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Grammar: Clauses

a) We use conjunctions: who (кто), that (что, который), when (когда), where (где), which (который, что), if (если, ли), as (как, когда, так как), because (так как, потому что), before (перед тем как, прежде чем), etc. in subordinate clauses (придаточных предложениях).

Model: Before we start the experiment, we study the material on the subject. Перед тем, как мы начинаем опыт, мы изучаем материал по данной теме.

    1. Translate the following sentences.

1. After the plans are completed by the naval architects, they are approved by the classification society. 2. After a ship is completed, she undergoes speed trials. 3. When the ship is launched, the people cheer. 4. While the men were preparing for the launch, the people started to arrive. 5. When a ship is tested, many people watch her progress. 6. As the sun rose, the sky became lighter. 7. The ships which (that) arrived at the port yesterday were built at Russian shipyards. 8. If you like research work, you can go into research after graduation. 9. I like people who (that) show their feelings. 10. I like trains which (that) run on time.

b) In clauses of time and condition future action is expressed by Present Simple.

if + Present Simple

If it’s hot tomorrow,

when + Present Simple

When we graduate from the university,


we’ll go to the beach.


we’ll (we will) work in shipbuilding industry.

    1. Translate the sentences

1. I’ll walk if it doesn’t rain. 2. I’ll walk unless it rains. 3. We won’t be late if we leave now. 4. Jeffrey will fail his exams unless he studies harder.

c) When who or that are objects of the verb in the relative clause (придаточное определительное предложение), you can leave them out.

Model: The instruments we use are up-to-date. Приборы, которые мы используем, являются современными.

A book that you cannot stop reading is an interesting book. A book you cannot stop reading is an interesting book.

    1. Translate the sentences.

1. The machine I hired was broken. 2. She’s the person I met at the conference. 3. The article I translated yesterday is about a new research vessel. 4. The laboratory works we make in the first year are in the fields of electricity, optics and others. 5. The television I dropped never worked again. 6. The pen I lost last week was a birthday present. 7. The museum we wanted to visit was not open when we got there. 8. The fish we had for dinner was really delicious. 9. We stayed at a hotel Tom recommended. 10. The dress Ann bought doesn’t fit her very well. 11. Is there anything I can do? 12. Are these the books you have been looking for? 13. Everything he said was true. 14. Have you found the keys you lost?

The First Stays First

    1. Words on the text.

air cushion landing ship

десантное судно на воздушной подушке

CAD/CAM system

(computer aided design / computer aided manufacturing)


(система автоматизированного управления производством)

deliver v


efficiency / price ratio

соотношение цена / качество

extend v


feature v

характеризоваться чем-то

hovercraft n

судно на воздушной подушке

include v


install v


merger n


minesweeper n


missile boat n

ракетный катер

modular upgrading

частичная модернизация

order n


propulsion plant

энергетическая установка

rescue vessel

спасательное судно

SES ships (surface-effect ships)

суда с динамическим принципом поддержания

solution n


tightness n


weaponry n


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