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1. Put in some or any only where possible:

1. The natives eat ... meat raw. 2. There wasn't ... meat in the fridge. 3. ... life is full of surprises. 4. There isn't ... life in that girl. 5. Buy ... bread and cheese for the picnic. 6. We can't do without ... bread. 7. … spices are bad for you. 8. Put ... spices into the soup. 9. I like … biscuits and ... sweets. 10. I bought ... biscuits for tea. 11. I don't like ... boiled cabbage. 12. Would you like ... boiled cabbage? 13. ... money has to be earned. 14. Will you borrow me ... money? 15. There is not ... news for him. 16. I hate ... bad news.

2. Supply some or any:

1. Go and ask him for ... more paper. I haven't... in my desk. 2. Have you got... sugar? - I expect we have. Yes? There's ... sugar in his bowl. 4. ... people just don't know how to mind their own business. 5. Were there ... objections? 6. I think we've run out of sugar. Is there ... sugar in that bowl? 7. ... doctor will tell you that it is harmful for you. 8. What book shall I bring you? - ... you like. 9. There are not... buses after 12:30. 10. There is not ... explanation for this.

3. Supply the appropriate pronoun out of those given in brackets:

1. You can find him ... time between six and nine. (some, any, no) 2. Is there ... other choice? (any, no) 3. He can answer... question on the subject. (some, any, no) 4. I can answer now only questions on the subject, (some, any, no) 5. She has a perfect complexion and ... colour becomes her. (some, any) 6. Can we have ... milk? (any, some) 7. Is ... additional proof necessary? (any, some) 8. Will you have ... more tea? - Thank you. (any, no, some) 9. Will you have ... more tea? You've had only one cup. (any, no, some). 10 What material do your need? -…that is available. (some, any ) 11. Don't bother about the colour. You can buy her a blouse of ... colour. (any, some) 12. If you have ... news, call me back. (any, some, no) 13. They understood each other without... words. (no, some, any)

Употребление производных местоимений от “some, any, no”

Местоимения some, any, no в сочетании со словами thing, body, one образуют сложные местоимения: somebody, someone - кто-то, кто-нибудь, something - что-то, что-нибудь, anybody, anyone - кто-то, кто-нибудь, anything — что-то, что-нибудь, nobody, no one - ни­кто и nothing - ничто, ничего.

Somebody, someone, something обычно употребляются в утверди­тельных предложениях.

Е. g. There is somebody (someone) in the room. В комнате кто-то есть. There is something on the shelf. На полке что-то есть.

Anybody, anyone, anything обычно употребляются в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях.

Е. g. Is there anybody (anyone) in the room? В комнате кто-нибудь есть? Have you got anything to read? У вас есть что-нибудь почитать? There isn't anything in the box. В ящике ничего нет. There isn't anybody (anyone) in the library. В библиотеке никого нет.

Nobody, no one, nothing употребляются в отрицательных предложениях. Эти местоимения употребляются с глаголом в утвердительной форме без частицы not, поскольку в английском предложении может быть только одно отрицание.

Е. g. There is nobody (no one) in the corridor. В коридоре никого нет. There is nothing on the table. На столе ничего нет.

Местоимения some, any, no в сочетании со словом where образуют сложные наречия somewhere, anywhere - где-нибудь, где-то, куда-нибудь, куда-то, nowhere - нигде, никуда. и употребляются подобно сложным местоимениям, производным от some, any, no.

Е. G. - Where is my umbrella? Где мой зонтик? - It's somewhere in the living-room. - Он где-то в гостиной.