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Лабораторная раблота №7

New English. Grammar

Topics for discussion in class

1. Historical changes in the nominal system. History of the Old English categories of case, number and gender.

2. Origin of modern categorial forms.

3. Development of personal and demonstrative pronouns.

4. Historical changes in the verbal system. History of the Old English categories of tense, number, mood and person.

5. Development of analytical forms and new grammatical categories in Early New English.

6. Origin of the main groups of standard and non-standard verb-forms.

Questions and assignments

1. What form-building means ( noun)are used in New English as compared to those in Old English?

2. What is the origin of the Modern English plural ending "es" and the genitive ending "s".

3. Speak of the changes in the number of cases of nouns and personal pronouns in Middle English and New English.

4. What new personal and possessive pronouns appeared in English in the course of history?

5. Write out the personal and possessive pronouns from the text below and account for their origin.

6. Speak of the degrees of comparison of the adjectives in the text.

7. What form-building means (verb) are used in New English as compared to those in Old English?

8. Speak of the origin of non-finite verb forms: the infinitive, the participles, the gerund.

9. Read and translate the text into Modern English / Russian. Study the model of grammar and vocabulary analysis of a New English text. Continue the grammar and vocabulary analysis following the model.

From Hamlet, Act III, Scene II.

The Performance

(part 2)

Quee. O confound the rest,

Such loue must needes be treason in my brest,

In second husband let me be accurst.

None wed the second, but who kild the first.

Ham. That's wormwood

The instances that second marriage moue

Are base respects of thrift, but none of loue,

A second time I kill my husband dead,

When second husband kisses me in bed.

King I doe belieue you thinke what now you speake,

But what we doe determine, oft we breake,

Purpose is but the slaue to memorie,

Of violent birth, but poore validitie,

Which now the fruite vnripe sticks on the tree.

But fall vnshaken when they mellow bee.

Most necessary tis that we forget

To pay our selues what to our selues is debt,

What to our selues in passion we propose,

The passion ending, doth the purpose lose.

The violence of eyther, griefe, or ioy, Their owne ennactures with themselues destroy,

Where ioy most reuels, griefe doth most lament,

Greefe ioy, ioy griefes, on slender accedent,

This world is not for aye, nor tis not strange.

That euen our loues should with our fortunes change:

For tis a question left vs yet to proue.

Whether loue lead fortune, or els fortune loue.

The great man downe, you marke his fauourite flyes,

The poore aduaunc'd. makes friends of enemies,

And hetherto doth loue on fortune tend,

For who not needes, shall neuer lacke a friend,

And who in want a hollow friend doth try,

Directly seasons him his enemy.

But orderly to end where I begunne.

Our wills and fates doe so contrary runne.

That our deuises still are ouerthrowne.

Our thoughts are ours, their ends none of our owne,

So thinke thou wilt no second husband wed,

But die thy thoughts when thy first Lord is dead.

Model of grammatical and ethymological analysis

Words as used in the text

Analysis notes



NE word, translation


noun, genitive case, plural

ME trompette, OF trompette



n.common case plural

ME soun; OF soun


(oboes play)



OE dumb; ME domb



n. common case singular

ME sheue, re1.to

OE sceawian (v);

ME shaven (v)



verb,present tense, 3ld person singular of follow

OE fotyan, weak. 2;

ME followen


(The dumb show enters)


verb, present tense, plural of enter

ME entren weak, 2;

OF entrer



article, indefinite OE an; ME a/an



n. common case singular

OE cyninʒ;

ME kyng




OE and; ME and



n. common case singular

OE cwen; ME queen
