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  1. Form as many sentences as you can using the following tables:

    It takes

    me; him; Mary; us; them

    a quarter of an hour; half an hour; an hour; long; very much time

    to get home; to get to the Institute; to do the homework; to learn an English text by heart.

    How long does it take

    Tom; Ann; you; them

    to do the flat; to clean the windows; to get to the club; to have dinner?

    It doesn’t take

    me; Mary; Bob; us; you


    to get home; to cook supper; to learn the dialogues by heart; to take a bath; to do morning exercises.

  2. Fill in the blanks with prepositions and adverbs where necessary:

My brother George is interested … physics. He works … an office. He works … Monday and … Friday, but he doesn’t work … Saturday and Sunday. George goes … work … bus. He is never late … work. As a rule he arrives … the office a few minutes … nine. He stays … work … 6 o’clock. … 6 o’clock he leaves … the office and goes … home. When he comes … home his wife and kids are waiting … him. They all have supper together. … supper they walk … the park … an hour or so. … the evening George likes to listen … the radio and watch … television. He’s fond … reading and reads a lot. He always helps his children … their homework. He’s quite pleased … their progress at school. … weekdays George is very tired by the end … the day. So he usually goes … bed … 11 o’clock.

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Indefinite or Present Continuous:

1. Where is Father? – He (to have) a shower at the moment. 2. My uncle usually (to read) newspapers in the evening. 3. Our family sometimes (to go) out of town at the weekend. 4. Go and see! Our children (to sleep) soundly. 5. As a rule, my sister (to help) Mother about the house in the evening. 6. What the students (to do) at the moment? – Some of the students (to water) the flowers, while the others (to sweep) the floor. 7. In summer we (to have) very simple supper at home. 8. Hello! Where you (to go)? – I (to go) to the University. You (to go) there too? – No, I (not to go) usually to the University in the morning. I (to attend) evening classes. 9. What you (to see) there? I (to see) that those people (to look) at us in a strange way. 10. It (to take) me fifteen minutes to get to the University. 11. Who (to go shopping) in your family? – My mother (to do). 12. Listen! Somebody (to play) the piano in the living-room. Mary still (to have) her music lesson?

  1. a) This is Ann’s day. Look at it.


get up


write letters


have a shower


take the dog for a walk


cook breakfast


collect her son from school


have breakfast


give her son his tea


take her son to school


help her son with his homework


do the housework


pick up her husband at the station


read the paper


cook supper


go shopping


have supper


cook lunch


wash up after supper


have lunch


talk/read/watch TV

b) Ask questions about Ann’s day. Do it like that. Model 1: – What time does Ann get up? – At 7. Model 2: – It’s 7.10. What’s Ann doing at the moment? – She is having a shower. Model 3: – What does Ann have to do at 8.30? – At 8.30 she has to take her son to school.

c) Tell Ann’s daily routine.

  1. Answer the following questions:

1. What time do you get up? 2. You do your morning exercises to music, don’t you? 3. What do you do in the bathroom? 4. What do you clean your teeth with? 5. At what time do you usually have breakfast? 6. What must you do with the dishes after having a meal? 7. What time do you leave for the University? 8. How long does it take you to get to the University? 9. Do you go to the University by bus? 10. What time do your classes begin? 11. What do you do when the classes are over? 12. Where do you usually have dinner? 13. Do you prepare your homework at home or do you prefer to work in the University reading-room? 14. How long does it take you to do your homework? 15. When do you usually come home? 16. What do you usually do when you come home? 17. In what way do you help your mother about the house? 18. Who goes shopping in your family? 19. What do you usually do in the evening? 20. Do you often go to the theatre or to the cinema? 21. Do your friends often come to see you? 22. How do you spend the time when your friends come to see you? 23. At what time do you usually go to bed?

  1. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

1. У меня уходит около часа, чтобы добраться до работы. Я живу за городом и на работу езжу на трамвае. 2. Позвони ей сейчас. Я думаю, что она ещё не спит. Oна обычно ложится спать поздно. 3. Где ты бываешь по вечерам? – Я всегда хожу на прогулку в парк. Иногда я там играю в теннис или волейбол. 4. Кто готовит в вашей семье? – Конечно, мама. – Где ты обычно обедаешь? – Я обычно обедаю дома, но иногда в столовой. 5. Я хожу в кино в субботу или воскресенье, так как в будние дни я очень занят. 6. Как правило, утром мне некогда подметать пол, вытирать пыль и мыть посуду. Я только убираю постель и открываю окно, чтобы проветрить комнату. 7. Когда вы выходите утром из дома? – Ровно без четверти восемь. Я живу совсем рядом с заводом. Поэтому я в любую погоду хожу на работу пешком. 8. Давай включим магнитофон и послушаем музыку. 9. Завтра Олег уезжает из Санкт-Петербурга в Москву. Он поедет на поезде. Он доедет за 8 часов.

Text 2