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Грам-ка для 1 курса (пособие).doc
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I. Form Participle II from the following verbs. Translate into Russian.

To keep, to burn, to leave, to show, to speak, to make, to maintain, to consider, to save, to develop, to divide, to read, to give, to achieve, to study, to build, to offer, to install, to produce.

II. Translate the following word-combinations from English into Russian.

The research made in the laboratory; the achieved results; help offered by the teacher; all developed countries; the information obtained recently; the news brought by him; the book left at home; the lecture read by a well-known professor; a delayed flight; the problem discussed at the meeting; executive games designed to encourage teamwork; the projects introduced by creative teams.

III. Translate into English.

Комната, освещенная солнцем; разработанный метод; задание, предложенное преподавателем; текст, переведенный студентом; премия, полученная нашим отделом; жидкость, нагретая до 60º; оборудование, полученное на прошлой неделе; известные органические соединения; работа, законченная вчера. 

IV. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1.The solution of the problem required concentrated efforts of many scientists. 2. The data required were analysed in our laboratory. 3. When required these data will be applied in our practical work. 4. The investigations analysed resulted in an interesting discovery. 5. A piece of iron placed in a container with an acid can diminish in mass. 6. The question involved is to be solved today.

7. When heated water turns into steam. 8. The analysis followed by an examination gave unexpected results. 9. At first when heated the ice melts.

10. The energy produced by the splitting of the nucleus of an atom is called “nuclear” of atomic energy. 11. The results received varied with the material used.

V. Open the brackets translating the Russian words into English.

  1. The text (переписанный) by him was very useful in our work.

  2. The question (рассмотренный) was discussed at the meeting.

  3. An iron rod (нагретый) in the fire increases in energy content.

  4. The work (выполненная) in time was very important.

  5. The piece of ice (помещенный) in the water began to melt.

  6. The experiment (проведенный) in our laboratory resulted in many new investigations in the field of ceramics.

  7. (При охлаждении) to the original temperature the substance becomes solid.

VI. Define the function of Participle II. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. Heated glass is plastic. 2. When heated glass can be easily worked. 3. Some heat-resistant types of glasses can be heated until they are red and they do not break, if then placed into ice water. 4. Spaceships made of polymers will be much lighter. 5. The development of heavy industry in our country is paid great attention to. 6. The planet Mercury is not seen in the bright sunlight. 7. When frozen water is a colourless solid known as ice. 8. Weather forecasts reported last week were incorrect.