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  1. Read the following sentences and match them to possible reasons.


Possible reasons and results

1. There is high unemployment.

a. Perhaps this is because they are becoming difficult to find.

2. No one wants to invest in the North.

b. Maybe investors are worried about political situation there.

3. A computer firm announces a massive profit.

c. This might be because it’s new product is very popular.

4. The cost of raw materials will get higher.

d. This could be because companies only want to employ highly skilled workers.

  1. Look at the top list which ranks countries according to competitiveness. World beaters: the most competitive countries (previous ranking in brackets)


1 (1) USA

2 (2) Singapore

4 (6) Netherlands

5 (4) Finland

6 (7) Norway

7 (8) Switzerland

8 (12) Denmark

10 (10) Canada

12 (11) Britain

14 (14) Germany


31 (28) Argentina

36 (37) Greece

37 (33) Brazil

38 (35) Czech Rep.

39 (29) Thailand

41 (41) India

42 (44) South America

44 (42) Colombia

45 (43) Poland

  1. 46) Russia

a) Work in pairs. Choose three countries and discuss the reasons for their position on the top list. Think about some of these points.

  • political stability

  • infrastructure

  • inflation

  • taxes

  • labour costs

  • international trade

  • foreign investment

  • technology

(CD) b) Listen to Tom Armstrong talking about five countries from the top list. Complete the table.




1. United States






c) Did Tom mention any of the countries you discussed? Did you guess the reasons correctly?

7. The words in bold are connectors that show the writer is adding more information. Read the examples to see how they are used.

  1. The country is suffering for a number of reasons; the infrastructure is poor, there is little inward investment and workers are demotivated too/as well.

  2. Like Finland, Norway also showed strong growth last year.

  3. India benefits from low labour costs, and in addition raw materials are plentiful.

  4. The Netherlands is in the top five countries. Finland is as well.

a) What do you notice about the position of the connectors? Match the connector with its position:

  1. too/as well a end of clause

  2. in addition b mid position

  3. also c start of second clause or second sentence

b) Use one of the connectors to complete the following sentences:

1. Singapore has a very strong infrastructure. _ there is a high level of trade and investment.

2. The Netherlands comes in the top five countries. Finland is _ up in the top five.

3. High corporate taxes can have a negative effect on an economy. They reduce companies' profits and _ they do not encourage foreign investment.

4. Although Poland is in 45th place, it shows a strong entrepreneurial spirit, and _ it has a good rate of growth.

  1. Britain is below Finland. Germany is _ below Finland.

  2. Ireland is now attracting a lot of foreign investment. Multinationals are opening offices there and more Irish people are staying in Ireland to work, _ .

c) Look at the information below. Choose one country and write a paragraph using connectors to show the addition of information:

country 1

  • has very high inflation

  • has high unemployment

  • there is political instability

  • has export difficulties

  • President is in poor health

country 2

  • low unemployment

  • low corporate taxes

  • a lot of foreign investment

  • good growth

  • skilled workforce