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Unit 3 russia

Grammar: Perfect tenses, Modal verbs


ancient a ­ древний

approve (of) v ­ одобрять

approach v ­ приближаться

award ­ награждать

belong v ­ принадлежать

collapse n ­ крушение, крах

concern v ­ касаться, иметь отношение

defeat v ­ наносить поражение

defend v ­ оборонять(-ся), защищать(-ся)

dig v ­ копать

establish v ­ основывать, создавать

executive a ­ исполнительный

independence n ­ независимость

involve v ­ включать

judicial a ­ судебный

legislative a ­ законодательный

literacy n ­ грамотность

represent v ­ представлять

set up v ­ учреждать

treaty n ­ договор (международный)

undergo v ­ испытывать

unemployment n ­ безработица

3.1 Match English to Russian word combinations.

1. to undergo changes a) назначить министров

2. to enforce a law b) одобрить законопроект

3. to improve the situation c) претерпеть изменения

4. to become a law d) улучшить ситуацию

5. to appoint ministers e) проводить закон в жизнь

6. to approve of a bill f) стать законoм

3.2 Read the text about the Russian Federation and answer the questions.

The russian federation

The State System. The Russian Federation was set up by the Constitution of 1993 after the collapse of the Soviet Union. According to the Constitution, Russia is a Presidential Republic. The President is the head of the State. The President is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, he signs treaties, enforces laws and appoints ministers. The State System consists of three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. All of them are checked by the President.

The legislative power is represented by the Federal Assembly. It consists of two chambers. The Upper Chamber is the Council of Federation. The Lower Chamber is the State Duma. To become a law, a bill must be approved of by both chambers and signed by the President. The President may veto the bill.

The executive power belongs to the President and the Government which is headed by the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister forms his Cabinet.

The judicial branch is represented by the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and regional courts.

The state symbol of Russia is a three-coloured banner with three horizontal stripes. The National Emblem, the Coat of Arms, is a two-headed eagle which is the most ancient symbol of Russia.

Notes: Coat of Arms – герб

Supreme Commander-in-Chief – Верховный Главнокомандующий

Federal Assembly – Федеральное собрание

Constitutional Court – Конституционный cуд

sign a treaty – заключать договор

enforce a law – проводить закон в жизнь

1.What is the official name of our country? 2.What is the structure of the Russian state system? 3.What chambers does the Federal Assembly consist of? 4.Who is the head of the Government? 5.What is the National Emblem of Russia?

3.3 Complete the sentences.

1.The greater part of the territory of Russia is … . 2.The Urals divide Russia into … . 3.Lake Baikal is … . 4.The Arctic Ocean influences … . 5.Our country is very rich in … . 6.In 1957 …was launched in Russia. 7.On the 12th of April we celebrate … . 8.The Russian Federation is … . 9.The legislative branch is … . 10.The executive branch is … . 11.The judicial branch is headed by … .

3.4 Look at the title of the text. Why is Novgorod called the Father of Russian cities? Read the text again and match the paragraphs to the headings: History, Trade, Famous Citizens, Novgorod today, Art and Education.

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