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Лексические трудности при переводе (методичка).doc
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Тема 5: Лексико-грамматические трансформации

  • Прочитайте теорию о лексико-грамматических трансформациях в переводе в учебнике С.П. Романовой и А.Л. Коралловой «Пособие по переводу с английского на русский», с.48-70.

  • Ответьте на следующие вопросы: в чем заключает суть конкретизации, генерализации, смыслового развития, целостного преобразования, антонимического перевода и компенсации. Какие единицы подвергаются данным заменам? (Вы можете использовать в качестве опоры таблицу 1 на с. 59).

    • Переведите следующие предложения, используя указанные приемы:


  1. It’s sweet for you to see my patients go wrong and yours recover.

  2. The painting was called ‘Napoleon on his mount visiting the plague stricken in the streets of Jaffa’.

  3. His hands were short and broad.

  4. It turned my limbs leaden.

  5. Our challenge now is to promote ideas of freedom.

  6. Automation was a major challenge of the 1960’s.

  7. The lady’s hat was an elaborate affair of ribbons and feathers.

  8. The Oxford University experimental theater club production is a rather rough-and-tumble affair.

  9. He was beginning to feel well fed and relaxed. Of course it would be folly to eat like this every day. His own luncheons were frugal affairs, and he dined at night.

  10. Martin’s performance at the exam was, unfortunately, far from perfect.

  11. If you make up your mind to visit Madrid I can be of some help to you. I’ve got a nice little place there and I’m sure you’ll find it very comfortable.

  12. James looked furtively at Irene, and across from her to Soames. “He’s fond of her, I know,” he thought. “Look at the way he’s always giving her things.”

  13. C.P. Snow resigned from his ministership because he did not like the way the Labor Government was developing.

  14. Many readers are helping the Daily Worker’s campaign for a bigger readership.

  15. The house was unremarkable, a good solid house built of Devonshire granite. Built to withstand time and exposure.

  16. The world-power business is and obsession.

  17. The point of expanding the E.E.C. is to make it stronger.

  18. Air, rail and road services were affected last night by the fog.


  1. From her corner she could see every inch of the big room.

  2. He was a thin, stoop-shouldered man not much under six feet tall.

Таблица 1. Лексико-грамматические трансформации


Граммати-чески неправиль-ные формы слов, сленг и т.д.


1. Контрадиктор-ные единицы языка (не контрарные!) – не допускают промежуточ. членов оппозиции:


Qпонятие ≠ P

Антонимич. перевод =

P = не-Q, где

Q = не-Р.

P = молчать, Q = ответить (P и Q – контрадикторные единицы)

P = не-Q; молчать=не ответить

2. Глаголы с послелогами:

  • to keep out, down, off

  • to stay away

  • to hold off


3. Предложения с:

  • союзами: till, untill, unless

  • наречиями: nearly, almost

  • синтаксическими штампами: to be nothing but, to be not untill, etc.


1. Фразеологизмы

2. Этикетные формулы.


1. Необход-ть замены причины следствием и наоборот;

2. Метонимич. замены, «ассоциации по смежности»:

  • heights & depths = взлеты и падения

3. Перифраз: название предмета описательным словосочетанием,

и наоборот

4. Типовые ситуации, кот. являются не достаточно идиоматичными и не включены в словарь:

  • He turned the full blast of his charm = Он пустил в ход все обаяние.


1. Отсутствие единицы с одинаковым объемом значения;

2. «Грамматич. генерализация» - использование множ. числа:

  • The weatherman says = По прогнозам синоптиков;

3. Указание

роста, веса, частей тела, разных весовых измерений;


I. Полнозначные слова:

1. Слова абстрактного значения:

  • presidency

  • men

  • bad

  • good


2. Десемантизиров. слова:


  • stuff

  • thing

  • affair

  • matter

  • case

  • piece

  • record

  • place


  • to do

  • to be

  • to make

  • to have

  • to give

  • to get

  • to take

  • to fail

  • to say, tell, etc.

II. Функциональн. слова:

3. Междометие “oh

  1. At this moment O’Brien glanced at his wrist-watch.

  2. When identity crises happen with them, they can make art out of it.

  3. Yesterday two soldiers were shot, the news agency says.

  4. The police force of New York employs 25,000 officers – the equivalent of the population of Monaco.

  5. She had been in perfect health when she stepped of the kerb in Piccadilly and the car had killed her.

Смысловое развитие:

  1. The Liverpool by-election was an acid test for the Labour candidate.

  2. At last he found his voice.

  3. He saw that she was near tears.

  4. Be liberal with your encouragement and your students will make better progress.

  5. You must have some discipline over your emotions.

  6. He’d never drive under the influence of alcohol.

  7. She thinks it never hurts to have friends in high places.

  8. This point of view clashes with historical facts.

  9. Is the house stirring early on my account?

  10. In the office he was one of the most consistent nine-to-fivers.

  11. They have argued that the South Vietnamese were ineffective fighters.

  12. The gales which were the worst in living memory caused devastation in some coastal regions.

  13. There are so many roses in the room that I’m practically suffocated. It’s like a garden that will never come true.

  14. He was wearing herring-bone suit.

  15. “I don’t think she’s living here at the moment. Her bed wasn’t slept in”.

Антонимический перевод:

  1. The woman at the other end asked him to hang on.

  2. I don’t dislike you, Mr. Mont, but Fleur is everything to me.

  3. Shut the window to keep cold air out.

  4. He keeps the fortune from falling into the hands of greedy relatives,

  5. “Macon, are you awake?”

  6. The ambulance was a long time coming.

  7. He stayed out of sun during the middle part of the day.

  8. Alexander fought to hold a grin back.

  9. Any objection to roast chicken?” Jenny asked.

  10. The elder boys were still up, sitting around the TV.

  11. He followed her into a large department store, careful to remain out of sight.

  12. She keeps this room locked. The maids have been ordered to keep out.

  13. This was a mystery beyond the inspector’s power to solve.

  14. He entered the suite, trying to keep his knees from trembling. He almost blurted out, “Where’s the emerald?”

  15. (In the Zoo) “Don’t the animals hate being locked up, Papa?” the boy asked.

  16. Alice shrieked and clapped her hands to her ears to shut out the sound she had imagined.

  17. He left the form on the counter and walked out very quickly keeping a hand in his pocket to silence his keys.

Целостное преобразование:

  1. Sooner or later, the depression will mend and we will be back to where we were.

  2. He is one of those inarticulate men who find it hard to put things into words.

  3. Nobody is jumping up and down at the idea.

  4. That’s why I married you so young. To catch you before you become set in your ways.

  5. His last words on the phone were: “Do you get the picture?” And the line went dead.

  6. (The doctor to a patient) “How have things been?”

  7. (A client to the clerk) “May I ask you one more question?” – “Go ahead.”

  8. Oh, I am terribly sorry. I thought you were someone else.

  • Заполните таблицу, используя прием целостного преобразования и/или антонимического перевода:

1. Here’s to you.


2. Hear, hear!


3. Bother!


4. Freeze!


5. Cheers.


6. Hang on, please!


7. Keep off the grass!


8. Stay out of the sun!


9. Authorized personnel only.


10. Keep clear of the door!


11. Watch the doors, please!


12. Caution. Wet paint.


  • Переведите следующие предложения, используя различные лексические трансформации:

  1. But Michael rose from his chair. “Now, darling, I’m ready for you”.

  2. The jet airliner carried 78 passengers and 4 crew.

  3. To get ashore quickly, and to get down behind some hummock of earth where the machine-guns can’t get at you, is very important stuff in landing.

  4. He watched the young man wolfed it down.

  5. America has been spared the horrors of modern was on its own territory.

  6. His secretary, in a trim blue skirt-and-blouse affair rose to greet him.

  7. He had an old mother whom he never disobeyed.

  8. My feelings then would have been burnt in the incinerators of Majdanek.

  9. Soames, with his set lips and his square chin, was not unlike a bulldog.

  10. We were always naked, day and night, whenever the mosquitoes would let us.

  11. The removal of a five-ton boulder which threatens a Welsh school has been held up by “legal complications”. For two successive days now, more than 80 children have failed to turn up for lessons at the school which is almost directly under slowly crumbling boulder.

  12. It was now perfectly clear to me that my previous pattern of life was gone for ever.

  13. All the houses along the seafront promenade had black, blank windows, for this was a summer place, in February it was only half alive.

  14. Before he left, Columbus also told his men to build a fort and moat to impress the Indians.

  • Переведите текст на русский язык:


by Mitreille Vautier

New York defies description. You can say anything about it and always be right; if you listen to different people talking about it, they could each be describing a different town. For some, it’s a center of art, music and theater; fro others, a city of finance and politics. For manufacturers it’s a bottomless market, for safe-crackers, Ali Baba’s cave.

At the beginning of the nineteenth century Manhattan was mostly swamp – so unhealthy that there was an epidemic of yellow fever, a disease more often associated with tropical regions. While the fine residential streets of London and the grand boulevards of Paris were being built, chicken were scratching around the muddy streets of New York. Rickety shacks housed people – and pigs; it wasn’t until 1867 that a municipal decree was passed, forbidding people to let their pigs run freely through the streets. Although rich shipowners and financiers were building luxurious hotels and mansions, the newly arrived immigrants lived in disgusting slums. Buildings were divided and subdivided to accommodate as many people as possible; some even collapsed under the weight of extra storeys hastily added on. People lived in tenements which were nothing more that rows of dark cages: no lighting, running water or windows. According to police reports of the time, children died simply from lack of fresh air. Fires and diseases were a part of normal life.

In 1875 the population of NY was one million; twenty five years later it was over three and a half million. New inventions were developed to deal with the population expansion. At breakneck speed NY covered itself with trains, suspension bridges, elevated railways, steamboats, and then skyscrapers. The first skyscraper was put up in 1888. It had only thirteen storeys, but the next had twenty two, the Empire State Building had 102, the World Trade Center reached 110. Manhattan solved the space problem by building up. But although the population of NY has stabilized, the city continues to construct itself.

Statistics are impressive. New York City has five boroughs and shelters roughly eight million people – sixteen million if you include the suburbs. But each day the city fills up with another four million who work here but live somewhere else. The subway uses 7,000 cars to transport 5,000,000 people each day. New Yorkers produce 3 kg of garbage per day – that represents 200,000 tons to collect every day from 9,000 km of streets and avenues. The police force employs 25,000 officers – the equivalent of the population of Monaco. It’s not surprising that being a mayor of New York is supposed to be the most difficult job in the world.

NY is not a city; it’s a world of many cities which crowd together. There are business cities which die each day at 5 o’clock, neon pleasure cities where bars and cinemas shelter noisy crowds, middle-class cities with elegant streets lighting and sad cities where no trees grow. New York is all of these and more.