
- •Неопределенные и отрицательные местоимения some, any, no, none (of), neither of.
- •Exercises
- •1. Put in some or any only where possible:
- •2. Supply some or any:
- •3. Supply the appropriate pronoun out of those given in brackets:
- •Употребление производных местоимений от “some, any, no”
- •Exercises
- •1. Supply anybody, anyone, nothing, anything, nobody, no one, somebody, someone или something, somewhere, anywhere:
- •Вопросительные местоимения
- •Exercises
- •1. Insert interrogative pronouns;
- •Относительные местоимения
- •Exercises
- •1. Complete these sentences with all, everything, everyone/everybody, the whole:
- •3. Complete these sentences with both/neither/either (of):
- •4. Make sentences with "both... And ..."(оба ... И ...), "neither... Пог..."(ни ... Ни ...), "either... Ог..."(или... Или...), using the words in brackets:
- •5. Use both, either or neither in the following sentences:
- •6. Use “every/each or either”
- •7. Use the correct form of the pronouns in brackets:
- •Topic: my flat Topical Vocabulary
- •Му Flat
- •Exercises
- •1. Translate into Russian:
- •5. Answer the questions:
- •6. Translate into English:
- •Dialogue 1
- •My Apartment
- •Exercises
- •1. Answer the questions:
- •Dialogue 2 We are Building a House of Our Own
- •Exercises
- •1. Comprehension questions on the dialogue.
- •2. Make up questions to which the following sentences might be the answers.
- •Грамматика Оборот There is / There are
- •Exercises
- •1. Insert there is or there are in the necessary tense-form:
- •2. Make the sentences negative and ask all the types of questions to them:
- •3. Answer the following questions either in the negative or in the affirmative giving full and short answers. Use "a lot of" instead of "much, many" in the affirmative answers:
- •4. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:
- •Артикль
- •Употребление артикля с именами существительными собственными
- •Употребление артикля с именами существительными вещественными и отвлеченными
- •Артикли с географическими названиями
- •Exercises
- •1. Supply "a/an" where necessary:
- •2. Supply "the" or "-":
- •3. Supply "a/an", "the" or "-":
- •5. Say what articles you would use for the italicized nouns in these situations:
- •Topic: my working day Topical Vocabulary
- •Text 1 My Daily Programme
- •Dialogue
- •Exercises
- •Give English equivalents for the following
- •Fill in the blanks with prepositions and adverbs where necessary:
- •A Very Energetic Woman
- •Exercises
- •Read the text and observe the use of “too” and “enough”. Fill in the blanks with either “too” or “enough”:
- •Tell your fellow-students about Martha’s daily routine.
- •Is your mother a busy woman? Tell your fellow-students about her daily routine.
- •My Leisure Time
- •Exercises
- •Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give additional information to prove your agreement or disagreement.
- •Грамматика Простые времена The Indefinite Tenses. Неопределенные времена
- •Exercises
- •2. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Present Indefinite:
- •3. Make the following sentences negative and ask all types of questions:
- •4. Answer the following questions using the Present Indefinite:
- •5. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:
- •The Past Indefinite (Simple) Tense. Прошедшее неопределенное время
- •Exercises
- •1. Express the idea in the past (change the adverbials if necessary):
- •2. Make the following sentences negative and ask all types of questions:
- •3. Answer the following questions using the Past Indefinite:
- •The Future Indefinite (Simple) Tense Будущее неопределенное время
- •Exercises
- •1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Indefinite:
- •3. Use the correct form of the verb in the adverbial clauses of time and condition:
- •4. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:
- •1. Open the brackets:
- •2. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:
- •Topic: food Topical Vocabulary
- •American Food
- •Exercises
- •Give English equivalents for:
- •Text 2 An Englishman’s Diary
- •Exercises
- •Dialogue 1. “Meals”
- •Dialogue 2. “In the Canteen”
- •Грамматика Numerals. Числительные
- •Чтение дат и дробей
- •Exercises
- •Choose the numerals in the singular or plural:
- •Read the following sentences:
- •Name the months of the year.
- •A) Translate the phrases from the box into Russian:
- •Many, much, few, a few, little, a little, a lot of, plenty of
- •Exercises
- •Choose between much and many, (a) little and (a) few to use in the following sentences:
- •Make the following sentences affirmative and replace many and much by suitable expressions:
- •Предлоги
- •Prepositions of Place. Предлоги места
- •Prepositions of Direction. Предлоги направления и движения
- •Exercises
- •Complete the sentences. Each time use in, at or on with one of the phrases given below: bed; sea; the National Theatre; a farm; hospital; school; prison; the airport; the cinema.
- •Fill in the blanks with the prepositions: to, into, or, from or by where necessary. Model: When are you going to Spain? Tom usually goes to work by car.
- •Prepositions of Time. Предлоги времени
- •Exercises
- •Translate into English:
- •Translate into English using the following prepositions of time:
- •Topic: shopping Topical Vocabulary
- •Carrie Goes to a Department Store
- •Exercises
- •Prepare the reading of the words
- •Buying Food
- •Exercises
- •1. Prepare the reading of the words:
- •Dialogue 1. “Shopping”
- •Dialogue 2. “Shopping”
- •Грамматика Прилагательное
- •Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий
- •Exercises
- •1. Define the degrees.
- •3. Use the adjective in the comparative and superlative degree:
- •4. Give both comparative or superlative forms where possible:
- •5. Give both comparative or superlative forms where possible:
- •Наречия
- •Exercises
- •1. Translate the italicized adverbs into English:
- •2. Translate the italicized adverbs into English:
- •3. Give the comparative form:
- •Coordinate Conjunctions. Сочинительные союзы
- •Exercises
- •Translate the sentences into Russian:
- •Subordinate Conjunctions. Подчинительные союзы
- •Exercises
- •Translate into Russian paying attention to the conjunctions:
- •Topic: my university Topical Vocabulary
- •А Few Words About Му Institute and Му Studies
- •Dialogue 1
- •Exercises
- •1. Translate into Russian:
- •2. Answer the questions:
- •3. Translate into English:
- •4. Make the sentences interrogative according to the models:
- •5. Answer the questions according to the model:
- •Higher Education in Russia
- •Exercises
- •1. Prepare the text for test reading.
- •2. Give Russian equivalents for:
- •3. Give English equivalents for:
- •4. Translate into English:
- •Грамматика Continuous Tenses
- •Exercises
- •5. Translate into English:
- •6. Use the Present Continuous or the Present Indefinite Tense:
- •7. Translate into English:
- •8. Translate into Russian:
- •9. Translate into English:
- •10. Use the Present or Past Indefinite or Continuous Tense:
- •11. Use the Past Indefinite or Continuous Tense
- •12. Translate into Russian:
- •13. Use the Future Continuous Tense where possible:
- •14. Translate into English:
- •15. Use the Future Indefinite or Future Continuous Tense:
- •16. Use the Present Indefinite, the Future Indefinite and the Future Continuous Tenses:
- •17. Use the Future Indefinite or Future Continuous Tense.
- •18. Open the brackets:
- •Topic: choosing a profession Topical Vocabulary
- •Choosing a Profession Exercises
- •1. Read text 1 and pick out from it English-Russian cognates. Guess what these words mean in sentences.
- •2. Read text 1 again and tell what it is about.
- •Careers Exercises
- •3. Write English equivalents of the following words and phrases:
- •4. Answer the following questions:
- •5. Make up the topic "My Speciality".
- •Dialogue
- •Грамматика Modal Verbs «can», «may», «must», «need», «to have to», «to be to»
- •«May» - могу
- •«Must» - должен
- •«Need» - надо, нужно
- •«To have to» - приходиться
- •Present Indefinite
- •Past Indefinite
- •Future Indefinite
- •Exercises
- •1. Repeat after the teacher or the tape:
- •2. Read the following text and analyse the use of modal verbs:
- •3. Answer the following questions:
- •4. Form questions to the following statements:
- •5. Make the following sentences interrogative and ask one of the students to answer them in the negative:
- •6. Use mustn't or needn't to fill the spaces in the following sentences:
- •7. Use may or must to fill the spaces in the following sentences. Pay attention to the Russian equivalents of the modal verbs:
- •8. Fill in each blank with one of the given verbs: must, can, may:
- •9. Make sentences of your own according to the pattern:
- •10. Read and retell the story:
- •11. Translate into English.
- •Topic: moscow Topical Vocabulary
- •Exercises
- •Practice the pronunciation of the following words:
- •Find in the text the English equivalents for:
- •Translate the following words and word combinations:
- •Exercises
- •1. Answer the questions:
- •2. True or false?
- •3. Add more information:
- •4. Fill in the gaps with necessary phrases or words:
- •5. Ask the questions to the words which are in italics:
- •Geographical Position of Moscow
- •Dialogue 1:
- •Dialogue 2 About Moscow
- •Грамматика
- •Употребление Present Perfect Tense
- •Употребление Past Perfect Tense
- •Exercises
- •1. Open the brackets using Present Perfect:
- •2. Open the brackets using either Present Perfect or Past Indefinite:
- •3. Insert the prepositions since/for:
- •5. Choose Present Perfect or Past Indefinite with 'since':
- •6. Translate into English:
- •7. Translate into Russian:
- •8. Add sentences to show the priority:
- •9. Open the brackets using either the Past Perfect or Past Indefinite Tense:
- •10. Translate using the Past Indefinite or Past Perfect Tense:
- •Topic: bryansk Topical Vocabulary
- •Exercises
- •1. Find in the text the English equivalents for:
- •2. Translate into Russian:
- •Bryansk
- •Exercises
- •Answer the following questions:
- •2. True or false:
- •3. Add some more information:
- •4. Translate into English:
- •The Museum of Crystal in Dyatkovo
- •Exercises
- •Answer the questions:
- •True or false:
- •Speak in brief about:
- •4. Reproduce the following micro dialogues:
- •Грамматика The Present Perfect Continuous Tense (настоящее совершенно - длительное время)
- •Употребление Present Perfect Continuous Tense
- •The Past Perfect Continuous Tense (прошедшее совершенно - длительное время)
- •Употребление Past Perfect Continuous Tense
- •Exercises
- •1. Translate into Russian:
- •2. Make the sentences interrogative and negative:
- •3. Open the brackets using the Present Perfect Continuous Tense:
- •4. Open the brackets using the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous Tense:
- •5. Choose the tense form:
- •6. Replace the infinitives by the Present Indefinite, (the Present Continuous, the Present Perfect, or the Present Perfect Continuous:
- •7. Translate into English:
- •8. Translate into Russian:
- •9. Open the brackets using the Past Indefinite, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous Tenses:
- •10. Replace the infinitives by the Past Perfect, the Past Perfect Continuous or the Past Indefinite as required:
- •Topic: london Topical Vocabulary
- •Text 1 London
- •Exercises
- •2. Match the appropriate preposition from the list given below:
- •4. Complete the following sentences:
- •6. Agree or disagree. Give your grounds:
- •7. Answer the following questions:
- •8. Complete the following sentences:
- •Exercises
- •1. Practise in reading :
- •2. Give Russian equivalents for:
- •The Capital
- •Exercises
- •1. Give English equivalents for:
- •2. Find another way of expressing the parts in bold type:
- •3. Find the wrong statement.
- •4. Answer the questions:
- •5. Translate into English:
- •Грамматика Пассивный (страдательный) залог
- •Exercises. Indefinite Tenses
- •1. State the type of the passive construction and translate the following sentences:
- •2. Turn the following active constructions into passive:
- •3. Supply the required passive forms of the verbs in brackets:
- •4. Translate the following sentences into English concentrating on the use of the Passive Voice:
- •Exercises. Continuous Tenses
- •1. State the type of the passive construction and translate the following sentences:
- •2. Turn the following active constructions into passive:
- •3. Supply the required passive forms of the verbs in brackets:
- •4. Translate the following sentences into English concentrating on the use of the Passive Voice:
- •Exercises. Perfect Tenses
- •1. State the type of the passive construction and translate the following sentences:
- •2. Turn the following active constructions into passive:
- •3. Supply the required passive forms of the verbs in brackets:
- •4. Translate the following sentences into English concentrating on the use of the Passive Voice:
- •Topic: washington Topical Vocabulary
- •Text 1 Washington, d.C., New York
- •Exercises
- •Practise in reading:
- •Prepare the reading of the words:
- •Give Russian equivalents for:
- •Give English equivalents for:
- •Insert prepositions or adverbs where required:
- •Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word from those given below:
- •Answer the questions:
- •Translate into English:
- •Dialogue
- •Text 2 Washington, d.C. (District of Columbia)
- •Exercises
- •Practiсe in reading:
- •Prepare the reading of the words:
- •3. Answer the following questions:
- •4. Agree or disagree. Give your grounds:
- •Грамматика Согласование времен
- •Случаи отклонения от правил последовательности времен
- •Exercises
- •1. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying special attention to the tenses of the subordinate clauses:
- •2. Open the brackets using necessary forms of the verbs:
- •4. Translate into English paying attention to the Sequence of Tenses:
- •5. Translate into English paying attention to the Sequence of Tenses:
- •Прямая и косвенная речь
- •Обращение прямой речи в косвенную
- •Вопросительное предложение
- •Повелительное предложение
- •Exercises
- •1. Render in indirect speech:
- •2. Render in indirect speech:
- •3. Render in indirect speech:
- •4. Render in indirect speech using any subject in the principal clauses:
- •5. Render in indirect speech:
- •6. Restore direct speech in the following sentences:
- •7. Render in indirect speech:
- •8. Render in indirect speech the following general questions using the principal clauses in brackets:
- •9. Render in indirect speech:
- •10. Render in indirect speech the following general questions using the principal clauses in brackets:
- •11. Render the following dialogue in indirect speech:
- •12. Render the following dialogue in indirect speech:
- •13. Render the following dialogue in indirect speech:
- •14. Render the following dialogue in indirect speech:
- •15. Render the following dialogue in indirect speech:
- •Topic: the russian federation Topical Vocabulary
- •Text 1 The Russian Federation
- •Exercises
- •2. Answer the questions:
- •3. Make up the dialogues discussing the following.
- •The Russian Federation
- •Exercises
- •Practise in reading:
- •Prepare the reading of the words:
- •Give Russian equivalents for:
- •Give English equivalents for:
- •Complete the following sentences:
- •Answer the questions:
- •Translate into English:
- •Грамматика Причастие
- •Exercises
- •1. Translate the sentences into Russian, paying attention to the form of the Participle. State the function of the Participle in the sentence.
- •2. Match the columns:
- •3. Join the sentences using the Participles and making all the necessary changes in the sentences using the model.
- •4. Choose the right variant and translate:
- •5. Translate from Russian into English, using the Participle:
- •Topic: great britain Topical Vocabulary
- •The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- •Exercises
- •1. Give Russian equivalents for:
- •The Political System of the uk
- •Exercises
- •1. Which of these capital cities are the capitals of independent states: Edinburgh, Belfast, Dublin, Cardiff, London?
- •2. Make up sentences from these words:
- •Dialogue 1
- •Dialogue 2
- •Грамматика Инфинитив. Инфинитивные конструкции.
- •Continuous Tenses
- •Exercises
- •1. Point out what part of the sentence the infinitive is and whether is has a noun of a verb function:
- •Topic: the usa Topical Vocabulary
- •Location
- •The Political System
- •The Constitution
- •Federalism
- •Three Branches of Government
- •The American People
- •The Situation Today
- •Exercises
- •Dialogue 1
- •Dialogue 2
- •Грамматика Герундий. The Gerund.
- •Exercises
- •1. Change the following clauses into the Gerund Constructions:
- •2. Translate into English, using the Gerund Constructions:
- •3. Translate into English using the Gerund:
- •Сослагательное наклонение Сослагательное I
- •Exercises
- •1. Analyse the forms of Subjunctive I. Translate into English:
- •2. Analyse the forms of Subjunctive I. Translate into English:
- •3. Analyse the forms of Subjunctive I. Translate into English:
- •Сослагательное II
- •Сослагательное наклонение в сложном предложении с придаточным условия (нереальным)
- •Усилительная конструкция It is (was)… that…
- •Exercises
- •1. Form complex sentences. Use the Subjunctives.
- •The List of Irregular Verbs
- •References:
- •241036, Г. Брянск, ул. Бежицкая,14
1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Indefinite:
He (to begin) his lectures next month.
They (to be) at the station in time for the 10.30 train.
I (not to go) to the University tomorrow.
My sister (to go) to the South if she has enough money.
I (to be able to) translate this article next week.
My friends (not to see) this beautiful city again.
2. Make the following sentences negative and ask all types of questions:
I shall read the newspaper in the evening. My parents will go to the theatre next Sunday. He will see her at 9 o'clock tomorrow.
3. Use the correct form of the verb in the adverbial clauses of time and condition:
I will write to you about it when I (to have) time.
If she (to be) in Moscow, she will meet you.
You will have to work hard if you (to miss) lessons.
When the weather (to be) fine, we shall go for a walk.
If you (to translate) this article into Russian, I will use it in my report.
Don't forget to pay for the dinner, before you (to leave) the cafe.
When my friends (to come) to Moscow, they will go to the Bolshoi theatre.
You will lay the table as soon as Mary (to wash) the dishes.
If they (to come) in time, they will find them there.
4. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:
Через год она окончит университет и станет преподавателем.
После обеда он пойдёт в библиотеку.
Куда мы поедем летом?
Надеюсь, это вам очень поможет.
Аня сразу всё вспомнит, кода увидит тебя.
Я обязательно скажу тебе, если он сегодня позвонит.
Когда она вернётся, она поможет мне убрать квартиру.
Я навещу тебя, как только приеду в Брянск.
Она расскажет тебе о своей новой работе, когда позвонит тебе.
Я поверю, только когда увижу это.
Если вы поедете на Кавказ, вы получите огромное удовольствие.
Не забудь взять зонт, если начнётся дождь.
REVISION EXERCISES. The Indefinite Tenses
1. Open the brackets:
The students usually (to revise) the words at home or in class.
They (to go) to the cinema next week.
We (to read) a new text the day before yesterday. Then the teacher (to ask) questions and we (to answer) them.
I usually (to go) to bed at 11 o'clock. Yesterday my friends (to come) to see me and I (to go) to bed at one in the morning.
We (to translate) this text at the next lesson.
How long you (to stay) at the seaside last summer?
I (to go) for a walk, if I (to have) time.
Where John (to spend) his evenings?
Two years ago my sister (not to know) English.
My friends (not to go) to the theatre very often.
2. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:
Они вернули книги в библиотеку на прошлой неделе.
Ему не нравятся иностранные языки.
Погода была хорошая, и мы с друзьями пошли в парк.
В следующем году мы будем изучать много новых предметов.
Она пишет мне письма каждый месяц.
Где вы были час тому назад?
Мэри увлекается лыжами и коньками.
В котором часу вы начали работать вчера? - После обеда. У нас было много работы.
Река Двина впадает в Черное море.
10. Если мы придем вовремя, мы их там застанем.
Test 1
Choose the right variant:
1. He has very … time and so … problems.
a) little, many b) many, little c) few, much
2. Students always ask … questions.
a) a few b) a little c) a lot of
3. She is very happy because she has … friends.
a) few b) a little c) many
4. He … animals.
a) likes b) like c) is like
5. They … a car last month.
a) buy b) bought c) buyed
6. I … early every morning.
a) don’t get up b) not get up c) doesn’t get up
7. The weather … fine tomorrow.
a) is b) will be c) was
8. Where … you … yesterday?
a) did, go b) did, went c) did gone
9. He … in 5 minutes.
a) comes back b) came back c) will come
10. I … good dinner if you … good meat.
a) will cook, will buy b) cook, will buy c) will cook, buy
Test 2
Choose the right variant:
We … TV every day.
a) watch b) see c) look
2. I will be very busy … the weekend.
a) on b) in c) at
3. The morning meal is called … .
a) breakfast b) dinner c) supper
4. It … me 5 minutes to get home.
a) take b) takes c) to take
5. Don’t forget to wash … after dinner.
a) up b) about c) for
6. It’s dark. Switch … the light.
a) off b) on c) of
7. After shower I dry myself with a … .
a) water b) soap c) towel
8. You will have problems because you … very many classes.
a) attend b) take c) miss
9. She worked much and feels … .
a) tired b) late c) happy
10. It’s late, it’s time to go … .
a) shopping b) to sleep c) to bed